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***THE CHRISTMAS STORY*** (with Translation in Spanish)


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Dec. 26, 2015

In the Lighted Realms long ago, four great Masters surveyed the many celestial planets of the cosmos, and were dismayed at the ever-increasing darkness of one planet called Earth Shan. They agreed that together they would try again to bring Light into the darkness of Shan. So, a contract was written and signed, under the supervision of the Rainbow Masters and with the blessing of God Aton of Light.

In the course of history on Shan, a third dimensional planet, the jail planet for Lucifer/Satan, a group of people came from Orion and gave their freewill over to Satan, the God of Darkness on Shan. They were known as the Serpent People. These Serpent People feared the Light and endeavored to overcome all Light on Shan with their Darkness. Thus, they destroyed an entire nation of enlightened humans known as Sumerians, and claimed the Sumerian history as their own to fool Shan's peoples.

In the proper sequence of cosmic events a baby Sumerian girl was born according to Lighted contract. She was birthed into a family in the country of Galilee, and lived her childhood there with her Judean family. In her growth to womanhood she became educated in the four great virtues of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity. She was highly respected for her beauty and love and wisdom.

 The Judeans were peasant people, as were all their surrounding small neighbor nations. At one time they had been conquered by Syria and now paid tax to the Syrians. A foreign power known as the Roman Empire had recently conquered the entire region including Syria and controlled all the people through trade and taxation. Periodically, a census was demanded by the Roman government to count the number of people under their control, and at the same time a tax was assessed upon each family. The Romans maintained control over their vast empire by using governors within each subservient nation, who were of the same nationality and race as the people they governed. The same was true for the tax collectors. Therefore, these governors and tax collectors were seen as traitors by the people and were fiercely hated. This type of Roman governmental control was also present in the tiny nation of Galilee.

The Judean woman of whom we spoke earlier lived in a small town, which today is called Nazareth. She was known as Mary, the beautiful one. She was courted a long while by many honorable men, and finally, she was engaged to be married to a highly respected carpenter by the name of Joseph. During her engagement Mary had a most unusual encounter with a being of the Lighted Realms. Archangel Gabriel met with Mary and discussed with her the contract they had made prior to her return to Shan in her present lifestream. Through her God-Spirit within, Mary remembered that she was to bear a son, who would become a great Truthbringer and bring Light to Shan once again. So it was that Mary was impregnated by Archangel Gabriel and conceived a son. Then it was that she remembered the words of the great prophet, Isaiah, who had said long ago, "Listen, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Esu Immanuel." Immanuel means, sent from Creator God Aton of Light. Mary knew in her heart that she was the mother of Esu.

When Mary told her fiancé, Joseph, of her pregnancy, he did not understand and became very angry. Unwed mothers were a disgrace in Judea, and Joseph would bear the blame for such evil doings. The breaking of a marriage engagement was also despised by the people, but to do this would present less shame to Joseph then to marry an adulteress. Joseph was a very kind man of great integrity. He wished no harm or shame to come to Mary either, so he decided to quietly break their marriage engagement.

 That very evening as he was struggling with his God-Spirit within, Archangel Gabriel came to him. Gabriel spoke these words, "Joseph, you are as kind and honest as your father, David. You have a marriage agreement with Mary, the beautiful one, and now you have found her to be pregnant by another man. You have been disgraced and tricked. Take heart! Mary has awakened to her contract with the Lighted Realms. I am the father of her child. This child shall be born a son by the name, Esu Immanuel, and he shall bring great Truth and Light to your people."

Joseph was stunned and wept as he began to remember his own contract with the Lighted Realms. With great joy he thanked Gabriel and immediately went and found Mary and told her all that had happened. Mary and Joseph were soon married and lived with peace and joy in their hearts in spite of the gossip and rejection by the people, and even that of their own families.

It was again the time of taxation by Rome, and Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor decreed that for the first time a census would be taken of the entire Roman Empire. This census occurred when Quirinius was the governor of Syria. The head of every family was ordered to go to the town of their birthplace, taking their family with them to be counted and to pay a tax to Rome.

So Joseph and Mary had to travel ninety miles by donkey from their home in Nazareth, Galilee to Joseph's birthplace of Bethlehem, Judea. Bethlehem was known as the city of the great King David, and Joseph was of that family line. The journey was most difficult for Mary, as she was nearly nine months in gestation. Because of her pregnancy, riding their donkey was both tiring and painful for Mary, so Mary and Joseph walked most of the way to Bethlehem. Their trusty donkey carried extra clothes, travel blankets and some food and water for the journey. Many other people were traveling for the same reasons, and it was most difficult to find enough food and water, and even shelter at night. In this dry country July and August were very hot, and the road most dusty. Often Joseph and Mary had to stop to rest.

Always there were those who knew either Mary or Joseph, and gossip about her conception prior to marriage was passed on to other travelers. Thus, there was a continuous pattern of ill remarks, gestures, and rudeness toward them, even by strangers, during the entire week-long trip to Bethlehem.

Joseph became quite tired, as it was a struggle for him to find lodging for Mary at night, prepare meals, care for the donkey and get his own rest. By the time they reached Bethlehem, they were both near exhaustion. Joseph searched throughout the entire city of Bethlehem for a place for Mary to stay but found nothing. The city was filled with people returning for the census. Gossip was everywhere, and Joseph keenly felt the ridicule from natives and travelers alike. Joseph was becoming desperate as darkness settled over Bethlehem. Mary was having labor pains, they were both very tired and hungry, and their hungry donkey was at the point of collapse. Joseph's instinct told him that a cattle shed with straw would have to do for a shelter for Mary. He finally found an old man who had a few milk cows and goats on "C" street at the edge of town, who agreed to let them stay in his cow barn over night.

What a relief! They were finally away from the dust, barking dogs, noisy children and clamor of the travelers of the city streets. The night was clear and very quiet. The stars were out in all their twinkling beauty, as if something very glorious was about to happen.

And happen it did! Mary gave birth to her first child, a son, that night. She wrapped him in the blankets they had brought, and placed him in one of the empty cow mangers. Joseph and Mary had great joy and peace within as they reviewed the events of the day, their trip to Bethlehem, and the circumstances of their courtship. Now, they knew more clearly their pathway. In spite of the ridicule and hardship, their marriage had survived because they were both enlightened, and understood and followed their inner guidance. The cowbarn was so peaceful with the sounds of the animals eating and sleeping. The birth had been easy and Esu was sleeping. He was such a "good baby". The night was dark but lit by the stars, especially by one very bright star almost directly overhead.

The Night Visitors

Suddenly, Joseph heard voices and he could see several people coming along the pathway to the cowbarn. Fear gripped him as he thought of the harm some angry drunken men could do to his family. He sprang to his feet and moved swiftly toward them with his long walking stick. As he approached them, the leader of the group lit a flare. He was none other than the old man who had allowed Joseph to use his cowbarn. He explained to Joseph that these men had insisted on talking with Joseph and his wife, now. They would not wait until morning.

Hurriedly, the old man left the scene, so as not to get involved in any fight. He regretted allowing these strangers to use his barn for even one night. The strange men told Joseph that they were friends, shepherds, from the hill country near Bethlehem and that they meant him no harm. Peace swept through Joseph's spirit as he felt their energy and excitement. He woke Mary and together they listened in amazement to the shepherd's most unusual story.

The shepherds cared for the temple sheep that were raised for sale to the pilgrims, who returned each spring for the week-long spring Passover celebration in Jerusalem. Some were also used for occasional sacrifices during other holy days in Bethlehem. Earlier that evening at nearly the same time that Esu was born, these men were sitting on a hill over-looking Bethlehem. They were watching their sheep settle down for the night. The sheep dogs were lying quietly by the campfire. Suddenly, the whole sky lit up as a lighted disc-shaped object came out of the star-lit sky and landed on a nearby hill. They were terrified as a man of blinding Light came walking toward them. The whole hillside was bright as day, but the sheep and the dogs never moved or made any sound. All was an eerie silence and bright with White Light. Then the man of Light spoke to them.

He told them not to be afraid, and that he brought good news. He said this good news would make the people joyful, because at this very moment a child was being born in a cowbarn in Bethlehem. He would become a great Truthbringer and present again the Laws of God and of Creation to the people. Thus, the people would learn again how to stand against their evil controllers and to create their own pathway of hope and joy and peace.

The man of Light told the shepherds that proof of the Truth of what he said could be found by going to Bethlehem to the dairy on "C" street on the edge of town. There they would find a man by the name of Joseph and his wife, Mary, who had just given birth to a son, while staying in the dairy overnight. She had wrapped him in blankets and placed him in a cow manger, and had named him, Esu.

Then the man of Light stopped talking. Suddenly the shepherds on their hill were surrounded by hundreds of other people of Light. They began to sing the most beautiful music the shepherds had ever heard.

Glory to God Aton of Light

Sing joy to the Creation

May Esu bring Truth

To the people of Shan

To awaken them to their inner Light.

Glory to Aton and peace to all mankind.

As quickly as they had come, the Light beings left. The disc-shaped Light went out, and all was quiet again. Only the twinkling stars and the distant lights from Bethlehem remained in the night sky. So it was that the shepherds ran the two miles to Bethlehem in both fear and excitement to prove that what had happened to them was, indeed, true.

