Anne and Patrick Bellringer
Another Thanksgiving Holiday has arrived so quickly to remind us all to pause to give thanks for our many blessings. Hearts in balance wait not for a “holiday” to be thankful, but give thanks daily for all that supports our life, and every “random act of kindness and senseless deed of love” that eases our journey.
Anne and I repeat what we have said before:
“We are most grateful for the millions of people across Earth Shan, who have been helped along their pathway by the Truth they have found on Fourwinds. We are thankful for the many, who have discovered the Truth of the Phoenix Journals, the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms.
We give thanks for the prayers and gifts that have supported our work of presenting Truth freely to the “four winds” of Shan. We are thankful for our many Internet friends, who have helped to create “the wind beneath our wings”
We are truly blessed!
May you have a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving celebration.”
In Love and Light,
Anne and Patrick Bellringer.