BREAKING: Massive Fire Massive Fire Reported in rhe Basement At The JP Morgan Gold Warehouse On Wall Street, 20 Firetrucks Showed Up!
Vatic Note: Aaaah more missing gold and a convenient fire to cover it up. I swear, this is all looking like Nibiru/twin star is almost here, the PTB expect us to be wiped out so they don't care that they get caught stealing everything. No one will be around to prosecute, if they have their way. Other things they are doing that don't make any sense, are also leading me to believe its Nibiru and not just pure greed.
Ok, I have another possible scenario. There is a massive fight going on among the elite. This burning massive fire is no accident. Lightening does not reach a basement, so who set the fire? This makes 2 possible scenarios, and the last one is the best one for us. The first one is not.
but you read and decide.
BREAKING: Massive Fire Reported In The Basement At The JP Morgan Gold Warehouse On Wall Street, 20 Firetrucks Showed Up!
by admin, Investment Watchblog, July 21, 2013
FDNY Confirms Fire in JPMorgan/Chase Vault
20 Firetrucks, 4+ ambulance and police showed up. There is zero media coverage about this beside Stopmotions stream of the event and a few locals tweeting about it.
This is supposedly where JP Morgan keeps their gold. The very same gold that has been dwindling down at astonishing rates lately. JP Morgan warehouse 100 feet below CMP 1 on Wall Street.
Tons of Fire Trucks and even Ambulances on the scene.
New York – There has been a fire in the basement of the JP Morgan headquarters in New York. Independent Journalist StopMotionsolo was on scene to film the action from outside.
*UPDATE: FDNY tweet confirms fire is in a commercial vault!
A journalist on scene on Wall Street this evening has just sent us footage of a massive fleet of Firetrucks and ambulances in front of JP Morgan’s headquarters at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, with fire-fighters stating they are responding to a COMMERCIAL VAULT FIRE IN THE BASEMENT!
With JPM’s gold inventory plunging 66% Friday to an all-time low of 46,000 ounces, and with reportedly over 502,000 ounces still standing against JPM for the JUNE gold contract, is the long anticipated force-majeure event in progress?
Did A Raging Fire Burn Down JPMorgan’s Gold Vault?
7-19-2013 JPM Eligible Gold Plummets By 66% In One Day To Just Over 1 Tonne, Total Gold At Fresh All Time Low.
For over a month, JPMorgan managed to mysteriously avoid matching up the gold held in its (world’s largest) vault with the Comex delivery notice update.
However, as of today, that particular can will be kicked no more. Starting yesterday, JPM reported that just under 12,000 ounces of Eligible gold (the same Registered gold that two days earlier saw its warrants detached and convert to eligible) were withdrawn from its warehouse 100 feet below CMP 1.
But it was today’s move that was the kicker, as a whopping 90,311 ounces of eligible gold were withdrawn, accounting for a massive 66% of the firm’s entire inventory of non-Registered gold, and leaving a token 46K ounces, or a little over 1 tonne in JPM’s possession.
JP Morgan has record modern-era lows in gold inventory against massive paper claims. Similarly, the COMEX is running close to empty as well against massive outstanding paper claims.