Mittwoch, 11. February 2009
NASA satellite image of Victorian bush fires
Re: current NASA satellite image of Victorian bush fires and why the fires are probably a major, government-inspired terrorist act!
If you look closely at this satellite image, you will see the current active fires in red and flames in pink. The areas previously burned are in brick red. The media has been saying that there are about 400 separate locations in which the fires have been set, and it may very well be true judging from the huge coverage and number of active individual fires in the image. Note there are four main groups of fires, one very small group to the northwest of Port Philip Bay (the top of which sits the city of Melbourne), two big ones northeast of Port Philip Bay and one much smaller group further northeast.
![Satellite image of Australia fires Satellite image of Australia fires](http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/312494main_ausfires_20090209_4x3_946-710.jpg)
Now most people who are not Australians will not even begin to understand the massive scale of the fires and the area concerned. The two big areas alone in the middle of the photo already burnt according to the media cover an area of about 3000 sq. kms (1200 sq mls). The green eucalypt forest in which the fires are burning cover an area of about 45,000 sq kms (18,000 sq mls). (My figures of this bush region are only my own general estimate and may be a little out). But look. To give you an example of the size of the region, the total area of the bush, for example, is more than twice the size of Israel (7,992 sq mls) and the area already burnt and currently burning is larger than Luxembourg!
Now here is something to consider: If the fires were all independently set off by some idiot firebug or member of the public randomly driving through the bush throwing matches out the window, or even two or three individuals, in such a coordinated way at such a multitude of different times at different locations, do you know the level of planning and distance they would have to drive to coordinate their actions? They would simply have to be driving around for weeks! This is the equivalent of just one mentally deficient pyromaniac attempting to set fire to an entire country twice the size of Israel! - by setting off 400 fires at different locations! The chances of someone doing this while acting alone are simply impossible! It is well known that almost all fires that are deliberately lit, are lit within a very close proximity to where the firebug actually lives. The specific profiles of these individuals (many children) are now very well known by police psychological experts. The huge number of locations of these fires ignited over such a huge area at so many different locations, in my opinion, cannot possibly have all been set off by lightning, or any individual or number of individual firebugs acting alone from the general public.
This whole exercise has been very well coordinated, planned and implemented, and there is no doubt in my mind the real culprit is a government agency linked to the Victorian Police and Victorian Mental Health Authority (previously the Mental Hygiene Authority of Victoria) through which the late British agents, Dr. Eric Cunningham Dax (Martin Bryant's doctor in Tasmania) and Dr. Fred Emery introduced Tavistock's trauma-based mind-control programs to the Victorian Police in Australia. The basis of these Fabian Socialist programmes coordinated from Tavistock Institute in London, is a sophisticated, carefully orchestrated mind-control plot to introduce a series of major terrorist type events throughout the world to severely "traumatize" the general population into mental submission to accept the rapid introduction of draconian police state laws which people otherwise would never normally accept. Operation Phoenix, the name given by Christine Nixon, the Victoria Police Commissioner, to investigate the fires, is all about setting up a new Fabian Socialist "Socio-Economic Framework" out of the ashes, and bring in draconian new anti-terrorism laws and penalties throughout Australia under a Fascist New World Order world government.
A meeting was held about doing just this in Melbourne, Australia 11th-12th April 2007 called, "A New Socio-Economic Framework: Progressive Responses to Globalization." It was put on by the policy network [ http://www.policy-network.net/ ] and the Alfred Herrhausen Society - The International Forum of Deutsche Bank. Among others, guess who attended? Jane Frances Kelly - Senior Adviser to Christine Nixon, Victorian Police Commissioner, Barbara Norman - National President, Australian Fabian Society, Tom Bentley - Executive Director for Policy and Cabinet in the Premier's Deparment of Victoria, Geoff Gallop - Former Premier of Western Australia, Roger Liddle - Principal Economic Adviser at the Bureau of European Policy Advisors, UK, Peter Mares - ABC Radio Australia, Will Marshall - President, Progressive Policy Institute, United States, Geoffrey Norris - British Prime Minister's Senior Policy Adviser on Trade and Energy Issues, UK, and Heather Simpson - Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister of New Zealand.
Fascist dictatorships have a habit of using "destroying fires" and acts of violence blamed on "somebody else' to quickly take away liberty and property rights to bring in their despotic reigns of terror. Nero in Rome and Hitler in Berlin are good examples, and now - dare I say it - it looks like its happening again at this very moment, being thrust on all Australians by the Victorian Police and Australian Government. It shouldn't come as a surprise, because Kevin Rudd, Australia's Prime Minister openly says he is a "Christian Socialist." The Fabian Society in London was founded in 1884 by "Christian Socialists," who in turn founded Communism that has murdered millions. The society's coat of arms created by George Bernard Shaw is a "wolf in sheep's clothing," and Julia Gillard, Australia's Deputy Prime Minister, is a member of the Australian Fabian Society as well. Funny how the those who do not take the time to study the errors of the past, are always bound to repeat them in the future. Time to wake up. JACK.