They could hardly contain their excitement as they talked and saw Esu in the manger. They hugged Mary and Joseph and gave them gold coins to purchase appropriate lodging for themselves and their new son. They left talking, and singing the words they had heard in the night sky. The shepherds told many people in Bethlehem their story before they returned to their sheep. No one believed them but wondered about the strange couple from Nazareth and their child born in a cowbarn. Mary and Joseph talked much about the shepherd's experience and were at peace within, for they now knew more clearly their pathway and that of Esu, their new son.

Word spread quickly throughout Bethlehem of the strange couple from Nazareth, and the stories told by local shepherds. The plight of Mary and her son living in a cowbarn touched the hearts of a family next door, who were considered to be social outcasts themselves because of their race. They offered their humble home to Mary, Esu, and Joseph until Mary and Esu were strong enough to travel home. This offer was graciously received, as Mary needed several days of rest.

Travelers from the East

Esu was born in Bethlehem, Judea when Herod was the king over Judea. King Herod was hated by the people, for he was a traitor in his position as a puppet king and a subject of Rome. He ruled from his palace in Jerusalem, only ten miles north of Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary had just passed through Jerusalem in their journey to Bethlehem, and had heard gossip about travelers who were arriving from the East. These travelers were making quite a stir but they did not know why.

The Eastern peoples were nomads and lived in family groups. Each family group had large herds of sheep and goats and many camels. As needed, the entire family group would move to a new grazing area with their flocks. During such a move, the camels were used for transportation and to carry tents and supplies. It required much effort to move even a few miles in the desert country, for it was like moving a small city with all the people, sheep, goats, dogs, food, water, cooking utensils, tents, bedding, etc.

Because these nomadic people studied the stars and recorded their history according to the movement of the stars, they were thought to be very wise. Sometimes they foretold coming events quite accurately. Their family group leaders were often called astrologers or wise men. It so happened that several of these wise men read the cosmic signs quite accurately and were expecting some very great event to occur during their life time. For years they had watched the stars during the long desert nights, and saw some stars that twinkled, some that changed colors, and even some that moved.

And so it was that one night the brightest star they were watching fell from the sky, and lit up the entire desert. As they fled in panic, a man of White Light appeared before them and spoke their language. He told them not to fear, for he had come from the heavens in peace. He spoke to these wise men of many strange things. They listened intently, for this man of White Light touched their heart strings and calmed their spirit. He most certainly spoke Truth. He told them of a prophet who was to be born in a far away land, who would tell the people many wise teachings. These wise men asked for proof of such a happening, for their people had longed and searched for centuries for such knowledge. The man of White Light told them that he would lead them to the birthplace of this prophet, if they would follow his Light.

History was made as these wise men gathered their families and flocks and slowly moved westward across the desert. It was an enormous task, which required great dedication and energy. These family groups moved some six hundred miles over the course of two years in search of the birthplace of the wise prophet. Always, they followed the Light of the brightest star in the heavens.

They were finally guided to Jerusalem, the capital city of Judea. It is no small wonder that their arrival was expected long in advance. To have three small "cities" moving through the countryside and into your own city was overwhelming. People far and wide discussed the movements of these family groups and wondered about such historic events. Always the questions were asked, "What is the meaning of this?" and "Why are these wise men asking about a prophet?

Their arrival in Jerusalem was very worrisome for the authorities. They feared these wise leaders, who held such power with their people, and they feared that riots or chaos from so many strangers in the city could cause their loss of control over the people. So, when these wise men demanded to speak with King Herod, he was fearful to the point of panic, and posted a triple guard at the palace. He dared not refuse them an audience, so Herod arranged to meet with them immediately.

The wise men said to Herod, "Where is the wise prophet who has recently been born among the Judeans? We were told by a man of White Light to follow his Light in the sky to the birth-place of this one. This we have faithfully done. We have traveled over six hundred miles from the East, and we demand to know where to find this one. This one will be proof to us that what we have been told is true."

Herod was greatly disturbed, for he had no answer for them. They were talking about things he did not understand. He knew nothing of Light people and stars falling from the sky and prophets who spoke great Truth. Possibly, the religious leaders would have answers for these wise men.

So, Herod immediately called all the chief priests and their scribes in Jerusalem to the King's Palace for a meeting. Herod explained to them his dilemma. They searched the historical records and the prophetic writings, and discovered a statement made by a little known prophet more than three hundred years earlier. Prophet Micah had said, "One whose origin is from old would come forth from the people known as Judeans, from the tiny town of Bethlehem. This one would become great for his wisdom and speaking of Truth to the people."

King Herod felt great anxiety at Prophet Micah's words. Bethlehem was right under his nose, only ten miles to the south of Jerusalem. This person foretold could become a threat to his power and control over the people! He had to be destroyed.

So, Herod secretly met with the wise men in his chamber room and asked them many questions. He really wanted to find out when they had been told of this wise prophet, and how long they had searched to find him. Two years! Now, he had a plan. So, he sent the wise men on to Bethlehem with these words, "Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I, too, may come and worship him."

The wise men thanked Herod and left Jerusalem quickly, traveling south to Bethlehem. They were filled with great excitement in anticipation of finally finding the one they had searched for, for so long. As the Light in the sky led them to Bethlehem and suddenly stopped over a small adobe house on "C" street, they rejoiced with great joy.

Now, Mary, Esu, and Joseph had lived with their neighbor family for several days and were preparing to return to Nazareth the next day. The evening before their departure had been one of preparation for travel, sharing a thanksgiving meal with their host family, and now a time of quiet meditation and reflection of all that had happened since leaving home. Joseph had often noted the twinkling stars in the night sky, but never had he seen any of them move until this night. As he sat in the doorway watching the brightest star in the north, it suddenly began to move. It was moving in the direction of Bethlehem, and it was getting brighter! This was very strange! He sat spellbound as the Light came ever closer and finally stopped overhead. The night was as bright as day! And the "star" appeared to be disc-shaped and so bright he could not look at it directly. He called to Mary to wake and come and see. Mary came with Esu in her arms, for she was quite frightened at the Light. Yet, all was so quiet, as if this were only a dream.

Suddenly, they heard voices, just like the night the shepherds came, but now it was like daytime, and they could see clearly people in long flowing robes rapidly approaching from the next street. Both Joseph and Mary felt their anxiety leave and a peaceful calm come to their spirits, as the energy and excitement of the approaching strangers enveloped them.

There were several men in bright colored robes with very strange designs, yet they spoke Aramaic, the native language. They were very polite and kind and asked to see the "baby boy". They were thrilled when Mary let them hold Esu. Then they began to tell Joseph and Mary the strangest of stories, of their man of White Light experience, the Light in the sky they had followed for two years, how Herod had directed them to Bethlehem, and the Light that was now overhead.

Then Mary and Joseph spoke of their experiences with Archangel Gabriel, their marriage, journey to Bethlehem, and the strange appearance of the shepherd men a week ago. Suddenly they all became silent. They felt a common bond and knew within their spirits the full meaning of Esu's birth.

The wise men sincerely desired to assist this struggling family, so they gave them several very expensive gifts, some of which were the spice, myrrh, which could be sold or traded, frankincense, another spice of the East, and gold to be used anywhere in the Roman Empire as a medium of exchange. Their heart strings sang as they hugged Joseph and Mary and Esu. They had found the wise prophet. Here was the proof. The trip was, indeed, worth it, for they had seen and touched and helped, Esu. He would become a great Truthbringer! In their hearts they knew.

The wise men returned to their encampment outside Bethlehem, while the Light in the sky remained over the little house on "C" street. What a night of joy it was, as they told their families all that had happened in Bethlehem. Suddenly, someone shouted "Look at the Light in the sky!" The Light was moving and as they watched it fell from the sky again very near them! The same man of White Light appeared before them. He spoke. He told them of the evil intent of King Herod in Jerusalem, and warned them not to tell anything to Herod, for he planned to destroy Esu, if possible. The wise men understood and agreed to by-pass Jerusalem in their return home. And so it was that they departed for their own country that very night by another way.

Joseph could not sleep, yet he must, for they were to begin their journey home in the morning. Joseph's mind was in a whirl from all the thoughts of the recent events. Suddenly he was startled upright as a man of Light appeared in the doorway. It was Archangel Gabriel, the same one who had spoken to him in Nazareth about Mary's pregnancy. It was Esu's father!

Escape to Egypt

Gabriel spoke these words, "Rise quickly, Joseph, take Esu and Mary, and flee south to Egypt, and stay there in hiding until I tell you that it is safe to return home. King Herod is searching for Esu and plans to kill him. My Light will show you the way."

And so it was that Joseph, Mary, and Esu left quickly and quietly that very night without their host knowing, and fled to Egypt for safety, guided by the Light in the sky.

Meanwhile, King Herod learned that he had been tricked by the wise men. In a furious rage he decided to order all the male children in Bethlehem and all the surrounding area, who were two years old or less, to be killed. This was a very evil, horrible tragedy to put upon the simple peasant people. When the people heard this they knew that King Herod was trying to kill the child, who had been born in a cowbarn in Bethlehem, who was called Esu. Why, they didn't know, but they were very sorry for their gossip and ill treatment of the strange family from Nazareth. Maybe some day they would know what had happened to them.

While King Herod was laying his evil plans, an angelic messenger came to him and persuaded him that Esu would not be a threat to his throne. With this understanding King Herod had a change of heart and told the messenger that he would not have the children killed, and that Esu and his family were no longer in any danger from the royal throne.

