Bombshell video reveals Google is a “threat to the Republic” after proof of election meddling, anti-American corporate culture
Vicki Batts
A recently leaked video has shown the world Google’s true, anti-American colors — and now, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale is calling for an investigation. Parscale, President Trump’s 2016 digital campaign manager and 2020 re-election campaign manager, has called Google a “threat to the Republic” in response to the shocking footage of an “all-hands” meeting at Google, which shows company executives in total dismay at the 2016 election results, and their determination to take down Trump.
In the video, Google higher-ups are heard discussing how “history is on our side” and plotting out ways in which the company can serve to stand against Trump — including how they themselves can shape and influence future voters. The shocking confidential video footage was leaked to Breitbart by an anonymous source. Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, VPs Kent Walker and Eileen Naughton, CFO Ruth Porat, and CEO Sundar Pichai can all be seen in the video. Breitbart reports that the footage is from Google’s first “TGIF” meeting after President Trump’s election.
You can watch the video in full here:
Google leaders have meeting to disparage Trump election
The footage shows co-founder Sergey Brin telling his audience that Trump supporters are comparable to fascists and extremists. He then asks his Google underlings to think about what the company can do to ensure “better quality of governance and decision-making.”
Kent Walker, Vice President of Global Affairs, can be heard suggesting that supporters of populist movements, like those who elected Trump, are driven by “fear, xenophobia, hatred, and a desire for answers that may or may not be there.” Kent reportedly went on to posit that Google should use its power to ensure that populist movements in the U.S. and globally are nothing more than a “blip” or “hiccup,” and that the “moral arc of history bends towards progress.”
Walker further refers to the Trump campaign as “tribalism” and consistently refers to the election of President Trump as a “problem.” CFO Rutho Pormat went on to promise that Google would “use the great strength and resources and reach we have to continue to advance really important values.” Towards the end of the meeting, another unidentified Google employee urges their white male coworkers to “understand their privilege” and learn about the “real history of oppression” and to undergo “bias-busting training.”
After Breitbart published the damning footage, a Google spokesperson provided the following comment:
At a regularly scheduled all hands meeting, some Google employees and executives expressed their own personal views in the aftermath of a long and divisive election season. For over 20 years, everyone at Google has been able to freely express their opinions at these meetings. Nothing was said at that meeting, or any other meeting, to suggest that any political bias ever influences the way we build or operate our products. To the contrary, our products are built for everyone, and we design them with extraordinary care to be a trustworthy source of information for everyone, without regard to political viewpoint.”
Trump campaign manager calls for investigation
Brad Parscale, Trump 2020 campaign manager, has called for Google to be investigated. In a recent tweet, Parscale stated, “.@google needs to explain why this isn’t a threat to the Republic. Watch the video. Google believes they can shape your search results and videos to make you “have their values”. Open borders. Socialism. Medicare 4 all. Congressional hearings! Investigate”
In an op-ed piece for USA Today, Parscale argued further that Google, and companies like it, have become a “threat to free society,” and that Google is the worst offender when it comes to stamping out free speech. Tech firms have become increasingly stringent about what content can and cannot be posted or shared on their platforms. And by controlling the discussion, these companies can bend the stream of information to suit their whims.
Parscale writes that Google and the like have made themselves “the gatekeepers of the internet and political discourse. Without any sort of democratic mandate, these companies have appointed themselves the arbiters of acceptable thought, discussion and searches online.” The banning of Alex Jones, Tony Robinson and a slew of other conservative pundits is proof of that.
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