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Kamnski: Triggeroig the Dark Ages

John Kaminski

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Triggering the Dark Ages



The murder of Hypatia and the rise of Christianity







The death of philosophy in the fourth century AD




By John Kaminski


[email protected]



No surprises here. Philosophy died in the gutter of the biggest city in the world 1600 years ago when a gaggle of savage thugs acting in the best interests of their so-called God murdered a dazzling female teacher who knew the real story of humanity better than anybody before or since. With her was destroyed practically the entire previous history of the world to that point. It was the last of the Library at Alexandria and the end for most of the plays of the immortal Greek playwrights, a mental self-mutilation that remains an incalculable loss for the human psyche — a permanent scar on the human mind to have possessed that degree of knowledge and thrown it all away over a fabricated belief.



This radical severance of humanity from its own history continues to cast a portentous shadow upon our future. It’s getting harder to breathe and stay healthy in this crackling electronic swamp that we call home, and certain horrible histories say a lot about why all this misery and mass treachery now sit on our doorstop like some humongously putrid karmic tumor dragging us further down into the dark self-inflicted nightmare of our own curdled future.



Back in the fourth century AD — which today we can barely imagine, never mind analyze — the air might have been cleaner but the newly officialized Christian church in Rome was developing nicely into the Deep State of its time by endeavoring to displace all previous knowledge with its own contrived fairy tales. The motive for this ancient All-Seeing-Eye was nothing less than what it is today — the tyrant aims to imprint his own version of history and reality on the mind of every soul on Earth.



Driven by its paranoid jealousy of more erudite creeds and histories, the newly minted Deep State church eventually imposed its own dogma upon the whole world, dominated all social interactions and allowed no questions about its historical accuracy or matters of belief to be asked by anyone. A few centuries later this hammerlock on the world’s minds led to the torture and certain death of heretics who were piously burned at the stake if they dared to profess they were living a fair and independent life without the sour trappings of cardinals and bishops governing the behavior of the witless and fearful multitudes.



This whole psyop was definitely created and enforced by characters of less than admirable reputations, much as churches are today. These bandits of our souls led the entire world into centuries of catastrophic ignorance that have come to be known as the Dark Ages. RM




Dogma blots out knowledge



All these conflicts are always sanctioned by God, and always remembered by followers of the gods who won the wars, as represented by authorities in the pay of the creeds in question. Thus Rome as it turned into a Christian police state became the first totalitarian society in which knowledge was eclipsed by dogma, a phenomenon which always leads to the detriment of the whole world by turning out the lights of individual liberty. This religious goliath has stretched its tentacles around the world in one variation or another for 1700 years, with a saturnian death grip on the throat of life on this planet that gets tighter and more life-threatening with each passing day.



In 325 AD, chief among the enablers of this ubiquitous tyranny of belief was Constantine, the ruthless pontifex maximus of the Roman empire, the plotline of which is perfectly synchronized with the rise of the Jewish-invented Christian religion and the simultaneous destruction of the greatest empire the world had ever known.



But beyond and long before Constantine came Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish social worker of his time who came up with the diabolical idea to create a Jewish messiah to tame the masses permanently — an idea which has been a spectacular success for all those who have adopted its alleged spiritual compensations over the many centuries.



After 1600 years Christian mythologies about pleasantly sacred places in your imagination unfortunately have been violently displaced by the sordid revelations of child sexual abuse, complicity in wars and centuries of bloody alliances with ruthless tyrants, and their seldom remembering those very parishioners who were starving in the shadow of their own steeples.



Church authorities have failed to convince us we should follow their sloppy repetitions of tired homilies that mask a deeper, more demented plan to rule the world as an alphaclass with the rest of  us consigned, at best, to a dodgy life of poisoned pawns on a chessboard of manufactured maladies.



The formula that catapulted Christianity to the top of the bloody heap was the promise that all those prayers you were commanded to believe, forbade you in perpetuity from ever revealing that clerical life was dirtier than real dirt, and its victims were left nowhere near any recognizable image of any god, only the enforced illusion of one. 




Bad characters



Briefly told, the slide into a Christian Rome from a rich but confusing history of nature spirits and mathematical laws involved the browbeating of mighty Emperor Constantine with a barrage of forced advice on his deathbed, at which time he first became a Christian. Much has been claimed in his name, including ownership of practically the entire Earth by the Roman church, which remained the most powerful political force on the planet up until the time it accepted its first loan from the Rothschilds in 1823.



All the falsehoods these greedy leaders created by fictional accounts of ancient truths resulted in an abscess in the moral organism of humanity, a tumor of thought that allowed secrecy to masquerade as openness, forever sabotaging the legitimacy of public meetings in perpetuity with the corruptible practice of executive sessions, a practice that later evolved into security clearances woven always in a cryptic pastiche of self-excusing lies.



Who among all the pious believers in the world has the intellectual courage possibly refute all these hallowed testaments to the reality of a divine being? How could any true believer criticize such venerated men used by posterity as their pedigree as advocates for a finer world, when their very own information reveals the lie of their own claim?



