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'Do More For Wounded Heroes' - A Mission to make a World Record from Tampa to Europe in a Flat Boat

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----- Original Message -----
To: "Bellringer" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:12 PM
Subject: Outrageous Iceberg Video from a friend that is there......

 Anne and Patrick:

 The info below is about a friend from here in Florida ....who is a Boat  Builder.

 He and his brother are on a mission to sail from a 14' flats boat that they built.......without a Cabin or a Keel. This has never been done before.

 He holds a Worlds Record now....from his last mission. (The info is on his website @

 This time the mission is to "Do More for Wounded Heroes." Details can be seen at

 They are  3,000+  miles INTO the Voyage.

 When he called yesterday from the satellite phone...they were water skiing  around the icebergs.... Take a look at the videos'll see.....and take a look at his main website....which is tracking him by GPS.

 Ralph is 50 year old, great guy..with a wife (Anne) and kids.

 These two brothers are on a mission. Please remember these two men, and their families in your prayers.

 If you wish to post this to Fourwinds..... I know they are keeping up with the political and world news as it is  posted. Reading Fourwinds.....from his satellite phone.

 We need more Patriots like these men....

 Thanks Patrick and Anne for taking the time to see my friends......who are  on a Mission!



 This is what Florida Boys do when they see an Iceberg.

 Ten million people around the world have heard this story.

 These are the latest videos:

 This is an outrageous voyage to Do More for wounded heroes.  Details can be seen at

 This voyage is still underway

 Requests for interviews from the satellite phone at sea can b coordinated with Bruce.

 [email protected] or call 408-829-4193 Ralph Brown 352-346-2365

 Guinness World Record(TM) Flats Boats

 Dream Boats, Inc.

 8424 Arcola Ave.

 Hudson, Florida 34667