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Patrick H. Bellringer

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NOTE:  How timely is this article!  The Darkside does not care about the controlled clones or the people who are on their side.  They care about the mind  and soul of the ones who are enlightened.   This is why the new Supreme Court nominee, who is a Christian, is attacked by the Liberal Left Satanic Democrats.                                 

When the first human being was given a freewill by Creator Source, the battle for the human mind began.  Freewill allowed humans to learn to live in Creation by choosing between good and evil.  To live in harmony and balance with all things they had to choose to follow the Laws of God and Creation.  To choose otherwise would lead to imbalance and disharmony.

Over the past 206 million years that we humans have lived on our planet Earth Shan, we have had many lifestreams and many choices.  Myriads of things and innumerable people have influenced our thinking.  By freewill we have chosen to walk the dark path to explore all aspects of the Darkside.  We have also chosen to walk the pathway of Light to discover the many facets and colors of the Light side.  In so doing we have gained great wisdom.  We have all been the victim and the victimizer, the hero and the villain.  We have been and done everything to learn our lessons in soul growth in order to learn to follow correctly the Laws of God and Creation.  The battle for our mind has raged on over eons of time, and has reached its greatest intensity in our present day.  The Darkside is determined to win! 

It is inconceivable that so many means could be deployed against us today in the battle for our mind.  The age-old use of nutrition for mind control has been expanded to its maximum today.  Historically the fall of the Babylonian civilization is attributed to poor nutrition.  The Babylonian Royalty used slaves to provide for their domestic needs.  The slaves who prepared the food for the Royal Palace used knowledge and wisdom to defeat their captors.  They ground the wheat into flour separating the starch from the hull and wheat germ.  The starch they made into bread, as is done today, and given to the Royalty, while the hull and wheat germ containing vitamins and minerals the slaves kept for their own food.  Over time the Royal Family suffered dementia and finally insanity from lack of Vitamin B complex, and the kingdom fell.  The same is being done to our food today with Alzheimer’s disease as one of the consequences.

There are more than ten thousand chemicals being used as food additives in our processed foods today.  Added to that are the herbicides, insecticides and farm fertilizers used in the growing of our foods, and the hormones, anti-biotics and other chemicals that enter the food chain during the production of our dairy, egg, and meat products.  Many of these chemicals have adverse effects on our brain functioning.  The caffeine and sugar in our coffee, tea and carbonated drinks alter how we think.  The same holds true for the chlorination and fluoridation of our drinking water.  Even the air we breathe is polluted with chemicals that affect our thinking processes.

Many pharmaceutical drugs used so widely today affect the way we think.  The use of stimulants, depressants and sleeping pills are at an all-time high, because people crave them to control their thinking.  There seems to be no end to the new types of social drugs formulated to enhance the fun and excitement of our social life today.  The age-old standby, of course, is alcohol, where 90% of the people of the good old U.S. of A. are users, even though it has been proven for decades that alcohol alters immediate brain functioning and ultimately causes permanent serious loss of mental ability.  Other social drugs such as cocaine, tobacco, marijuana and methamphetamine also alter the functioning of the human brain.  By freewill we choose to use them to alter our freewill!

 I have indicated some of those things that basically enter the human body through the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems to distort our brain functioning.  Let us now consider mind control techniques that generally use the senses of hearing, seeing and feeling or a combination of all of our five senses to control our minds.

The oldest form of mind control on our planet is religion.  Religion has tricked mankind into believing many false gods, morals and values.  How many of you have made the pilgrimage to Mecca on the promise of eternal life?  How many of you have made animal sacrifices to the gods on the promise of sins forgiven?  How many of you have worshipped idols, sung chants, fingered beads or smoked incense in the hope of finding true peace within?  How many of you have knelt at an altar for someone to forgive your sins and call you “saved”?  How many of you have performed baptism by proxy to “save” someone else?  How many of you have poured out your soul to a priest and paid money for him to forgive your sins?  How many of you know that religion is a powerful form of mind control used widely by the Darkside because it is so effective?

Most people do not know who they are or their purpose for being here, much less Creator God and the power within that He has given them---all because of the mind controlling lies of religion.  Is planet Earth the center of Creation?  Are we the only humans in the universe?  Does Creator God judge the world and strike dead those He so chooses?  I think not!

