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NY-AG Eric Scheneidrman!
----- Original Message -----
From: GE
To: "Bellringer" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 11:22 AM
Subject: NY-AG Eric Scheneidarman!
Because of the Bernake talk, and Irene there is not muc attention on this.
He is the Attorney General, who bucked the Obama administration on a nationwide investigation into foreclosure fraud and got booted from the executive committee of state attorneys general who are working to reach a settlement talks with banks. AG Tom Miller the lead negotiator in settlement talks wants to stick to mortgages services, while Schneiderman hoped to go after securitizers- those who packaged sketchy loans during the financial crisis.
Scheneidarman said"The Big Illusion about crime is that you can't do anything about it; That's nonsense"
There are links of this in: huffingtonpost.com and zerohedge.com