Day Zero
John Kaminiski
To be awake is now illegal, and innocence is punishable by death
This the way the world ends: Not with a bang, but with a whimper. ~ T. S. Eliot, The Hollow Men (1)
What is real and what is fiction? Today our reality is fiction. We are commanded to believe stories that are fiction. To accept these stories as real is to willingly believe that science is lie, honesty is an illness, and murder is a noble act.
Yet, not to believe them is now a crime. Pathological parrots run for president: They say, we will protect you if you haven't already been killed accidentally.
Smoking and crumbling, cities all over the world lie in ruins, or palpitate with radioactive fever. Sirte. Tokyo. Fallujah. We are required to believe we have brought freedom to these places.
To claim the food is poison, or the children all have cancer, earns you an arrest, at least, if the police are patient on that particular day. You will likely never be seen again.
And if you are, you are maimed, and your crooked, glassy-eyed smile is fake.
To disbelieve these stories is to run afoul of the law. They take you away "for your own good". They have a chemical lobotomy for you. You will become permanently disturbed so you won't cause a disturbance. And all because, they tell you, the TV simply has not done its job.
They promise to do better, but the result is always worse.
People's eyes are glued wide open, until they close permanently.
The examples are endless, the punishments are eager.
The neighbors, whom police say they are protecting from your aberrant behavior, have already been killed when the cops broke into the wrong apartment, and started shooting when their chihuahuas acted aggressively.
In St. Louis, thousands of people puke in public. Geiger counters are discouraged.
In Memphis, gang bangers look for shadows on the shades, and fire their pistols through the walls, rush in and steal everything, while the police are too busy busting hapless crackheads, or shaking down sinister skateboarders.
A little further south, on the Cajun bayous, sickly pine trees teeter and fall as the famous sinkhole spreads. Finally, a dance partner for Katrina. People move away.
Clouds are square and drip a prescribed venom.
Anderson Cooper, the gay anchorman on CNN, loves being reamed by his boyfriend. This is now a virtue, extolled by his bosses as exemplary behavior. Among soldiers hidden behind their plastic face shields, he tells schoolchildren, this is what you must believe to be a good citizen.
Tereu. Unreal city.
Mary doesn't smoke, but now she's coughing. Peter doesn't cry, but now he's twitching. The rash doesn't stop spreading, but doctors have a poison that will take it away. Not to worry.
Day Zero is now a national holiday. When you must be asleep in order to be legally declared awake. It's coming soon, yet it's already here, and everywhere. You must take your medicine, the doctors insist, thinking about the bonuses they get for each pill.
To do otherwise is to know too much. And that simply will not be permitted.
History is simply not allowed to be known. It interferes with the script being written for the present. You simply do not have the proper security clearance to know about the future.
Day Zero has come before, and it has never left. Now it is every day. Those who find God can no longer see life. Only the death they covet so fervently for their sins.
Day Zero has come before. In Sorenson's "Ragnarok", (2) flaming monsters from outer space were called dragons and gods and serpents and wolves because people didn't know what else to call them.
"The wolf is so big that it snaps from Earth to heaven, and enables it to swallow the Sun."
"The snake is so big that it fills the sea, floods the beach, and makes the Earth catch fire."
This was the day that the Mayan calendar was started. 3114 BC.
These images have never left our subconscious minds. Their presence makes us reproduce them now in what we are ordered to believe is reality.
Pop culture has let us all know when the Mayan calendar ends, although pretentious prognosticators quibble about the actual date, when, in the real reality that is officially kept secret, it is now happening every day.
Day Zero. No need for calendars any more. Every day is now Day Zero. To deny it is now a crime. This needs to be done to protect the neighbors. Who are already dead, or most certainly dying.
But think of this government program as a favor. When you're dead, you will have nothing to worry about. This is what they call security. Freedom from fear is what we all want. This might be the only government program that has ever actually worked. The ultimate security.
Which is what we already dead already have. Have you met your neighbors yet? Fear not. You will.
It happens on Day Zero. Every day, in a neighborhood near you, if not your own.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.
1. T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men MUST READ
2. Timo Niroma: Edda: An Eyewitness Account of Gotterdammerung (Sorensen: Ragnarok)