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No ice at South Pole

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April 8, 2014

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“Can you believe it!” shouted my fellow traveler.  “Look,


look!  There’s a water-skiier!”

“Can’t be!” I retorted.
“Yes, yes, look!”
The very word “water-skiier” was enough to awaken a


stampede.  Everyone crammed against the starboard

windows.  Our plane dipped down to a thousand feet. 

Sure enough, behind a powerboat, on a small stretch of water

skimmed some guy in a wet suit.

“It’s minus sixty out there!” someone exclaimed.
There was good reason for the fuss.   This was Antarctica,


you see.  Just down the coast a 200 mile-per-hour blizzard

was raging, whipping up a deadly ice cloud.  But here, in

frozen sunshine, skiied a Frenchman.

I recalled with amusement that some years ago the French


government had passed a law for its Adelie Land territory in

Antarctica, exempting its inhabitants from military service –

when its only inhabitants were penguins!

Now Antarctica had a French research base.  And we knew,


dropping out of the sky unannounced, that we were their

first visual contact with the outside world in six months.

Antarctica…  Between the stark white ice cliffs and the


black of the ocean below us appeared a ribbon of milky

blue, where the ice plunged under the water.  It was so

beautiful, I just gasped.

Yet it is a bleak and deadly land.  That water-skiier could


not dry off under a tropical palm.

Not any more.
There is definite evidence that our planet once presented a


warm subtropical climate from pole to pole.

Corals, which grow only in warm waters (of at least 20


degrees Centigrade) once grew near the poles.  Canada,

Alaska, Newfoundland, Greenland and Spitzbergen contain

fossil coral.

Coal seams are also found near the poles.  The vast coal beds


are simply fossilised remains of trees and plants.

The remains of animals now confined to warm regions are


found all over the earth.

Antarctica:  In 1976, an Italian expedition discovered away


below the ice - a petrified forest!

Antarctica:  The Admiral Byrd expedition found and


photographed a mountain composed totally of coal,

indicating former lush growth here. They also found ancient

palm trees under the ice.

Antarctica:  In 1968, in the mountains of central Antarctica,


an American expedition came upon the jaw bone of a

crocodile-like amphibian (called a labyrinthodont), as

well as skeletons of other animals - creatures that could have

survived only in a warm to hot climate.  Similar finds were

made again in 1986.

Northern polar regions:  Abundant remains of tropical


animals have been uncovered in icy Greenland, Alaska and


In these same northern polar regions are numerous fossil


trees:  beech, myrtle, laurel, breadfruit, cinnamen, oak,

walnut, banana, grape vines, and so on.  And from a line

north of Labrador across to Alaska:  giant sequoias.

Spitzbergen and Greenland now shiver in darkness for half


of the year and lie almost continuously under snow and ice. 

Yet a rich, temperate flora once covered these icy wastes in

the Arctic Ocean.  Fossil remains of magnolias, fig trees,

palms, arborescent ferns (which are typically tropical)

and animals from warm climates have been discovered…

also pines, firs, spruces, cypresses, elms, hazels and water


South polar region:  Redwood forests are found buried


under massive ice deposits.  These towering giants (now

typically found in the north-west of the U.S.A.) once

flourished in many diverse parts of the world, as evidenced

by many coal and fossil finds.

Back to the Arctic Circle:  Here are two very interesting


island groups - the  New Siberian Islands and the

Spitzbergen Islands.  Remarkable things have been

reported by explorers who have been there. 

Immense frozen gravel mounts were discovered to have


entombed within them entire fruit trees with the fruit still

on them.  In the New Siberian Islands, whole palm trees

have been found, with their leaves and fruit.

You know, tropical animals cannot live in icy water. 


Neither can sub-tropical plants ripen seeds and sow

themselves in arctic conditions.



“If we listen to the unequivocal testimony of tropical plants


and animals found away to the north and even within the

arctic regions, we must declare that geology knows only one

climate until this sudden change came;  and this astonishing

climate seems to have been practically uniform over the entire

globe.” (George McCready Price, The New Geology, p.654)

“There is but one climate known to the ancient fossil world


as revealed by the plants and animals entombed in the rocks,

and the climate was a mantle of springlike loveliness which

seems to have prevailed continuously over the whole globe. 

(Alfred Russell Wallace, The Geographical Distribution of

Animals, Vol 1, p. 277)

“When nearly the same plants are found in Greenland and


Guinea;  when the same species, now extinct, are met with

of equal development at the equator as at the pole, we cannot

but admit that at this period the temperature of the globe was

nearly alike everywhere.

“There seems to have been then only one climate over


 the whole globe.”  (Sir William Dawson, geologist)

Overall, the climate of Planet Earth was mild and springlike,


perfect from pole to pole.




There is good reason to believe that this world of perfect


climate existed within the memory of the human race.

The traditions of ancient humanity preserve the recollection


of it.

The ancient Chinese say that before the great Catastrophe,


“There were no impetuous winds, nor excessive rains.  The

sun and moon, without ever being clouded, furnished a light

purer and brighter than now.”

Numerous ancient traditions contain details of the world


“before the Flood”, details which seem to stem from a

common origin:  the original perfect state;  a glorious land; 

long age spans;  but growing disobedience to spiritual laws –

and eventual destruction.

Oh, there’s so much about this you might enjoy reading.


If you’d like to know more, go now to

Let me know how you enjoy it.
Warm regards,


Jonathan Gray




Please email me your questions. I am here to help

you with any questions on ancient mysteries. Just

email me at [email protected]






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International explorer, archaeologist and author

Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data

on ancient mysteries. He has penetrated some largely

unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon

headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to

the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and

desert regions of the world. He lectures internationally.




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