What CNN doesn't want you to see again!
something we should all see AGAIN!
Please read this description:
Please call and email CNN and let them know how you feel about this: PHONE: 404-827-1500
EMAIL: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/cnntv
Dennis Kucinich has also wrongfully been kept from debating in Nevada.
Why? $$$$ Corporatly controlled media. The owners of MSNBC are GE and they REALLY don't want him to be heard! (more details can be found in a google search)
Less than 44 hours after NBC sent a congratulatory note and an invitation to Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to participate in the Jan. 15 Democratic Presidential debate in Las Vegas, the network notified the campaign this morning it was changing it announced criteria, rescinding its invitation, and excluding Kucinich from the debate.