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Jan. 2, 2016

As we celebrate Christmas with family and friends old and new, we realize another year on Shan is ending.  We have waited yet another year for the Divine Plan to unfold finally, and bring an end to the Darkness on our beloved planet.  This has been another year of war and destruction and suffering and death.  Homelessness, hunger and disease continue unabated throughout our world.  We search for a Light in the Darkness.

          As the cycle of life turns, we come to the day appointed to celebrate the birth of Esu Immanuel.  The festivities of Christmas happen right on schedule, with little thought to its true meaning.  As in his day, this Truthbringer and his message today are little known and little understood.  His words have been lost in the creation of a religion of falseness, even to his name.

          Esu Immanuel brought the Light of Truth to a very Dark world 2000 years ago and as promised, he has brought it again to our very dark world today.  His words stand boldly in Phoenix Journal number two, “And They Called His Name, Immanuel:  I Am Sananda” for all to read.  The Light has come again to show us the way through the Darkness.

          Another year is passing and another Christmas, to remind us of the hope of those who waited, and their joy at hearing the message of “peace on earth, good will to men”.  May our journey into another year be inspired by that hope, and guided by that wisdom of peace and goodwill to all.

          The Divine Plan is unfolding in magnificence, if we but have eyes to see it, and 2016  shall not be just “another year” on Shan.  Catch the energy of the Light,  the joy of promises fulfilled, and the peace in knowing the Darkness is ending.  Indeed the Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel, has returned with the Truth that shall set us free!

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