Forging knives like our ancestors, secrets of the Yakutian blades
Vera Salnitskaya and Olga Gertcyk
Master blacksmith reveals how modern knives are closely related to those excavated from ancient archeological sites.
Alexander Gogolev, 41, spoke as he forged his latest creations, deploying methods handed down through time. Pictures here and below: Vera Salnitskaya
In Yakutia, they call these knives the 'third arm' of local herders and hunters. They're used to kill bears, cut wood - and shave - based on a technology that has been tried and tests through many centuries.
Alexander Gogolev, 41, spoke as he forged his latest creations, deploying methods handed down through time.
'Our knives are manufactured in line with old traditions, we forge the blades in such a way that no one can copy its shape,' he said. 'People understand why this shape of blade is good but cannot figure out how we make it.'
He explained: 'Our knives are made in the old tradition. They are forged. Previously, there were no machine-tools, so everything was hand-forged with small hammers.