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From Stan Szopa

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This writing is not only to support John Wilson ("John Wilson" <[email protected]>) crusade but I wrote in some educational stuff for people who do not understand how important and profitable joining John in this fight will be in the future.

...To educate the People (as Thomas Jefferson suggested) is an uphill battle...”

Thomas Jefferson didn't predict the Internet as huge source of knowledge but it seams to me that many very intelligent people with access to the Internet ignore the ugly truth about the banking scam.

I feel particularly sorry about owners of houses. Some of them are just about to pay four times of the original price of the house based on a totally illegal promissory note. The promissory note for the mortgage on the house is a fraudulent contract because every single time it has no consideration (bank gives nothing but a paper work and risks nothing valuable) and often those contracts are without certainty of the contract because both bank representative and the mortgage buyer have not even the slightest idea what would be the final cost to pay for the house.

Consideration and certainty of the contract are essential elements of a valid contract that are unforced by present admiralty and the common law. Banks are often getting away with it because of the limited legal knowledge of the general public and the luck of enforcement by corrupt judges.


We have seen above that the two elements of a contract are: (1) an agreement; (2) legal

obligation. Section 10 of the Act provides for some more elements which are essential in order to constitute a valid contract. It reads as follows:

All agreements are contracts if they are made by free consent of parties, competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object and are not hereby expressly declared to be void.”

Thus, the essential elements of a valid contract can be summed up as follows

1. Agreement.

2. Intention to create legal relationship.

3. Free and genuine consent.

4. Parties competent to contract.

5. Lawful consideration.

6. Lawful object.

7. Agreements not declared void or illegal.

8. Certainty of meaning.

9. Possibility of performance.

10. Necessary Legal Formalities...”

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Some of those promissory notes are also illegally bundled-up and traded on the stock exchanges where banks get immediate profit that could be three times higher than the amount on the promissory note.

The educated jury will immediately void any further money claim by a bank that does not have the originally signed contract because it was bundled-up by the bank as "security packages" and sold on the stock exchange. The impossibility to trace who has the promissory note will be judged by the well educated jury as fraud and this could be enough to cancel any further payments for the bank.

Here is short explanation where banks are getting money for every mortgage on every single house. The majority of buyers of houses are certain that banks are lending depositors money... they do not!

...Do banks provide consideration for promissory notes?


The bank treats the Note like a Deposit of a check; they take it as a loan from the issuer; deposit monetize it (create money from it) then they lend that money back to you in the form of a mortgage; the great irony is that the "borrower" finances his own loan through his signature.

Also they usually sell the note in huge bundles with other notes as "security packages" and make a killing constantly selling your note... believe it or not they get paid the principal amount of the note more than 2 or 3 times; before you ever start making monthly payments to "amortize" the note...”

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Is this the biggest scam imaginable?

Bankers not only charge interest on money that was created by signatures of the house buyers but use the promissory note to make instant profit on stock exchanges.

Millions of people have been scammed by these “reputable” bankers for centuries.


There is difficulty for people to realize that every single citizen has the power and right to create money...not banks or even governments as E. C. Riegel described in “The Politics of Money:

...The greatest enemy of mankind is ignorance of the inherent money power in all of us. When the realization of this comes to man he will, like Sampson, push down the walls of his prison...”

Almost all so called house owners (they are actually renters – janitors on the most bizarre contract bases) are simply hopeless gamblers and they should join you John as a front line to fight for bringing back educated juries into courts for civil trails because only the jury might cancel all those fraudulent contracts peacefully without a bloody revolution. At present time all financial disputes in courts are decided by so called bench trials which are always without the jury and judgement is made by a single often corrupted judge.

The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought over sooner or later is The People vs. The Banks.” - Lord Acton, Historian

It will happen sooner than later because there is no chance to scam people for ever.

To answer the question that some of those house renters – janitors might ask:

"What is in it for me?"

Well, let's calculate how much is in it for you. For house with original selling price $ 200,000.00 the final cost to the buyer could be approximately $ 200,000.00 X 4 = $ 800,000.00.

After the Jury decision to cancel all fraudulent promissory notes every single house owner will receive back the over-payed money to the bank. In above case it will be $ 600,000.00.

To calculate slavery time spent to earn $600,000.00. Let's assume that your average monthly salary after tax is $2,000.00. $600,000.00 divided by $2,000.00 is 300 months or 25 years of slavery work for the bank.

Two questions every mortgage payer should ask yourself:

1. How many years of your life you are willing to sacrifice working like a slave to satisfy the insatiable greed of bankers?

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” -

Henry Ford

2. Do you want to do something to live a long and healthy life and not prematurely die of cancer or other disease like millions of people are dying because of the uncontrolled chase for profit? 

Here is only one example of many how debt issued money and profit driven drug companies are obstructing research and causing by it premature and horribly painful death of millions of people.

"...I had the president of Sloane-Kettering who couldn't get this thing published because it disagreed with the philosophy that was being promoted in medicine; that only chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy can successfully treat cancer, even though the success rate was abysmal.

The idea that medical journals are these objective and unbiased repositories of the truths about science is total nonsense. Most of them are owned by the drug companies. They won't publish anything that disagrees with their philosophy...”

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Why?...Here is the answer:

"[I]magine if the American Heart Association… decide they were wrong. What do they do? You can't just put out a press release saying, 'We apologize for the last 40 years of advice we've been giving you. We apologize if we got a lot of stuff wrong and we killed a lot of your loved ones… Now, we're going to tell you what the real answer is and we have confidence in this one'… It just can't be done. All that stuff is institutional self-interest too."

And here is a good answer to the question:

Why intelligent bureaucrats do not want to admit their mistakes even if those mistakes have horrible consequences for all us:

Then there's the issue of what psychiatrists calls 'cognitive dissidence,' where, when faced with the possibility that you've been wrong for a long time, perhaps most of your career, your brain simply invents ways to convince you that you're still right. These are some of the mechanisms that keep dogmas firmly in place for extended periods of time. This is not only true for nutrition, but also in other areas of public health, such as the issues of water fluoridation, the use of mercury in dentistry, and the ever-growing childhood vaccination schedule...”

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This is an insanity induced by the ruthless chase after maximum profit.

Only the Jury might tame this insane chase for profit because it will be difficult to bribe the twelve randomly selected Jurors required for a unanimous decision that allows any obvious hurting or killing of citizens in the name of maximizing profit.

...The first step could be letting people know about the already existing laws about veto power by including this information in the education system specifically about the duty of the twelve ( not less) randomly selected jurors and particularly that: The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy...

...Yet to this day, trial jurors retain the right to veto, or "nullify" bad laws, though they are rarely told this by the courts. Prosecutors and judges try to exclude people from serving on juries who admit knowing they can judge the law, or who have doubts about the justice of the law. This destroys the protections jurors were supposed to be able to invoke on behalf of fellow citizens against unjust prosecutions: how can our right to a trial by an impartial jury be met if those with any qualms about the law are excluded from serving?...”

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Profit is good only if tamed by the unanimous decision of twelve randomly selected Jurors who know their duty.

So beside the true democracy and freedom there are hundred of thousands of dollars in it to gain and a longer and healthier life by simply joining John Wilson in his crusade to get back the Jury trial in all courts.

Best regards,


[email protected]