So, it was that Archangel Gabriel again spoke to Joseph in Egypt, and told him that it was now safe to return home. Joseph, Mary and Esu traveled back to their home in Nazareth, Galilee, where Joseph continued with his carpentry trade.

For Greater Understanding

May the reader please note that historically the Roman calendar and method of time keeping was inaccurate when compared to the Cosmic Calendar. The true date of Esu Immanuel's birth was August 8, 8 BC and not zero BC/AD as supposed. Secondly, Esu Immanuel's name was changed later by Saul/Paul and the Pharisees and scribes to, Jesus Christ, to denote deity to trick the people. Thus, he was said to be the Son of God, and not the son of Gabriel, as he truly was at birth. Thirdly, the holiday celebrated on December 25th, and known as Christmas, was in actuality a very evil satanic cult holiday. The early religious leaders were persuaded by various lies to agree to celebrate Esu's birth on "Christmas". The date is not important, only the meaning of Esu's birth. He came as a great Truthbringer, and his life changed the course of Earth Shan's history.

The starship that Esu’s father, Archangel Gabriel, commanded, and that created the Light which the Eastern wise men followed to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem was called The Star of Bethlehem.  Throughout his life Esu was guided by his father, Gabriel, and The Star(ship) of Bethlehem starting with his flight to Egypt.  After Esu’s baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, he was taken to the “wilderness” aboard The Star of Bethlehem for forty days of travel and education throughout the world, universe and Cosmos in preparation for his physical mission as a Truthbringer on Shan.  At the end of his teaching and healing mission it was The Star of Bethlehem that carried Esu from the “Mt. of Transfiguration”.

Most references to starships, space travel, reincarnation, etc. taught by Esu Immanuel during his later life and recorded in the early writings, were removed from the collection of writings chosen by the Council of Nicaea in 323-325 AD to become the official record and canonized into the “Holy Bible”.  Having little knowledge of science in those days, often the word starship was replaced by the word “cloud”, etc. so that today much Truth is missing in, for example, the account of Esu’s birth.

The twinkling white and rainbow colored strobe lights of many starships can be seen in our night skies and cloudships in daytime, as proof of their presence.  They are waiting to assist Esu Immanuel Sananda in the planetary evacuation, when that becomes necessary.  Hatonn/Aton commands the Pleiadian Star Fleet command ship, The Phoenix, which is currently circling Earth Shan, and aboard which is Esu Immanuel Sananda, directing Earth Shan’s transition into 5D.

Now that Esu Immanuel has returned in 1954 to our Earth Shan (Shan being the cosmic name, Earth, a generic term) under his new name, Sananda, and is orbiting our Earth Shan aboard the command ship of the Pleiadian Star Fleet, The Phoenix, he shall complete the work he started. He has brought Truth one more time to the people of Earth Shan through the Phoenix Journals, and through the Light of Truth, Sananda shall ultimately conquer his brother Lucifer/Satan, God of Darkness. Only with our enlightened help will balance and harmony be restored, as our Mother Earth moves into her new identity in the Realms of Light.

Let us celebrate and share the Light of Truth, and fulfill the Law of Giving and Re-giving each day of our pathway, and not just on the holiday called Christmas. May we assist Esu Immanuel Sananda in our day to bring peace and joy and love--Truth to all the people, that there may be peace on Earth and goodwill to all people.

The Phoenix Journals, Contact Newspapers- are at -- and

The Unpublished Phoenix Journals and the Spectrum Newspaper are at

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information are at --

Patrick H. Bellringer

[email protected]


Written December, 2000 Reposted on 12/10/12




Patrick H. Bellringer

In the Lighted Realms long ago, four great Masters surveyed the many celestial planets of the cosmos, and were dismayed at the ever-increasing darkness of one planet called Earth Shan. They agreed that together they would try again to bring Light into the darkness of Shan. So, a contract was written and signed, under the supervision of the Rainbow Masters and with the blessing of God Aton of Light.

In the course of history on Shan, a third dimensional planet, the jail planet for Lucifer/Satan, a group of people came from Orion and gave their freewill over to Satan, the God of Darkness on Shan. They were known as the Serpent People. These Serpent People feared the Light and endeavored to overcome all Light on Shan with their Darkness. Thus, they destroyed an entire nation of enlightened humans known as Sumerians, and claimed the Sumerian history as their own to fool Shan's peoples.

In the proper sequence of cosmic events a baby Sumerian girl was born according to Lighted contract. She was birthed into a family in the country of Galilee, and lived her childhood there with her Judean family. In her growth to womanhood she became educated in the four great virtues of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity. She was highly respected for her beauty and love and wisdom.

The Judeans were peasant people, as were all their surrounding small neighbor nations. At one time they had been conquered by Syria and now paid tax to the Syrians. A foreign power known as the Roman Empire had recently conquered the entire region including Syria and controlled all the people through trade and taxation. Periodically, a census was demanded by the Roman government to count the number of people under their control, and at the same time a tax was assessed upon each family. The Romans maintained control over their vast empire by using governors within each subservient nation, who were of the same nationality and race as the people they governed. The same was true for the tax collectors. Therefore, these governors and tax collectors were seen as traitors by the people and were fiercely hated. This type of Roman governmental control was also present in the tiny nation of Galilee.

The Judean woman of whom we spoke earlier lived in a small town, which today is called Nazareth. She was known as Mary, the beautiful one. She was courted a long while by many honorable men, and finally, she was engaged to be married to a highly respected carpenter by the name of Joseph. During her engagement Mary had a most unusual encounter with a being of the Lighted Realms. Archangel Gabriel met with Mary and discussed with her the contract they had made prior to her return to Shan in her present lifestream. Through her God-Spirit within, Mary remembered that she was to bear a son, who would become a great Truthbringer and bring Light to Shan once again. So it was that Mary was impregnated by Archangel Gabriel and conceived a son. Then it was that she remembered the words of the great prophet, Isaiah, who had said long ago, "Listen, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Esu Immanuel." Immanuel means, sent from Creator God Aton of Light. Mary knew in her heart that she was the mother of Esu.

When Mary told her fiancé, Joseph, of her pregnancy, he did not understand and became very angry. Unwed mothers were a disgrace in Judea, and Joseph would bear the blame for such evil doings. The breaking of a marriage engagement was also despised by the people, but to do this would present less shame to Joseph then to marry an adulteress. Joseph was a very kind man of great integrity. He wished no harm or shame to come to Mary either, so he decided to quietly break their marriage engagement.

That very evening as he was struggling with his God-Spirit within, Archangel Gabriel came to him. Gabriel spoke these words, "Joseph, you are as kind and honest as your father, David. You have a marriage agreement with Mary, the beautiful one, and now you have found her to be pregnant by another man. You have been disgraced and tricked. Take heart! Mary has awakened to her contract with the Lighted Realms. I am the father of her child. This child shall be born a son by the name, Esu Immanuel, and he shall bring great Truth and Light to your people."

Joseph was stunned and wept as he began to remember his own contract with the Lighted Realms. With great joy he thanked Gabriel and immediately went and found Mary and told her all that had happened. Mary and Joseph were soon married and lived with peace and joy in their hearts in spite of the gossip and rejection by the people, and even that of their own families.

It was again the time of taxation by Rome, and Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor decreed that for the first time a census would be taken of the entire Roman Empire. This census occurred when Quirinius was the governor of Syria. The head of every family was ordered to go to the town of their birthplace, taking their family with them to be counted and to pay a tax to Rome.

So Joseph and Mary had to travel ninety miles by donkey from their home in Nazareth, Galilee to Joseph's birthplace of Bethlehem, Judea. Bethlehem was known as the city of the great King David, and Joseph was of that family line. The journey was most difficult for Mary, as she was nearly nine months in gestation. Because of her pregnancy, riding their donkey was both tiring and painful for Mary, so Mary and Joseph walked most of the way to Bethlehem. Their trusty donkey carried extra clothes, travel blankets and some food and water for the journey. Many other people were traveling for the same reasons, and it was most difficult to find enough food and water, and even shelter at night. In this dry country July and August were very hot, and the road most dusty. Often Joseph and Mary had to stop to rest.

Always there were those who knew either Mary or Joseph, and gossip about her conception prior to marriage was passed on to other travelers. Thus, there was a continuous pattern of ill remarks, gestures, and rudeness toward them, even by strangers, during the entire week-long trip to Bethlehem.

Joseph became quite tired, as it was a struggle for him to find lodging for Mary at night, prepare meals, care for the donkey and get his own rest. By the time they reached Bethlehem, they were both near exhaustion. Joseph searched throughout the entire city of Bethlehem for a place for Mary to stay but found nothing. The city was filled with people returning for the census. Gossip was everywhere, and Joseph keenly felt the ridicule from natives and travelers alike. Joseph was becoming desperate as darkness settled over Bethlehem. Mary was having labor pains, they were both very tired and hungry, and their hungry donkey was at the point of collapse. Joseph's instinct told him that a cattle shed with straw would have to do for a shelter for Mary. He finally found an old man who had a few milk cows and goats on "C" street at the edge of town, who agreed to let them stay in his cow barn overnight.

What a relief! They were finally away from the dust, barking dogs, noisy children and clamor of the travelers of the city streets. The night was clear and very quiet. The stars were out in all their twinkling beauty, as if something very glorious was about to happen.

