Strong evidence Paradise was burned on purpose has surfaced by Jim Stone on 11-21-2018
Joim Stone
Strong evidence Paradise was burned on purpose has surfaced by Jim Stone
That evidence comes in the form of required state permission before people can return to their property. Citing "safety concerns" and that the fire "created a cancer hazard", no one will be allowed to return to their property until the state approves. I KID YOU NOT. This ridiculous ruling stands as evidence that they wanted the city of Paradise, which was a conservative stronghold, wiped out - never to return. All they have to do to kill the city is to go slow with clearing properties and people will be forced to settle elsewhere. Once that happens, the city will be dead.
Here is a direct quote from the county:
"Dr. Andy Miller, Butte County Health Officer, has issued a hazard advisory strongly suggesting no habitation of destroyed property until property is declared clear of hazardous waste and structural ash and debris by Butte County Environmental Health. There is evidence from recent fires in California that homes and property destroyed by fire contain high and concerning levels of heavy metals, lead, mercury, dioxin, arsenic, and other carcinogens. Some property may have the presence of radio-active materials. Exposure to hazardous substances may lead to acute and chronic health effects, and may cause long-term public health and environmental impacts.
As areas affected by the fire with destroyed homes and property are opened to residents, residents will have limited access to visit property to collect recognizable belongings and mementoes that may have survived the fire. Residents should review the Health and Safety Precaution for Re-entry packet, which will be distributed at controlled re-entry checkpoints.
The County is working with State and Federal partners who will assess each property for hazardous waste and remove those materials from each property. This process will take time. There is no estimate as to how long it will take to assess and remove hazardous materials from each property at this time. After the property has been cleared of hazardous waste, the property owner can sign-up for a State debris removal program at no cost to the property owner.
My response: The only source of radioactive material possible from a house fire is a burned smoke detector. The hazard from that is so small that it pegs this ruling as a total hoax specifically intended to stall people's return for so long they give up, move on, and allow the city to die. The county has stated it will "take time" and that's exactly what it takes to kill a city. I'd bet there will be absolutely no one from the county on site checking anything at all for months because the objective is perfectly obvious.
Sen tby [email protected]