Today, mass media is being used extensively as a means of mind control of the people.  A socially acceptable technique is advertising.  Advertising on T.V., for example, is done to influence how you think to get you to respond in a certain way.  You are mind controlled to buy a certain product, accept a certain service or react in a certain way.  Advertising sells!  Through the controlling of our thinking, advertising sells junk food, junk clothes, junk drugs, junk sex, junk sports and junk anything to make the rich, richer and poor, poorer.  Amid the flurry of advertising is often the coded subliminal message that programs the subconscious mind.  This is a common practice during T.V. and radio advertising as well as regular programming.

The controlled news media is another means to influence thinking and cause the necessary reactions acceptable to the Darkside’s plans.  Disinformation and outright lies are commonly used today to hide Truth and to confuse the people.  This is true in the United States more so than in any other country of the world.  The people are being told only what the government wants them to know, and when people are told the same lies long enough, they believe them as Truth.  There is little “live” news anymore but news “stories” or programmed news censored by the government and presented as “news programs” to program the people into the desired way of thinking and reacting.

Various types of music are being widely used today to control the thinking  people.  Young people are the target area for pop music.  The rhythm, lyric and frequency range are combined to generate a desired effect in the brain.  Thus, music can and does control the way people think and act.

The deliberate propagation of sports, and especially of professional sports, is another tool for mind controlling millions of people, who either attend the “live” events or participate by watching the events on T.V.  Through sports people are programmed to be competitive and violent.  The evil world controllers joke about professional sports being the “little people’s wars”, which prepare them for the “big people’s real wars”.

Movies, videos, and especially video games for children shape and program the thinking to desired values, morals, and outcomes such as acceptance of violence, killing and lurid sex as norms.  The military builds on this mind programming to make great killers and sex fanatics out of their soldiers.  It is well known that anything goes in war.

A subtle yet very effective means of mind control is done through education.  Often students are taught to think a certain way to be accepted by their teachers and peers, and to “pass” the course.  It is rare today when students are actually taught and allowed to think for themselves.  We are producing many robotic students, who only answer to commands.  They make good industrial slaves and good soldiers and good “Enron, yes, people” but very poor teachers, administrators, statesmen and parents.

For many years more sophisticated techniques of mind control have been developed and used deliberately by the Darkside to control the people.  The GWEN and the HAARP are two such systems that have been used to mind control large sections of the population by electronic means.  The low frequency (LF waves), the very low frequency (VLF) and the extremely low frequency (ELF) waves are used to match and/or distort the human brain waves.  In the 1970’s the U.S. Military developed a mind control program called MK-Ultra using a combination of chemical and electrical means.  One off-shoot of MK-Ultra was Project Monarch Butterfly, which produced female sex slaves, drug mules, and presidential prostitutes for the U.S. Government. The human brain can be conditioned and programmed, and then later activated by trigger words, or it can be controlled by electronic means by using the same frequencies as the human brain waves.  Thoughts and images can be put into the human brain to produce pre-determined responses.

Cloning also uses mind control to produce the desired responses from the clone.  The clone’s brain is down-loaded with the necessary information to provide the memory needed for the clone to act in an acceptable manner.  Please understand that human cloning is very real and has been widely used since the 1970’s by the Darkside to replace thousands of government leaders and people worldwide for their purposes.  The brains of these “human robots” are easily controlled by electronic means.

A mind control project developed many years ago to control the thinking of the people of our entire planet is called Project Blue Beam.  Using a network of some thirty satellites around our planet, holographic images would be portrayed in the clouds.  At the same time messages would be projected electronically to the brains of the people to correspond to the holograms they were seeing in the sky.  This plan was developed by the U.S. Government in cooperation with Billy Graham and other world religious leaders.  Project Blue Beam would “create” a fake second coming of “Jesus Christ”.  Christians would see and hear “Jesus” returning in the clouds.  Muslims would see and hear Allah.  Buddhists would see and hear Buddha, etc.

The purpose of Project Blue Beam was to cause many people through mind control to board government space craft for “heaven”, and then be carried off and dumped into never-never land.  Each time that Project Blue Beam has been attempted the satellites have been mysteriously turned off course by Hatonn, Commander of the Phoenix Star Fleet.  The result has been images of Satan and other fearful beings appearing in the sky, and strange messages heard by some of the people. 