And happen it did! Mary gave birth to her first child, a son, that night. She wrapped him in the blankets they had brought, and placed him in one of the empty cow mangers. Joseph and Mary had great joy and peace within as they reviewed the events of the day, their trip to Bethlehem, and the circumstances of their courtship. Now, they knew more clearly their pathway. In spite of the ridicule and hardship, their marriage had survived because they were both enlightened, and understood and followed their inner guidance. The cowbarn was so peaceful with the sounds of the animals eating and sleeping. The birth had been easy and Esu was sleeping. He was such a "good baby". The night was dark but lit by the stars, especially by one very bright star almost directly overhead.

The Night Visitors

Suddenly, Joseph heard voices and he could see several people coming along the pathway to the cowbarn. Fear gripped him as he thought of the harm some angry drunken men could do to his family. He sprang to his feet and moved swiftly toward them with his long walking stick. As he approached them, the leader of the group lit a flare. He was none other than the old man who had allowed Joseph to use his cowbarn. He explained to Joseph that these men had insisted on talking with Joseph and his wife, now. They would not wait until morning.

Hurriedly, the old man left the scene, so as not to get involved in any fight. He regretted allowing these strangers to use his barn for even one night. The strange men told Joseph that they were friends, shepherds, from the hill country near Bethlehem and that they meant him no harm. Peace swept through Joseph's spirit as he felt their energy and excitement. He woke Mary and together they listened in amazement to the shepherd's most unusual story.

The shepherds cared for the temple sheep that were raised for sale to the pilgrims, who returned each spring for the week-long spring Passover celebration in Jerusalem. Some were also used for occasional sacrifices during other holy days in Bethlehem. Earlier that evening at nearly the same time that Esu was born, these men were sitting on a hill over-looking Bethlehem. They were watching their sheep settle down for the night. The sheep dogs were lying quietly by the campfire. Suddenly, the whole sky lit up as a lighted disc-shaped object came out of the star-lit sky and landed on a nearby hill. They were terrified as a man of blinding Light came walking toward them. The whole hillside was bright as day, but the sheep and the dogs never moved or made any sound. All was an eerie silence and bright with White Light. Then the man of Light spoke to them.

He told them not to be afraid, and that he brought good news. He said this good news would make the people joyful, because at this very moment a child was being born in a cowbarn in Bethlehem. He would become a great Truthbringer and present again the Laws of God and of Creation to the people. Thus, the people would learn again how to stand against their evil controllers and to create their own pathway of hope and joy and peace.

The man of Light told the shepherds that proof of the Truth of what he said could be found by going to Bethlehem to the dairy on "C" street on the edge of town. There they would find a man by the name of Joseph and his wife, Mary, who had just given birth to a son, while staying in the dairy overnight. She had wrapped him in blankets and placed him in a cow manger, and had named him, Esu.

Then the man of Light stopped talking. Suddenly the shepherds on their hill were surrounded by hundreds of other people of Light. They began to sing the most beautiful music the shepherds had ever heard.

Glory to God Aton of Light

Sing joy to the Creation

May Esu bring Truth

To the people of Shan

To awaken them to their inner Light.

Glory to Aton and peace to all mankind.

As quickly as they had come, the Light beings left. The disc-shaped Light went out, and all was quiet again. Only the twinkling stars and the distant lights from Bethlehem remained in the night sky. So it was that the shepherds ran the two miles to Bethlehem in both fear and excitement to prove that what had happened to them was, indeed, true.

They could hardly contain their excitement as they talked and saw Esu in the manger. They hugged Mary and Joseph and gave them gold coins to purchase appropriate lodging for themselves and their new son. They left talking, and singing the words they had heard in the night sky. The shepherds told many people in Bethlehem their story before they returned to their sheep. No one believed them but wondered about the strange couple from Nazareth and their child born in a cowbarn. Mary and Joseph talked much about the shepherd's experience and were at peace within, for they now knew more clearly their pathway and that of Esu, their new son.

Word spread quickly throughout Bethlehem of the strange couple from Nazareth, and the stories told by local shepherds. The plight of Mary and her son living in a cowbarn touched the hearts of a family next door, who were considered to be social outcasts themselves because of their race. They offered their humble home to Mary, Esu, and Joseph until Mary and Esu were strong enough to travel home. This offer was graciously received, as Mary needed several days of rest.

Travelers from the East

Esu was born in Bethlehem, Judea when Herod was the king over Judea. King Herod was hated by the people, for he was a traitor in his position as a puppet king and a subject of Rome. He ruled from his palace in Jerusalem, only ten miles north of Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary had just passed through Jerusalem in their journey to Bethlehem, and had heard gossip about travelers who were arriving from the East. These travelers were making quite a stir but they did not know why.

The Eastern peoples were nomads and lived in family groups. Each family group had large herds of sheep and goats and many camels. As needed, the entire family group would move to a new grazing area with their flocks. During such a move, the camels were used for transportation and to carry tents and supplies. It required much effort to move even a few miles in the desert country, for it was like moving a small city with all the people, sheep, goats, dogs, food, water, cooking utensils, tents, bedding, etc.

Because these nomadic people studied the stars and recorded their history according to the movement of the stars, they were thought to be very wise. Sometimes they foretold coming events quite accurately. Their family group leaders were often called astrologers or wise men. It so happened that several of these wise men read the cosmic signs quite accurately and were expecting some very great event to occur during their life time. For years they had watched the stars during the long desert nights, and saw some stars that twinkled, some that changed colors, and even some that moved.

And so it was that one night the brightest star they were watching fell from the sky, and lit up the entire desert. As they fled in panic, a man of White Light appeared before them and spoke their language. He told them not to fear, for he had come from the heavens in peace. He spoke to these wise men of many strange things. They listened intently, for this man of White Light touched their heart strings and calmed their spirit. He most certainly spoke Truth. He told them of a prophet who was to be born in a faraway land, who would tell the people many wise teachings. These wise men asked for proof of such a happening, for their people had longed and searched for centuries for such knowledge. The man of White Light told them that he would lead them to the birthplace of this prophet, if they would follow his Light.

History was made as these wise men gathered their families and flocks and slowly moved westward across the desert. It was an enormous task, which required great dedication and energy. These family groups moved some six hundred miles over the course of two years in search of the birthplace of the wise prophet. Always, they followed the Light of the brightest star in the heavens.

They were finally guided to Jerusalem, the capital city of Judea. It is no small wonder that their arrival was expected long in advance. To have three small "cities" moving through the countryside and into your own city was overwhelming. People far and wide discussed the movements of these family groups and wondered about such historic events. Always the questions were asked, "What is the meaning of this?" and "Why are these wise men asking about a prophet?

Their arrival in Jerusalem was very worrisome for the authorities. They feared these wise leaders, who held such power with their people, and they feared that riots or chaos from so many strangers in the city could cause their loss of control over the people. So, when these wise men demanded to speak with King Herod, he was fearful to the point of panic, and posted a triple guard at the palace. He dared not refuse them an audience, so Herod arranged to meet with them immediately.

The wise men said to Herod, "Where is the wise prophet who has recently been born among the Judeans? We were told by a man of White Light to follow his Light in the sky to the birth-place of this one. This we have faithfully done. We have traveled over six hundred miles from the East, and we demand to know where to find this one. This one will be proof to us that what we have been told is true."

Herod was greatly disturbed, for he had no answer for them. They were talking about things he did not understand. He knew nothing of Light people and stars falling from the sky and prophets who spoke great Truth. Possibly, the religious leaders would have answers for these wise men.

So, Herod immediately called all the chief priests and their scribes in Jerusalem to the King's Palace for a meeting. Herod explained to them his dilemma. They searched the historical records and the prophetic writings, and discovered a statement made by a little known prophet more than three hundred years earlier. Prophet Micah had said, "One whose origin is from old would come forth from the people known as Judeans, from the tiny town of Bethlehem. This one would become great for his wisdom and speaking of Truth to the people."

King Herod felt great anxiety at Prophet Micah's words. Bethlehem was right under his nose, only ten miles to the south of Jerusalem. This person foretold could become a threat to his power and control over the people! He had to be destroyed.

So, Herod secretly met with the wise men in his chamber room and asked them many questions. He really wanted to find out when they had been told of this wise prophet, and how long they had searched to find him. Two years! Now, he had a plan. So, he sent the wise men on to Bethlehem with these words, "Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I, too, may come and worship him."

The wise men thanked Herod and left Jerusalem quickly, traveling south to Bethlehem. They were filled with great excitement in anticipation of finally finding the one they had searched for, for so long. As the Light in the sky led them to Bethlehem and suddenly stopped over a small adobe house on "C" street, they rejoiced with great joy.

Now, Mary, Esu, and Joseph had lived with their neighbor family for several days and were preparing to return to Nazareth the next day. The evening before their departure had been one of preparation for travel, sharing a thanksgiving meal with their host family, and now a time of quiet meditation and reflection of all that had happened since leaving home. Joseph had often noted the twinkling stars in the night sky, but never had he seen any of them move until this night. As he sat in the doorway watching the brightest star in the north, it suddenly began to move. It was moving in the direction of Bethlehem, and it was getting brighter! This was very strange! He sat spellbound as the Light came ever closer and finally stopped overhead. The night was as bright as day! And the "star" appeared to be disc-shaped and so bright he could not look at it directly. He called to Mary to wake and come and see. Mary came with Esu in her arms, for she was quite frightened at the Light. Yet, all was so quiet, as if this were only a dream.

