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Just heard Mark Levine on WGST talk radio. He is a Constitutional lawyer. He quoted from a U.S. House committee investigative session where it was discovered that the U. S. Treasury will have sufficient funds to pay Social Security and Veterans benefits for the month of August 2011. So the head of the Social Security Administration was questioned as to how these benefits would not be paid (Obama had threatened to stop Social Security payments on 3 Aug.). The committee found that Social Security does not have the authority to issue checks. The Social Security checks are issued by the Treasury Department headed by Timothy Geithner. Even Geithner does not have the authority to not issue Social Security unless he is directed by President Obama to not issue the checks. Pres.Obama alone will be responsible if Social Security checks are not issued starting on August 3, 2011. Every senior citizen and every American should work to remove this tyrant from the White House in 2012. Had enough change yet?
----- Original Message -----
From: WW
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 6:43 PM
Subject: SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS AUG. 3rd. - you gotta aread this one . .