The ultimate technology for mind control of the people of Earth Shan is now being tested.  The extremely new system of ultimate mind control (UMC) is not yet operating in perfection.  This system is invisible to the naked eye.  It operates separately from chem trails technology.  It is beyond GWEN and HAARP and all other mind controlling technology ever used on Earth Shan.  UMC is beyond the technology of our earth’s magnetic grid system, but uses “energy” to alter human freewill.  UMC has been established throughout our entire planet and is now being tested by the Darkside.  Their plan is to control the whole planet.  This is their last effort to install complete world take-over.  My friends, I have good news for you and bad news for them.  It won’t work, because we have the creative thought power to stop it!  Our prayer power can vaporize all of the Darkside’s evil technology in an instant!

There are many signs today of the testing of Project UMC, if we but notice them.  Families are fighting among themselves, when they have never done so before this time.  Later they are ashamed and ask themselves “What were we thinking?”  Other people do very strange things, and appear to be really “messed up”.  There are many more accidents of all kinds.  There are many more unruly children.  There are many more “crazy” drivers, and much more “road rage” is occurring.  As Project UMC is tested, people in various parts of our world show wild reactions and do strange and even harmful things, as their freewill is being altered.  This is the ultimate attempt by the Darkside to win the battle for our minds.

Considering all the forces being used against us today in the battle for our mind, it is a marvel that any of us have any freewill left.  It is true that most of us have been dumbed down to a two strand DNA system since the time of Atlantis, and with all that has been put upon us by the Darkside our two strand system is now in jeopardy.  Yet, the Light prevails!

Truthbringers have kept Truth alive, and writings have been provided to us by the Realms of Light for our discernment.  We now know, that through the power of our God Spirit within, we have the power to overcome all the forms of mind control being put against us.  Even though peoples are experiencing mind control on a grand scale today and there is great confusion, we now know how to stop it and determine our future for ourselves.  The answer lies in the power of thought, aka the power of prayer.

How many of you have not given a thought to pray for your freewill to be untouched by anyone?  Many think they have freewill but do not realize they have given themselves over to mind control.  The robotic, unhealthy and often immoral lives they live is evidence that this is so.  Even the “religious” people are so lax in demanding peace.  So many have been unable to break their religious programming.  They pray only for their small group and not for the good of the whole world.

Because so many people today are discouraged and do not know that their prayers are important, I shall again speak of prayer and how to use it to make a difference in your life and in the lives of others.  Prayer power releases the hold the Darkside has over our thought processes.  Prayer power can correct our nutritional imbalance, our chemical imbalance, our energy imbalance and make us whole.  All we need to do is ask through our thoughts for such to happen, believe that it is possible, and it will be so.  Such is the power of Creation.

Everyone must be awakened to the fact that they may have wrong thinking, that their thought processes may be controlled.  They must ask Creator God/Aton to clear their thoughts of any manipulation by the Darkside, and take back their power to control their lives.  I offer here a simple prayer for that purpose.

Dear Creator God.  I ask that all mind control and all power manipulation over my freewill by the Darkside be immediately stopped, and be removed from me totally and permanently.  I ask for clear thinking, and for discernment to understand all Truth.  I take back my thought power, and I ask you for guidance to use my thought power to direct my life for good.  Thank you.  It is done.

All sincere prayers are important to Creator God.  Many people do not believe that their prayers are important or that they are even heard by the Angels or Creator God.  They are so wrong!  The energy of your prayer carries your thoughts immediately to Heaven’s Gate.  The Angels of Light instantly present your prayer to Creator God, who is constantly and lovingly watching over all of Creation.  He sees, hears and knows all.  The energy of your prayer is multiplied and instantly added to the great sea of prayer energy to accomplish your request.  Your prayer is answered in Creator God’s wisdom and timing for your best good and the good of all.

Please understand that Creator God is not up in the sky somewhere.  He is everywhere.  He is within you and only a thought away.  He reminds us that there is nothing without a belief system of right and good.  We must all pray for the betterment of mankind, for this stimulates the energy in others to awaken to right and goodness.