Suddenly, they heard voices, just like the night the shepherds came, but now it was like daytime, and they could see clearly people in long flowing robes rapidly approaching from the next street. Both Joseph and Mary felt their anxiety leave and a peaceful calm come to their spirits, as the energy and excitement of the approaching strangers enveloped them.

There were several men in bright colored robes with very strange designs, yet they spoke Aramaic, the native language. They were very polite and kind and asked to see the "baby boy". They were thrilled when Mary let them hold Esu. Then they began to tell Joseph and Mary the strangest of stories, of their man of White Light experience, the Light in the sky they had followed for two years, how Herod had directed them to Bethlehem, and the Light that was now overhead.

Then Mary and Joseph spoke of their experiences with Archangel Gabriel, their marriage, journey to Bethlehem, and the strange appearance of the shepherd men a week ago. Suddenly they all became silent. They felt a common bond and knew within their spirits the full meaning of Esu's birth.

The wise men sincerely desired to assist this struggling family, so they gave them several very expensive gifts, some of which were the spice, myrrh, which could be sold or traded, frankincense, another spice of the East, and gold to be used anywhere in the Roman Empire as a medium of exchange. Their heart strings sang as they hugged Joseph and Mary and Esu. They had found the wise prophet. Here was the proof. The trip was, indeed, worth it, for they had seen and touched and helped, Esu. He would become a great Truthbringer! In their hearts they knew.

The wise men returned to their encampment outside Bethlehem, while the Light in the sky remained over the little house on "C" street. What a night of joy it was, as they told their families all that had happened in Bethlehem. Suddenly, someone shouted "Look at the Light in the sky!" The Light was moving and as they watched it fell from the sky again very near them! The same man of White Light appeared before them. He spoke. He told them of the evil intent of King Herod in Jerusalem, and warned them not to tell anything to Herod, for he planned to destroy Esu, if possible. The wise men understood and agreed to by-pass Jerusalem in their return home. And so it was that they departed for their own country that very night by another way.

Joseph could not sleep, yet he must, for they were to begin their journey home in the morning. Joseph's mind was in a whirl from all the thoughts of the recent events. Suddenly he was startled upright as a man of Light appeared in the doorway. It was Archangel Gabriel, the same one who had spoken to him in Nazareth about Mary's pregnancy. It was Esu's father!

Escape to Egypt

Gabriel spoke these words, "Rise quickly, Joseph, take Esu and Mary, and flee south to Egypt, and stay there in hiding until I tell you that it is safe to return home. King Herod is searching for Esu and plans to kill him. My Light will show you the way."

And so it was that Joseph, Mary, and Esu left quickly and quietly that very night without their host knowing, and fled to Egypt for safety, guided by the Light in the sky.

Meanwhile, King Herod learned that he had been tricked by the wise men. In a furious rage he decided to order all the male children in Bethlehem and all the surrounding area, who were two years old or less, to be killed. This was a very evil, horrible tragedy to put upon the simple peasant people. When the people heard this they knew that King Herod was trying to kill the child, who had been born in a cowbarn in Bethlehem, who was called Esu. Why, they didn't know, but they were very sorry for their gossip and ill treatment of the strange family from Nazareth. Maybe someday they would know what had happened to them.

While King Herod was laying his evil plans, an angelic messenger came to him and persuaded him that Esu would not be a threat to his throne. With this understanding King Herod had a change of heart and told the messenger that he would not have the children killed, and that Esu and his family were no longer in any danger from the royal throne.

So, it was that Archangel Gabriel again spoke to Joseph in Egypt, and told him that it was now safe to return home. Joseph, Mary and Esu traveled back to their home in Nazareth, Galilee, where Joseph continued with his carpentry trade.

For Greater Understanding

May the reader please note that historically the Roman calendar and method of time keeping was inaccurate when compared to the Cosmic Calendar. The true date of Esu Immanuel's birth was August 8, 8 BC and not zero BC/AD as supposed. Secondly, Esu Immanuel's name was changed later by Saul/Paul and the Pharisees and scribes to, Jesus Christ, to denote deity to trick the people. Thus, he was said to be the Son of God, and not the son of Gabriel, as he truly was at birth. Thirdly, the holiday celebrated on December 25th, and known as Christmas, was in actuality a very evil satanic cult holiday. The early religious leaders were persuaded by various lies to agree to celebrate Esu's birth on "Christmas". The date is not important, only the meaning of Esu's birth. He came as a great Truthbringer, and his life changed the course of Earth Shan's history.

The starship that Esu’s father, Archangel Gabriel, commanded, and that created the Light which the Eastern wise men followed to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem was called The Star of Bethlehem. Throughout his life Esu was guided by his father, Gabriel, and The Star(ship) of Bethlehem starting with his flight to Egypt. After Esu’s baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, he was taken to the “wilderness” aboard The Star of Bethlehem for forty days of travel and education throughout the world, universe and Cosmos in preparation for his physical mission as a Truthbringer on Shan. At the end of his teaching and healing mission it was The Star of Bethlehem that carried Esu from the “Mt. of Transfiguration”.

Most references to starships, space travel, reincarnation, etc. taught by Esu Immanuel during his later life and recorded in the early writings, were removed from the collection of writings chosen by the Council of Nicaea in 323-325 AD to become the official record and canonized into the “Holy Bible”. Having little knowledge of science in those days, often the word starship was replaced by the word “cloud”, etc. so that today much Truth is missing in, for example, the account of Esu’s birth.

The twinkling white and rainbow colored strobe lights of many starships can be seen in our night skies and cloudships in daytime, as proof of their presence. They are waiting to assist Esu Immanuel Sananda in the planetary evacuation, when that becomes necessary. Hatonn/Aton commands the Pleiadian Star Fleet command ship, The Phoenix, which is currently circling Earth Shan, and aboard which is Esu Immanuel Sananda, directing Earth Shan’s transition into 5D.

Now that Esu Immanuel has returned in 1954 to our Earth Shan (Shan being the cosmic name, Earth, a generic term) under his new name, Sananda, and is orbiting our Earth Shan aboard the command ship of the Pleiadian Star Fleet, The Phoenix, he shall complete the work he started. He has brought Truth one more time to the people of Earth Shan through the Phoenix Journals, and through the Light of Truth, Sananda shall ultimately conquer his brother Lucifer/Satan, God of Darkness. Only with our enlightened help will balance and harmony be restored, as our Mother Earth moves into her new identity in the Realms of Light.

Let us celebrate and share the Light of Truth, and fulfill the Law of Giving and Re-giving each day of our pathway, and not just on the holiday called Christmas. May we assist Esu Immanuel Sananda in our day to bring peace and joy and love--Truth to all the people, that there may be peace on Earth and goodwill to all people.

The Phoenix Journals, Contact Newspapers- are at -- and

The Unpublished Phoenix Journals and the Spectrum Newspaper are at

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information are at --

Patrick H. Bellringer

[email protected]

Written December, 2000 Reposted on 12/10/12


Patrick H. Bellringer

En los Reinos de Luz hace mucho tiempo, cuatro grandes Maestros estudiaron los planetas celestiales del cosmos, y quedaron consternados por la oscuridad cada vez mayor de un planeta llamado Tierra Shan. Estuvieron de acuerdo en que juntos, volvieran a intentar llevar la Luz a la oscuridad de Shan. Por lo tanto, un contrato se escribió y se firmó, bajo la supervisión de los Maestros del Arco Iris y con la bendición de Dios Atón de la Luz.

En el curso de la historia de Shan, un planeta de tercera dimensión, el planeta prisión para Lucifer/Satanás, un grupo de personas vino de Orión y dio su libre albedrío a Satanás, el Dios de la Oscuridad en Shan. Eran conocidos como la Gente Serpiente. Esta Gente Serpiente temía de la Luz y se esforzó por vencer toda la Luz de Shan con su Oscuridad. De este modo, destruyeron toda una nación de seres humanos iluminados conocida como los sumerios, y reclamaron la historia sumeria como propia para engañar a los pueblos de Shan.

En la secuencia correcta de los acontecimientos cósmicos, una niña sumeria había nacido de acuerdo a un contrato Iluminado. Ella nació en una familia en el país de Galilea, y vivió su infancia con su familia de Judea. En su crecimiento a la edad adulta se educó en las cuatro grandes virtudes de la sabiduría, la valentía, la fortaleza y la generosidad. Ella era muy respetada por su belleza, su amor y su sabiduría.

Los judaicos eran campesinos, al igual que todas las naciones pequeñas vecinas circundantes. En un momento habían sido conquistados por Siria y ahora pagaban impuestos a los sirios. Una potencia extranjera conocida como el Imperio Romano había conquistado recientemente la región entera incluyendo Siria y controló a todo el pueblo a través del comercio y los impuestos. Periódicamente, se realizaba un censo exigido por el gobierno romano para contar el número de personas bajo su control, y al mismo tiempo evaluar un impuesto a cada familia. Los romanos mantuvieron el control sobre su vasto imperio mediante el uso de los gobernadores de todas las naciones subordinadas, que eran de la misma nacionalidad y raza como el pueblo que gobernaban. Lo mismo podía decirse de los recaudadores de impuestos. Por lo tanto, estos gobernadores y recaudadores de impuestos eran vistos como traidores por el pueblo y se odiaban ferozmente. Este tipo de control gubernamental romano también estaba presente en la pequeña nación de Galilea.