Constantine, for instance, the man credited with imposing Christianity upon the world, murdered his second wife while also eliminating his apparent heir before getting to name the freshly minted Christian messiah at his self-convened council of Nicaea in 325 AD.



For some half century after Constantine’s Christian creation, only one caesar came forth to try and restore the rich tapestry of Roman religion, and that was Julian the Apostate, who didn’t last long as he suffered the fate of so many Roman emperors who were killed by one of their own men.



The Dark Ages extended basically from 476 AD to 1453 AD, or perhaps more accurately from the death of Hypatia in 415 to the creation of the printing press in 1440. This period of human history primarily reflects an entire millennium of fundamentally enforced darkness, in which all thought was preempted by the unconditional requirement of God’s unchallengeable orders.



The fall of Hypatia and the pagan religions of Alexandria represented the abandonment of factuality in science. But for the scholarship that grew in early Islam and the intrepid work of some small swatch of Irish monks, the ancient history we have come to know so well might never have reached us at all.




Respected by all, killed by Christians



Hypatia is famous for being the greatest mathematician and astronomer of her time, for being the leader of the Neoplatonist school of philosophy in Alexandria, for spectacularly overcoming the profound sexism of her society, and for suffering a violent death at the hands of ignorant zealots.



Early Christian leaders consolidated political power by binding their authority to a rigid, literal interpretation of recognized teachings. Hypatia, on the other hand, encouraged personal meditation on the nature of reality, and her philosophy was not tethered to any particular deity. Her internal approach to spirituality conflicted with the church’s religious indoctrination based on knowledge received from an external source, where blind obedience to a higher power was a virtue and inquisitiveness a vice.




In human history, this could be the first public debate between articulate thought vs. inflexible law and order.



Until the time of Constantine, Romans practiced religious syncretism, the blending of various belief systems and deities from distant parts of the empire. Each person was free to worship a pantheon of different gods and follow the secret rites of more than one mystery cult. 



This spiritual assimilation stressed an underlying sense of unity, and often two or more deities from separate cultures merged into a new persona. 



The Greco-Egyptian god Serapis was one such god, an amalgamation of Zeus and Osiris. He was the patron of Alexandria, and his temple, the Serapeum, housed the remains of the Library of Alexandria (the main library was destroyed in a 48 BC fire), lecture halls for pagan teachers like Hypatia, and shrines to other gods with statues designed by the classical world’s finest artists. Considered a wonder of the world, the temple was one of the two most important bastions of pagan culture in Alexandria; the other was Hypatia herself. As Christianity gained traction, any vestige of idolatry was in danger.




The era between the accession of the pagan emperor Julian the Apostate in 361 and the mid-380s saw pagan temples opened, the legal toleration of sacrifices, and imperial officials who at first encouraged and eventually tolerated many traditional religious practices



Constantine’s nephew Julian “regarded his uncle not as ‘the great’ but as a criminal revolutionary who destroyed traditional religious values in order to salve a loaded conscience, a tyrant with the mind of a banker.”



After Julian’s death, in 381 the Eastern emperor Theodosius banned sacrifices and the empire gradually withdrew its support for the ancient Roman religion. During the last years of the 380s a party of monks and bishops intensified persecutions while they destroyed temples in Syria and Mesopotamia and sacked shrines in Egypt.



Today we have no one defending our philosophical roots or direction. We have only propagandists justifying anything to defend their preferred creed or survival of the fittest plunderers excusing immorality in the all-powerful name of profit. Independent opinions of pure conscience are seldom to be found anywhere.



The selection of Theophilus as the new patriarch of Alexandria led to a tightening of the screws against pagans, who began to revolt, which eventually evolved into open warfare. Emperor Theodosius then ordered the eradication of all pagan religions



Christians demolished the most famous structure in Alexandria and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Serapeum, stole its treasury and destroyed the giant statue of Serapis, who was a combination of Greek and Egyptian deities, a consort of Isis and a combination of the supremacy of Zeus and the healing talents of Asclepius, that is, mostly based on the science of the times. It blended the sacred and the philosophical, the goal for which Hypatia is primarily known.



Hypatia taught the works of Plato and Aristotle, and as carried on by their successors Proclus and Iamblichus. But she lost most of her students to the school of Plutarch in Athens after the attacks on the Serapeum .



All the extant versions of the murder of Hypatia by thugs hired by the Pope are incredibly softsoaped in the above ground versions of the tale. The actual story of how Hypatia met her fate was a fait accompl accomplished by the metastasizing corruption of the Christian mindlock spreading throughout the world.



Back then, everyone was coerced into believing the Resurrection upon pain of anathema or excommunication. (Have you ever been anathematized? I have . . . frequently.) Hypatia taught a philosophy that encouraged her students to love one another regardless of their religious backgrounds. 



I don’t know how genteel you can be when describing someone who is being torn apart in the streets of her hometown. To think that we have evolved beyond that point of tearing apart philosophers with whom we do not agree, we should also remember the fate of the late Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, who was raped and murdered in the streets of his own capital by dogmatic ruffians in service to the Western powers who wanted to steal Libya’s gold and the magical water system that really made the desert bloom and had been invented and implemented by the heroic Muslim hero.



