53 homes lost at dinner time last night. Eyewitnesses report numerous residents phoned 911 but no action was taken for 15 minutes, despite the fire sta...read more" />
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San Bruno fireball LIHOP: Eyewitness reports, families seek loved ones

Deborah Dupré

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tail.html?cxntlid=cmg_cntnt_rss" target="_blank">53 homes lost at dinner time last night. Eyewitnesses report numerous residents phoned 911 but no action was taken for 15 minutes, despite the fire station two blocks away and helicopters hovering nearby within five minutes, and no action was taken for weeks earlier when residents reported smelling gas indicating a possible LIHOP.

"I can't get a hold of my son's father's family who live somewhere near the explosion, Julie, Dana, Josh and Samantha Griffith. Anyone know of their whereabouts?," asks a commenter on SF Top News Examiner's page about the crisis.

Although 75% of the fire is contained, PG&E President Chris Johns told reporters this morning that "no one had been able to get close enough to the gas line to determine the cause of the explosion" reports Lauren Sliter of the Campanil in Mills Community.

Johns has stated that "a 30-inch gas pipe had ruptured about three feet underground triggering the fireball," according to KTVU.



A LIHOP is a Let It Happen On Purpose. According to The Intel Hub, eyewitnesses reports, the fireball is possibly a LIHOP if not a MIHOP, a Make It Happen On Purpose, as the 911 New York City mass murder was almost nine years ago to the day.

9/11 conspiracy facts indicate that the 2001 September 11 attacks were intentionally allowed to happen, a LIHOP, or were a false flag operation, a MIHOP orchestrated by an organization with elements inside the United States government. (Wikipedia):

  • LIHOP ("Let it happen on purpose") – suggests that key individuals within the government had at least some foreknowledge of the attacks and deliberately ignored them or actively weakened America's defenses to ensure the hijacked flights were not intercepted.
  • MIHOP ("Make it happen on purpose") – that key individuals within the government planned the attacks and collaborated with, or framed, al-Qaeda in carrying them out.

The Intel Hub reports the September 9, 2010 San Francisco suburb fireball eyewitnesses explaining:

1. For about 15 minutes after the blast, no sirens, no firetrucks, no nothing. Two 100ft streams of fire, no help…for 15 minutes…I saw neighbors calling 911 within a minute of the explosion. There is a fire station literally a couple of blocks away' according to an eyewitness.

2.Within 5 minutes of the blast there were two choppers hovering to the west of the blast, towards the coast behind my house…how did they get into position so quick…and they are still there…I can hear them as I type this shit…according to another eyewitness.

3. Firefighters were standing by, almost waiting for something.

4. Residents had complained about a gas smell as long ago as two weeks. "PG&E came out because residents were complaining about the smell. But, according to the neighbors, they did nothing.'

5. We live in the south San Francisco area, we actually heard an aircraft turbine explode and then you could hear the acceleration of the plane. It was like a popping sound and then you could hear the acceleration of an engine.

The Intel Hub's Alex Thomas questions, "Why is this story being reported as a gas main explosion? Multiple witnesses seem to contradict this explanation," and "A gas explosion obviously was part of this disaster, the question is, was a plane involved?"

  • 10:22pm: 15 foot deep crater at Glynwood and Earl. (Initial Blast)
  • 10:01pm: large crater the size of an intersection(Abc7News)
  • 9:09pm: Fire department live feed is reporting that they have found at least one D.O.A
  • 9:04pm: Witness says it looks like the area was Fire Bombed! 20 homes leveled in the immediate blast. ("20 homes were destroyed with people in them?")

A shelter adjacent to the Veteran's Memorial Rec Center is open and the center in San Bruno will offer counseling according to Sheila OConnor, San Francisco Top News Examiner.

"Several people have been taken to local area hospitals and Bloodcenters.org is asking for blood donations, reports news station CBS5.

" At least 100 people have sought help from the Red Cross so far. Veteran's Memorial Recreation Center at 251 Parkway is being used as a shelter for those who have lost their homes. Costco has dropped off water and supplies in order to help residents of San Bruno. Locals have brought blankets and soft toys as a way to assist," according to OConnor.

San Bruno is a city just south of San Francisco in San Mateo County, California, with a population of 40,165 at the 2000 census. The city is adjacent to, but does not include San Francisco International Airport (located in an unincorporated area under county jurisdiction) and Golden Gate National Cemetery (owned by the federal government).

Photo: San Bruno fireball/The Intel Hub

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails: [email protected] See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.


Sept. 10, 2010