La mujer de Judea de la cual hablamos anteriormente vivía en un pequeño pueblo, que hoy día se llama Nazaret. Ella era conocida como María, la bella. Ella fue cortejada durante mucho tiempo por muchos hombres honorables, y finalmente, estaba comprometida para casarse con un carpintero muy respetado con el nombre de José. Durante su compromiso, María tuvo un encuentro muy extraño con un ser de los Reinos de Luz. El Arcángel Gabriel se reunió con María y discutió con ella el contrato que habían hecho antes de su regreso a Shan en su corriente de vida actual. A través de su Espíritu de Dios interno, María recordó que ella iba a tener un hijo, que se convertiría en un gran Portador de la Verdad y llevar la Luz a Shan, una vez más. Así fue que María fue embarazada por el Arcángel Gabriel y concibió un hijo. Fue entonces cuando se acordó de las palabras del gran profeta Isaías, que había dicho hace mucho tiempo: "Mira, una mujer joven se concebirá y dará a luz un hijo, y le pondrán por nombre Esu Immanuel". Immanuel significa, enviado por el Dios Creador Atón de la Luz. María sabía en su corazón que ella era la madre de Esu.

Cuando María le dijo a su prometido, José, de su embarazo, el no entendió y se enojó mucho. Las madres solteras eran una vergüenza en Judea, y José tendría la culpa de tales fechorías. La ruptura de un compromiso matrimonial también era despreciada por la gente, pero al hacer esto representaría menos vergüenza a José que de casarse con una mujer adúltera. José era un hombre muy amable y de su gran integridad. No deseaba que ningún daño o vergüenza tampoco viniera a María, por lo que decidió romper su compromiso matrimonial silenciosamente.

Esa misma noche cuando estaba luchando con su Dios-Espíritu interno, el Arcángel Gabriel se le acercó. Gabriel dijo estas palabras: "José, tú eres tan amable y honesto como tu padre, David. Tú tienes un contrato de matrimonio con María, la bella, y ahora has encontrado que ella está embarazada de otro hombre. Se te has caído en desgracia y engañado. ¡Ánimo! María ha despertado a su contrato con los Reinos de Luz. Yo soy el padre de su hijo. Este niño será nacido barón con el nombre, Esu Immanuel, y él traerá gran Verdad y Luz a tu pueblo. "

Joseph se sorprendió y lloró cuando empezó a recordar su propio contrato con los Reinos de Luz. Con gran alegría le dio las gracias a Gabriel y se fue inmediatamente y encontró a María y le dijo todo lo que había sucedido. María y José se casaron pronto y vivieron con paz y alegría en sus corazones a pesar de los chismes y el rechazo de la gente, e incluso de sus propias familias.

Fue otra vez el tiempo de los impuestos por parte de Roma, y ​​César Augusto, el emperador romano, decretó que por primera vez un censo se tomaría de todo el Imperio Romano. Este censo tuvo lugar cuando Quirinio era gobernador de Siria. El jefe de cada familia se le ordenó ir a la ciudad de su lugar de nacimiento, llevando a su familia con ellos para ser contados y para pagar un impuesto a Roma.

Así que José y María tuvieron que viajar en burro noventa millas de su hogar en Nazaret, Galilea, al lugar de nacimiento de José en Belén, Judea. Belén fue conocida como la ciudad del gran Rey David, y José era de la línea de esa familia. El viaje fue muy difícil para María, como tenía casi nueve meses de gestación. Debido a su embarazo, montar su burro era a la vez agotador y doloroso para María, por lo que José y María caminaban la mayor parte del camino a Belén. Su fiel burro llevaba una muda de ropa, mantas de viaje y algo de comida y agua para el viaje. Muchas otras personas se desplazaban por las mismas razones, y era más difícil de encontrar suficiente comida y agua, e incluso refugio en la noche. En este país seco, en julio y agosto hacían mucho calor, y el camino muy polvoriento. A menudo, José y María tuvieron que parar para descansar.

Siempre había quienes conocían a María o a José, y los chismes acerca de su concepción antes del matrimonio pasaban a manos de otros viajeros. Por lo tanto, hubo una secuencia continua de comentarios malos, gestos, y groserías hacia ellos, incluso por parte de extraños, durante todo el viaje de una semana a Belén.

José llegó a ser muy cansado, ya que era una lucha para él para encontrar alojamiento para María en la noche, preparar las comidas, cuidar el burro y conseguir su propio descanso. En el momento en que llegaron a Belén, los dos estaban casi agotados. José buscó por toda la ciudad de Belén un lugar para María para quedarse, pero no encontró nada. La ciudad estaba llena de personas que regresaban para el censo. Los chismes estaban en todas partes, y José sintió profundamente por igual la burla de los nativos y viajeros. José empezó a desesperarse cuando la oscuridad se apoderó de Belén. María estaba con dolores de parto, los dos estaban muy cansados ​​y hambrientos, y su burro hambriento estaba a punto de colapsarse. El instinto de José le dijo que un establo con paja tendría que hacer el refugio para María. Finalmente, encontró a un anciano que tenía unas pocas vacas lecheras y cabras en la calle "C" de las afueras del pueblo, quien accedió a permitir que se quedaran en el granero de vaca durante la noche.

¡Qué alivio! Fueron finalmente lejos del polvo, los ladridos de perros, los niños ruidosos y el clamor de los viajeros de las calles de la ciudad. La noche era clara y muy tranquila. Las estrellas habían salido en toda su belleza centellante, como si algo muy glorioso estaba al punto de suceder.

¡Y suceder se hizo! María dio a luz a su primer niño, un barón, esa misma noche. Lo envolvió en las mantas que habían traído, y lo colocó en uno de los pesebres vacíos de las vacas. José y María tuvieron una gran alegría y paz interna al revisar los acontecimientos del día, su viaje a Belén, y las circunstancias de su noviazgo. Ahora, ellos sabían más claramente su camino. A pesar de las burlas y las dificultades, su matrimonio había sobrevivido porque fueron iluminados, y entendieron y siguieron su guía interna. El granero de vaca era tan tranquilo con los sonidos de los animales comiendo y durmiendo. El nacimiento había sido fácil y Esu estaba durmiendo. Él era un "buen bebé". La noche era oscura, pero iluminada por las estrellas, sobre todo por una estrella muy brillante casi directamente encima.

Los Visitantes Nocturnos

De repente, José escuchó voces y pudo ver a varias personas próximas en la vía al granero de vaca. El miedo se apoderó de él al pensar en el daño que algunos borrachos enojados podrían hacer a su familia. Él se puso de pie y se movió rápidamente hacia ellos con su bastón largo. A medida que se acercó a ellos, el líder del grupo encendió una bengala. Él no era otro que el viejo que había permitido a José a usar su granero de vaca. Él le explicó a José que estos hombres habían insistido en hablar con José y su esposa en este momento. Que no iban a esperar hasta la mañana.

A toda prisa, el anciano salió de la escena, a fin de no involucrarse en ninguna lucha. Lamentó que había permitido a estos extranjeros el uso de su establo, aún por una noche. Los hombres desconocidos le dijeron a José que eran amigos, pastores, de la región montañosa cerca de Belén y que no pretendían hacerle ningún daño. La paz se extendió por el espíritu de José como se sentía su energía y entusiasmo. Le despertó a  María y juntos escucharon con asombro a la historia más inusual del pastor.

Los pastores cuidaron de las ovejas del templo que se criaron para la venta a los peregrinos, que volvieron cada primavera para la celebración de una semana de primavera de la Pascua en Jerusalén. Algunos también fueron utilizados para sacrificios ocasionales durante otros días de fiesta en Belén. Esa misma tarde casi al mismo tiempo que Esu nació, estos hombres estaban sentados en una colina con vistas a Belén. Que estaban mirando sus ovejas asentarse por la noche. Los perros de ovejas yacían en silencio junto a la hoguera. De repente, el cielo iluminado por las estrellas se iluminó completo cuando un objeto en forma de disco llegó y aterrizó en una colina cercana. Estaban aterrorizados cuando un hombre de Luz cegadora vino caminando hacia ellos. La ladera entera estuvo brillante como el día, pero las ovejas y los perros no se movieron ni hicieron ningún sonido. Todo fue un silencio escalofriante y luminoso con Luz Blanca. Entonces, el hombre de la Luz les habló.

Él les dijo que no tuviera miedo, y que trajo buenas noticias. Dijo que estas buenas noticias serían que el pueblo se alegrara, porque en este momento un niño nacía en un establo para vacas en Belén. Se convertiría en un gran Portador de la Verdad y presentaría de nuevo las Leyes de Dios y de la Creación a la gente. Por lo tanto, la gente aprendería de nuevo a ponerse de pie en contra de sus controladores malos para crear su propio camino de la esperanza, la alegría y la paz.

El hombre de la Luz dijo a los pastores que la prueba de la Verdad de lo que dijo podría encontrarse al ir a Belén a la lechería en la calle "C" en las afueras de la ciudad. Allí se encontraría un hombre con el nombre de José y su esposa, María, que acababa de dar a luz un hijo, durante su estancia nocturna en la lechería. Ella lo había envuelto en mantas, lo había acostado en un pesebre de vaca, y lo había nombrado, Esu.

Entonces, el hombre de Luz dejó de hablar. De repente, los pastores en la colina fueron rodeados por cientos de personas de la Luz. Comenzaron a cantar la música más bella que los pastores nunca habían oído.

Gloria a Dios Atón de la Luz

Cante la alegría a la Creación

Que Esu traiga la verdad

A la gente de Shan

Para despertarlos a su Luz interior.

