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Anne and Patrick Bellringer
Knowing that you are loved by God Aton of Light is your support base for being you and for caring and spreading goodness to others. You are loved by the Ascended Masters and by all your brothers and sisters of the Stars, who have come and are here now to assist us all in our missions.
Thank you for all that you have done to help others and to help our Mother Earth, and thank you for helping Fourwinds with your prayers and support. As we face the challenging future, be wise, be joyful, be prayerful and hopeful, and be in Peace!
I remind everyone again to read the “Talmud of Jmmaneul” that we have presented to you on Fourwinds. It is most important that you do this, for its message of Truth is timeless. Re-read Esu Immanuel’s words until you discover how to unlock your own power within.
We shall keep ringing our bell to wake you up!
In Love and Light,
Anne and Patrick Bellringer