Ethan Huff
Seeing the clear writing on the wall, corporate monolith Amazon has decided to pack its bags and head for greener pastures, with recently leaked plans to completely flee its longtime hometown of Seattle by the year 2023.
According to reports, the Seattle City Council’s recent attempt to impose a city-wide “head tax,” which would have billed Amazon and other large corporations some $275 per employee, per year, to pay for “affordable housing” – Amazon currently employs more than 45,000 people at its Seattle headquarters, which means it would have had to fork out nearly $12.5 million a year to the City of Seattle – was one of the last straws signaling to Amazon that it’s no longer welcome in the liberal enclave.
Sources say that Amazon won’t be going far, however. The company is already moving some of its employees just across Lake Washington to nearby Bellevue – which is actually where Amazon was originally started, before Jeff Bezos decided not long after the company was formed to head to Seattle, where he believed he’d find the strongest talent pool.
But because of how dramatically Seattle has changed in the interim, with its embrace of extreme Leftist politics that are highly unfavorable to companies trying to do business there, Amazon has decided to abandon its longtime roots and relaunch its operations elsewhere.
“Amazon plans to relocate its entire Seattle-based worldwide operations team to Bellevue, Wash., by 2023, adding thousands of employees to its new campus just across Lake Washington,” GeekWire recently revealed, citing an internal email it says it received from the company.
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“Moving a large and critical team away from Amazon’s Seattle headquarters is a significant relocation of employees on its own, but it’s also a weighty symbolic gesture – the clearest sign yet that the tech giant is cooling on its hometown while doubling down on a neighboring city,” the report added.
For more related news, be sure to check out Liberalmob.com.
Anti-business but pro-free stuff: the epitome of the Left’s economic ignorance
There was once a time when Seattle was a booming, pro-business tech hub, drawing high-caliber talent from all across the globe. But things are now in rapid decline, as the city’s uber-liberal constituency pushes for more “bleeding heart” policies that are systematically gutting the city’s business sector.
Whether one likes Amazon or not, there’s no denying that this major corporation has created tens of thousands of relatively high-paying jobs for Seattleites, most of whom will now be moving to pro-business Bellevue – leaving what will only amount to economic blight for Seattle in their wake.
It’s a similar situation to what recently happened in Queens, New York, where the Queen of Stupidity, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), drove Amazon out of town before it even had the chance to set up shop.
This seems to be the New Leftist Way: to condemn the business community and drive it out of town, while simultaneously demanding that more “free stuff” be handed out to the public. None of the Leftist who advocate for such a paradigm ever have an answer as to how it will work economically, but they howl for it just the same.
“It doesn’t look like modern-day liberals will stop until every business is chased away and every major city becomes a giant homeless camp rife with drugs and crime,” writes Brock Simmons for The Gateway Pundit, echoing this sentiment.
“I’m guessing all the folks who work for Amazon are less than happy with walking to work through needles / feces, aggressive homeless vagrants, ridiculously expensive cost of lunch, and so forth,” wrote a commenter at The Gateway Pundit, pointing out some of the other common features of far-Left enclaves like Seattle that also contribute to their anti-business atmospheres.
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