Gloria a Atón y que haya paz a toda la humanidad.

Tan rápido como habían llegado, los seres de Luz se fueron. La Luz en forma de disco se apagó, y todo estaba en silencio de nuevo. Sólo las estrellas titilantes y las lejanas luces de Belén se mantuvieron en el cielo nocturno. Así fue que los pastores corrieron las dos millas a Belén, tanto en miedo como en emoción para demostrar que lo que les había sucedido era, en efecto, cierto.

Que apenas podían contener su emoción a medida que hablaron y vieron a Esu en el pesebre. Se abrazaron a María y a José y les dieron unas monedas de oro para comprar alojamiento adecuado para ellos y su nuevo hijo. Se fueron hablando y cantando las palabras que habían oído en el cielo nocturno. Los pastores les dijeron a muchas personas en Belén su historia antes de regresar a sus ovejas. Nadie les creyó, pero se preguntaron acerca de la extraña pareja de Nazaret y su niño nacido en un granero de vaca. María y José hablaron mucho sobre la experiencia de los pastores y estaban en paz interna, porque ahora sabían con más claridad su camino y la de Esu, su nuevo hijo.

La voz se corrió rápidamente en todo Belén de la extraña pareja de Nazaret, y las historias contadas por los pastores locales. La difícil situación de María y su hijo viviendo en un granero de vaca tocó el corazón de una familia en la siguiente casa, que eran considerados como parias sociales ellos mismos debido a su raza. Ofrecieron su humilde casa a María, Esu, y José hasta que María y Esu fueron lo suficientemente fuertes como para viajar a casa. Esta oferta fue recibida con gracia, por que María necesitaba varios días de descanso.

Los viajeros procedentes de Oriente

Esu nació en Belén, Judea, cuando Herodes era el rey de Judea. El rey Herodes era odiado por el pueblo, porque él era un traidor en su posición como rey títere y un sujeto de Roma. Gobernaba desde su palacio en Jerusalén, a sólo diez millas al norte de Belén. José y María acababan de pasar por Jerusalén en su viaje a Belén, y habían oído rumores sobre unos viajeros que llegaban desde el Este. Estos viajeros estaban haciendo un gran revuelo, pero no sabían por qué.

Los pueblos orientales eran nómadas y vivían en grupos familiares. Cada grupo familiar tenía grandes rebaños de ovejas y cabras y muchos camellos. Según fuera necesario, todo el grupo familiar se trasladaría a una zona nueva de pastoreo con sus rebaños. En esa medida, los camellos fueron utilizados para el transporte y para llevar tiendas de campaña y suministros. Se requirió un gran esfuerzo para mover incluso a pocos kilómetros en el país desértico, porque era como mover una pequeña ciudad con todo el pueblo, ovejas, cabras, perros, alimentos, agua, utensilios de cocina, tiendas de campaña, ropa de cama, etc.

Debido a que estos pueblos nómadas estudiaban las estrellas y grababan su historia de acuerdo al movimiento de las estrellas, se creía que eran muy sabios. A veces se predecían próximos eventos con bastante precisión. Sus líderes de los grupos familiares a menudo fueron llamados astrólogos o magos. Dio la casualidad de que varios de estos sabios leyeron los signos cósmicos con bastante precisión y se esperaba un evento muy grande que se produjera durante su tiempo de vida. Durante años habían estudiado las estrellas durante las largas noches del desierto, y veían algunas estrellas que brillaban, algunos que se cambiaban de colores, e incluso algunos que se movían.

Y así fue que una noche la estrella más brillante que estaban viendo cayó del cielo, y se iluminó el desierto entero. Mientras huían en pánico, un hombre de Luz Blanca apareció ante ellos y habló su idioma. Él les dijo que no temiera, porque él había venido de los cielos en paz. Él habló a los sabios de muchas cosas extrañas. Escucharon con atención, porque este hombre de Luz Blanca tocó los hilos de sus corazones y calmó sus espíritus. Él muy ciertamente habló la verdad. Les habló de un profeta que había de nacer en una tierra lejana, que les diría a las muchas personas sabias enseñanzas. Estos hombres sabios pidieron una prueba de tal suceso, porque su pueblo había anhelado y buscado durante siglos para tal conocimiento. El hombre de Luz Blanca les dijo que les llevaría al lugar de nacimiento de este profeta, si querían seguir su luz.

Se hizo historia ya que estos sabios se reunieron a sus familias y los rebaños y se movieron lentamente hacia el oeste a través del desierto. Era una tarea enorme, que requería gran dedicación y energía. Estos grupos de familia se trasladaron unas 600 millas a lo largo de dos años en busca de la ciudad natal del sabio profeta. Siempre, seguían la luz de la estrella más brillante en el cielo.

Fueron guiados por fin a Jerusalén, la capital de Judea. No es de extrañar que su llegada fuera esperada con mucha antelación. Tener tres pequeñas "ciudades" en movimiento por el campo y hasta su propia ciudad era abrumadora. La gente por todas partes discutió los movimientos de estos grupos familiares y se preguntó acerca de tales acontecimientos históricos. Siempre se hicieron las preguntas, "¿Cuál es el significado de esto?" y "¿Por qué estos sabios preguntan acerca de un profeta?

Su llegada a Jerusalén fue muy preocupante para las autoridades. Se temían de estos líderes sabios, que tenían tanto poder con su pueblo, y temían que los disturbios y el caos de tantos desconocidos en la ciudad podrían causar la pérdida de control sobre el pueblo. Por lo tanto, cuando estos sabios exigieron hablar con el rey Herodes, él tuvo miedo hasta el punto de pánico, y puso una guardia triple en el palacio. No se atrevía a negarles una audiencia, por lo que Herodes arregló a reunirse con ellos inmediatamente.

Los sabios dijeron a Herodes: "¿Dónde está el sabio profeta que acaba de nacer entre los judeanos? Nos dijo un hombre de Luz Blanca que siguiéramos su Luz en el cielo al lugar de nacimiento de éste. Esto lo hemos fielmente hecho. Hemos viajado más de 600 millas desde el Este, y exigimos saber dónde encontrar este. Esta será una prueba para nosotros que lo que se nos ha dicho es verdad. "

Herodes se turbó mucho, pues él no tenía una respuesta para ellos. Estaban hablando de cosas que no entendía. No sabía nada de la gente Luz y de estrellas que se caen del cielo y de los profetas que hablaron gran Verdad. Posiblemente, los líderes religiosos tendrían respuestas para estos hombres sabios.

Por lo tanto, Herodes convocó inmediatamente a todos los sumos sacerdotes y los escribas de Jerusalén al Palacio del Rey para una reunión. Herodes les explicó su dilema. Se realizaron búsquedas en el registro histórico y los escritos proféticos, y descubrieron una declaración hecha por un profeta poco conocido hace más de trescientos años. El profeta Miqueas había dicho: "Uno, cuyo origen es de la vieja saldría de las personas conocidas como judaicos, de la pequeña ciudad de Belén. Este se convertiría en grande por su sabiduría y por hablar de la Verdad a la gente."

El rey Herodes se sentía una gran ansiedad ante las palabras del Profeta Miqueas. Belén estaba delante de sus narices, a sólo diez millas al sur de Jerusalén. ¡Esta persona pronosticada podría convertirse en una amenaza para su poder y control sobre el pueblo! Él tuvo que ser destruido.

Por lo tanto, Herodes reunió en secreto con los sabios en su sala de cámara y les preguntó muchas cosas. Lo que realmente quería saber era cuándo se les había dicho de este profeta sabio, y cuánto tiempo habían buscado para encontrarlo. ¡Dos años! Ahora, él tenía un plan. Entonces, envió a los sabios a Belén con estas palabras: "Vaya y busque con diligencia por el niño, y cuando lo hayan encontrado, avísenme, que yo también pueda ir y adórele."

Los sabios dieron las gracias a Herodes y rápidamente salieron de Jerusalén, viajando al sur hasta Belén. Estaban llenos de gran emoción a la espera de que finalmente encontrarían la que habían buscado por tanto tiempo. Como la Luz en el cielo los llevó a Belén y se detuvo de repente en una pequeña casa de adobe en de la calle "C", se regocijaron con gran alegría.

Ahora, María, Esu, y José había vivido con su familia vecina durante varios días y se preparaban para regresar a Nazaret al día siguiente. La noche antes de su partida había sido una de preparación para el viaje, compartir una comida de acción de gracias con su familia de acogida, y ahora era un momento de meditación en silencio y reflexión de todo lo que había sucedido desde que salieron de su casa. José había tomado nota a menudo de las estrellas titilantes en el cielo nocturno, pero nunca había visto a ninguno de ellos se moviera hasta esta noche. Mientras estaba sentado en la portada de la casa mirando la estrella más brillante en el norte, de repente comenzó a moverse. Se estaba moviendo en la dirección de Belén, y ¡era cada vez más brillante! ¡Esto era muy extraño! Se sentó hechizado mientras la luz vino cada vez más cerca y finalmente se detuvo encima. ¡La noche era tan brillante como el día! Y la "estrella" parecía estar en forma de disco y tan brillante que no podía mirarla directamente. Él llamó a María que despertara y que viniera a ver. María llegó con Esu en sus brazos, porque se asustó bastante por la Luz. Sin embargo, todo estaba tan tranquilo, como si esto fuera sólo un sueño.

