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Vancouver Olympics and Similarities to 9/11

Michael Joseph

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There have been several articles out so far demonstrating this. Two of the links are below. A few more points are as follows.

Like 9/11, a book was released recently describing a possible terror action before the event occurs. \"Red Snow\" written by a Vancouver lawyer specializing in criminal insanity cases describes the villain \"Mephisto\" and his thugs attacking Whistler Mountain. Jay Clarke goes by the pen name Michael Slade. This is the 13th in his \"Special X\" series.

Like 9/11, there is alot of money to be made by the destruction and/or interruption of the event. Again, the \"facility\" is recently purchased and losing money. The company that owns Whistler/Blackcomb is Intrawest. It was acquired in a leveraged takeover in 2006 by Fortress Investment Group of N.Y., for $2.8 billion. On January 17, 2010 this company defaulted on a $526 million dollar payment so Whistler will be up for auction (would you believe) during the Olympics on Feb.19th.

The board of directors of Fortress Investment reads like the who\'s who of financial funny business.

The Ceo, Daniel H. Mudd was the CEO of Fannie Mae.

Wesley. R. Edens was a mortgage specialist with Lehman Bros. Peter Briger spent 15 years with Goldman Sachs. Robert Kauffman was Lehman International executive director in 1992.

Michael Novogratz was president of Goldman Sachs Latin America. Daniel Bass spent 11 years with Deutsche Bank. Dr Richard Haass is president of the Council on Foreign Relations since 2003. He was advisor to Colin Powell and George Bush and a director in the National Security Council.

George Wellde worked for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. He retired from Goldman Sachs in 2008.

Impressive list of those controlling the fate of Whistler/Blackcomb Resort, no? One can only guess how much this facility and the event taking place there February 12th to the 28th, 2010 are insured for. Larry Goldstein for one, did quite well by the insurance companies with the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11. Many profited handsomely on and after that fateful day.

Also, 2 tons ammonium nitrate was reported missing by the energy company Kinder Morgan Inc in Burnaby, a suburb of Vancouver, a month after the loss. A week later, Kinder Morgan reported that it was only a \"clerical\" error. The RCMP made the investigation official on January 6, 2010.

Kinder Morgan is based in Houston. Its major investors are Goldman Sachs, the Carlyle Group, the Blackstone Group and Morgan Stanley. Its CEO is Richard Kinder, former CEO of Enron.

Surely, many of the major players in 9/11 are again at work, this time at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, All considered, it is looking like a carbon-copy of the orchestrations of the day that changed our world so much.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Michael" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:58 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10