Both Hypatia and Col. Gadhafi lost their lives to the same principalities of darkness. Whether we like it or not, most of us reading this are members of both groups. Both the Libyan and the Alexandrian were great great humans who followed their moral instincts and were erased for it by an inhuman power that has no interest in humane concerns. 



If a blatant lie ended an age of enlightenment then, what have the lies of our leaders and our doctors done to us today but inexorably suck us toward a new and more ominous Dark Ages?



Hypatia and Col. Gadhafi were both members of an eternal tribe whose courageous members lived their lives unfailingly honoring the moral code in which they believed. This honor is higher than any religious order may bestow.




Savage idiots



It took more than five centuries from the invention of the printing press for someone (except for perhaps Friedrich Nietzsche) to accurately ace out the mechanics of that opiate of the masses, Christianity. Thus the famous 1928 article by Marcus Eli Ravage herein excerpted:



“The great conspiracy which we engineered at the beginning of this era was destined to make the creed of a Jewish sect the religion of the Western world. 



“The Reformation was not designed in malice purely. It squared us with an ancient enemy and restored our Bible to its place of honour in Christendom, the republican revolutions of the Eighteenth century freed us of our age-long political and social disabilities. 



“They benefited us, but they did you no harm. On the contrary, they prospered and expanded you. You owe your pre-eminence in the world to them. 



“But the upheaval which brought Christianity into Europe was – or at least may easily be shown to have been – planned and executed by Jews as an act revenge against a great Gentile state. 



And when you talk about Jewish conspiracies I cannot for the world understand why you do not mention the destruction of Rome and the whole civilization of antiquity concentrated under her banners, at the hands of Jewish Christianity.




Ravage continues: 



“The historians of the time leave us in no doubt as to the aims of Rome. They tell us that Nero sent Vespasian and his son Titus with definite and explicit orders to annihilate Palestine and Christianity together. 



To the Romans, Christianity meant nothing more than militant Judaism. As to Nero’s wish, he had at least half of it realized for him. Palestine was so thoroughly annihilated that it has remained a political ruin to this day. But Christianity was not so easily destroyed.



“Indeed, it was only after the fall of Jerusalem that Paul’s program developed to the full. The goal now was nothing less than to humble Rome as she had humbled Jerusalem, to wipe her off the map as she had wiped out Judea.



Thus do Christians battle in vain against the demonic magicians who invented the very creed they defend.



‘Revelation’ is, in truth, a revelation of what the whole astonishing business is about. Rome, fancifully called Babylon, is minutely described in the language of sputtering hate. An Angel triumphantly cries, ‘Babylon the great is fallen!’ Then follows an orgiastic picture of ruin. Commerce and industry and maritime trade are at an end. Art and music and ‘the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride’ are silenced. 



The gentle Christian conquerors wallow in blood up to the bridles of their horses. ‘Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.’



“John closes his pious prophecy with a vision of the glories of the new – that is, the restored – Jerusalem: not any allegorical fantasy, I pray you, but literally Jerusalem, the capital of a great reunited kingdom of ‘the twelve tribes of the children of Israel’. 



Could any one ask for anything plainer?



Any resemblance to our current worldwide shutdown for a so-called disease no more dangerous than the common cold leaps immediately to mind.



The apostle Saul/Paul was wrong. Praying doesn’t cut it. Only action cuts it, the rebellion against the oppressors and the permanent ruination of their evil power.



And what has the Vatican become today? A bastion of sexual perversity and political corruption, sacrificing its own credibility to embrace the communist values of the bankers who continue to fund it.




Here’s your new prayer



Religions are the enemy of knowledge, they fan the dark flames of ignorance by insisting they know the end to the ever unfolding story of life, thereby freezing all intellectual achievement at the level of their deranged demands fabricated by their particular mythology, which inevitably are determined delusional by subsequent and impartial scientific inquiry.



Religions are like vaccines, promising to cure something that they themselves create. So too the Jewish invention of psychology.



But in our inchoate fear which interposes the motivation of our fear of death into every action of our lives, we as a species have found no way to do without them, to explain who we are and why we do what we do. To lose those methods of considering the potential causes of our demise, we would have to give up hope, and that is the one thing still-functioning humans will never be able to do.



So here we are again, acceding to the false statements of powerful authorities even though we know they are telling lies, even though we remember that’s all they have ever done.



What was it you expected to gain by all of this? Do you truly know?







• Edward J. Watts, Hypatia: The Life and Legend of an Ancient Philosopher, New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.. xii, 205. ISBN 9780190210038 $29.95.



• Gore Vidal, Julian, a novel, vintage



• Great philosophers: Hypatia by Carl Sagan 



• Marcus Eli Ravage, A real case against the Jews, Published in The Century Magazine January 1928 , Vol. 115, No. 3  pages 346-350 



• Soraya Field Fiorio, The Killing of Hypatia, Lapham’s Quarterly, 1/16/2019 



John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.