De repente, se oyeron voces, al igual que la noche cuando vinieron los pastores, pero ahora era como el día, y se podían ver con claridad las personas en largas túnicas fluyentes que estaban acercando rápidamente desde la siguiente calle. José y María sentían que su ansiedad se dejó y  una pacífica calma llegó a su espíritu, como la energía y el entusiasmo de los extranjeros acercándose los envolvieron.

Había varios hombres en túnicas de colores brillantes con diseños muy extraños; sin embargo, hablaban arameo, la lengua nativa. Fueron muy educados y amables, y pidieron ver al "niño". Ellos se emocionaron cuando María les dejó sostener a Esu. Entonces comenzaron a decir a José y María la más extraña de historias, de su experiencia con el hombre de la Luz Blanca, la Luz en el cielo que la habían seguido durante dos años, cómo Herodes les había mandado a Belén, y la Luz que estaba arriba en este momento.

A continuación, María y José hablaron de sus experiencias con el Arcángel Gabriel, su matrimonio, el viaje a Belén, y la extraña apariencia de los hombres de pastor hace una semana. De repente, todos se callaron. Se sentían un vínculo común y sabían en sus espíritus el pleno significado del nacimiento de Esu.

Los sabios sinceramente deseaban ayudar a esta familia en lucha, por lo que les dieron varios regalos muy caros, algunos de los cuales eran la especia, mirra, que podría ser vendida o intercambiada, incienso, otra especia del Oriente, y el oro para ser utilizado en cualquier lugar en el Imperio Romano como un medio de intercambio. Sus cuerdas del corazón cantaban mientras se abrazaban a José y María y Esu. Habían encontrado el sabio profeta. Aquí estaba la prueba. Sin duda, valió la pena su viaje, porque habían visto, tocado y ayudado a Esu. ¡Se convertiría en un gran Portador de la Verdad! En sus corazones lo sabían.

Los hombres sabios regresaron a su campamento en las afueras de Belén, mientras que la luz en el cielo se mantuvo por encima de la pequeña casa en la calle "C". ¡Qué noche de alegría fue, como les dijeron a sus familias todo lo que había sucedido en Belén. De repente, alguien gritó: "¡Mira la luz en el cielo!" La luz se estaba moviendo y cuando la vieron se cayó del cielo una vez más muy cerca de ellos! El mismo hombre de la Luz Blanca apareció ante ellos. Habló. Les contó de las malas intenciones del rey Herodes en Jerusalén, y les advirtió que no dijeran nada a Herodes, porque él planeaba matar a Esu, si fuera posible. Los sabios entendieron y acordaron de evitar pasar por Jerusalén en su regreso a casa. Y así fue que regresaron a su propio país esa misma noche por otro camino.

José no podía dormir; sin embargo, tenía que hacerlo, porque iban a comenzar su viaje a casa por la mañana. La mente de José era un torbellino de todos los pensamientos de los recientes acontecimientos. De repente fue asustado a posición vertical cuando un hombre de Luz apareció en la puerta. Fue el Arcángel Gabriel, el mismo que había hablado con él en Nazaret sobre el embarazo de María. ¡Era el padre de Esu!

Huye a Egipto

Gabriel dijo estas palabras: "Levántate pronto, José. Tome Esu y María, y huye hacia el sur a Egipto, y permanezca allí en la clandestinidad hasta que te diga que sea seguro para volver a casa. El rey Herodes está buscando a Esu y planea matarlo. Mi Luz les mostrará el camino. "

Y así fue que José, María y Esu se fueron rápidamente y en silencio, esa misma noche, sin que supiera su anfitrión, y huyeron a Egipto para su seguridad, guiado por la Luz en el cielo.

Mientras tanto, el rey Herodes se enteró de que había sido engañado por los sabios. En una rabia furiosa decidió ordenar a todos los niños varones en Belén y en todos los alrededores, que tuvieron dos años de edad o menos, fueran asesinados. Este fue una muy mal, horrible tragedia para poner sobre la gente campesina simple. Cuando el pueblo oyó esto, sabían que el rey Herodes estaba tratando de matar al niño que había nacido en un granero de vaca en Belén, que fue llamado Esu. Por qué, no lo sabían, pero que estaban muy arrepentidos por sus chismes y sus malos tratos hacia la extraña familia de Nazaret. Tal vez algún día sabrían lo que había sucedido a ellos.

Mientras que el rey Herodes estaba sentando sus malvados planes, un mensajero angelical vino a él y lo convenció de que Esu no sería una amenaza para su trono. Con este entendimiento el rey Herodes tuvo un cambio de corazón y le dijo al mensajero que no tendría los niños matados, y que Esu y su familia ya no estaban en peligro por el trono real.

Así fue que el Arcángel Gabriel habló otra vez a José en Egipto, y le dijo que ya era seguro para volver a casa. José, María y Esu regresaron a su hogar en Nazaret, en Galilea, donde José continuó con su comercio de carpintería.

Para una Mayor Comprensión

Que el lector tenga en cuenta que, históricamente, el calendario romano y el método para medir el tiempo no eran exactos, en comparación con el Calendario Cósmico. La verdadera fecha del nacimiento de Esu Immanuel fue el 8 de agosto el año 8 AC y no cero AC / DC, como se suponía. En segundo lugar, el nombre de Esu Immanuel fue cambiado más tarde por Saulo/Pablo y los fariseos y los escribas a Jesucristo, para referirse a la deidad para engañar a la gente. Así, se decía que era el Hijo de Dios, y no el hijo de Gabriel, como realmente fue al momento del nacimiento. En tercer lugar, el día de fiesta, celebrado el 25 de diciembre y conocido como la Navidad, era en realidad un día festivo de un culto satánico muy mal. Los primeros líderes religiosos fueron persuadidos por diversas mentiras para llegar a un acuerdo para celebrar el nacimiento de Esu en "Navidad". La fecha no es importante, sólo el significado del nacimiento de Esu. Él vino como un gran Portador de la Verdad, y su vida cambió el curso de la historia de Tierra Shan.

La nave que el padre de Esu, el Arcángel Gabriel, comendaba, y que creó la Luz que los hombres sabios del Este siguieron a Jerusalén y luego a Belén, se llamaba La Estrella de Belén. A lo largo de su vida Esu fue guiado por su padre, Gabriel, y La Estrella (barco) de Belén a partir de su huida a Egipto. Después del bautismo de Esu en el río Jordán por Juan el Bautista, fue llevado al "desierto" a bordo de la Estrella de Belén durante cuarenta días de viaje y educación a través de todo el mundo, el universo y el cosmos, en preparación para su misión física como Portador de Verdad en Shan. Al final de su enseñanza y su misión de sanación, fue la Estrella de Belén que llevó a Esu desde el “Monte de la Transfiguración".

La mayoría de las referencias a naves espaciales, los viajes espaciales, la rencarnación, etc. impartidos por Esu Immanuel durante su vida posterior y registrados en los primeros escritos, fueron retirados de la colección de escritos escogidos por el Consejo de Nicea en los años 323-325 DC para convertirse en el registro oficial y canonizado en la "Santa Biblia". Por tener poco conocimiento de la ciencia en aquellos días, a menudo la palabra nave fue reemplazado por la palabra "nube", etc., para que hoy día le falta mucha Verdad en, por ejemplo, el relato del nacimiento de Esu.

Las luces brillantes blancas y de colores arco iris de luz estroboscópica  de muchas naves se pueden ver en nuestros cielos nocturnos y en los buques nube durante el día, como prueba de su presencia. Ellos están esperando para ayudar a Esu Immanuel Sananda en la evacuación del planeta, cuando sea necesaria. Hatonn/Atón comanda la estrella nave de mando de la flota de las Pléyades, El Fénix, que actualmente está circunvolando la Tierra Shan, y a bordo de la cual es Esu Immanuel Sananda, dirigiendo la transición de la Tierra Shan a 5D.

Ahora que Esu Immanuel ha vuelto en 1954 a la Tierra Shan (Shan es el nombre cósmico; la Tierra, un término genérico), bajo su nuevo nombre, Sananda, y está orbitando la Tierra Shan a bordo de la nave de comando de la flota de la estrella de las Pléyades, El Fénix, se llevará a cabo el trabajo que él comenzó. Él ha traído la Verdad una vez más a la gente de la Tierra Shan a través de las Revistas Fénix, y a través de la Luz de la Verdad, en última instancia, Sananda conquistará su hermano Lucifer/Satanás, Dios de la Oscuridad. Sólo con nuestra ayuda iluminada serán restaurados el equilibrio y la armonía, ya que nuestra Madre Tierra avanza a su nueva identidad en los Reinos de la Luz.

Vamos a celebrar y compartir la Luz de la Verdad, y cumplir con la Ley del Dar y Re-dar cada día de nuestro camino, y no sólo en la fiesta llamada Navidad. Que ayudemos a Esu Immanuel Sananda en nuestro día para traer la paz y la alegría y el amor - la Verdad a todo el pueblo, para que haya paz en la Tierra y buena voluntad a todas las personas.

Las Revistas Fénix, y Diarios Contacto - están en - y .

Las Revistas Inéditas del Fénix y el Periódico Espectro se encuentran en

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Patrick H. Bellringer

[email protected]

Escrito diciembre, 2000. Actualizado el 12/10/12


----- Original Message -----
From: Love is
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2012 9:35 PM
Subject: The Christmas Story in Spanish