It is most important at this time that we pray for peace for our whole world, and for the betterment of all mankind.  Too often we pray only for ourselves and our little circle of family and friends, and neglect to include everyone.  I offer here a simple prayer for peace.

Dear Creator God, through my God Spirit within and my Mighty I AM Presence I ask for peace to be brought immediately to our entire planet, Earth Shan, and to all her people.  I ask that all war on our planet be now permanently stopped, that all violence and destruction cease, and that compassion and love reign supreme in the hearts of all the people on Earth Shan.  I give permission for the Angels of Light to assist to make this so.  So be it! 

For those who truly desire to pray for themselves or for others, but do not know how to do so or what to say to Creator God, I suggest a simple solution.  All living beings in all dimensions of Creation are at various levels of soul growth.  All need to pray, and all need to pray for each other.  We in third dimension pray for ourselves, and also ask others in 3D to pray for us.  Why do we not also ask the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters to pray to Creator God for us?  Esu Immanuel told his disciples that he would pray to Creator God for them to have the Spirit of Truth.  Is it not possible that Archangel Gabriel might have better understanding of my situation than I do at the moment, and know better how to pray to Creator God for me, and have greater prayer power to get the “Big Boss’s” attention?  Do not many people ask Mother Mary and others of higher dimensions to pray for them?  This is not to suggest that I set aside my responsibility to pray, but to ask others of other dimensions to assist.  Team work always creates greater results.

Let us take this concept of prayer one step further.  You may have asked the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters to pray for you, but have you ever asked Creator God to pray for you or for your planet?  You are probably thinking that Bellringer is now under mind control and needs help. I ask you, “What is prayer??  I asked Creator God, “What is prayer?”  His answer was, “Prayer is a petition (request), and a thought process to make it so.”

Here is a second question.  “What is the meaning of “a thought process to make it so?”

a. believing that your request is possible.

b. believing that your request will be answered.

c. using your thought power to create the answer to your request.

d. none of the above.

e. a, b, and c.

The answer, my friends, is “e”, a, b, and c.  To ask Creator God to pray for you and for your request is most wise.  It is all quite simple.  We ask Creator God to pray for peace for our world.  Creator God states our request for peace and then uses His “thought process to make it so”.  That is the power of Creation.  In the beginning Creator Source thought, and Creation began.  Our thoughts also hqve the power of Creation.  Together we can create miraculous changes for good, but Creator does not ever usurp our freewill.  He does not act in our behalf on our freewill planet without our request to do so.

I remind you that the simplest prayer is only two words, “God, help!”  Our call to the Lighted Realms always compels an answer.  Instantly the Angels respond.  Instantly our situation is known, our needs are assessed and help is given as needed.  I am reminded of the lady driving along a country road in Missouri one beautiful day.  As she approached the crest of a hill, a farmer with a tractor and wagon loaded with hay suddenly drove onto the road ahead of her.  She could not avoid hitting the wagon.  She hit the brakes and cried, “God, help!”  The next thing she knew was that she was still driving along the road.  When she looked into her rear view mirror, the tractor and wagonload of hay were behind her.  The Angels had instantly raised her frequencies to a higher dimension, and her car had passed right through the load of hay and tractor, leaving her completely unharmed.

To recap what I have just discussed, there are three levels of prayer power.  In general we operate on level one when we pray through our prayer power to Creator God for peace for our world.  We move to level two when we request the Angels of Light and the Ascended Masters and other higher Light Beings to prayer to Creator God for peace for our world.  The third level of prayer power is activated when we request Creator God to pray for peace for our world.

Have you ever thought of prayer for Creator God?  You say that sounds silly.  No, it is not.  Think about this.  In each higher dimension there is greater perfection until we reach the Isle of Paradise and Creator Source, where all is in perfection.  Creator God Aton of Light is not perfection, but He is far more perfect than Sananda, and Sananda is far more perfect than are we.  God Aton has created our Nebadon Universe and we are connected to Him through our God Spirit within.  He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He knows our thoughts and feelings.   He feels our joy and our pain.  He laughs when we laugh, and weeps when we weep.  He feels loneliness when we do not talk to Him.  As a parent watches a child grow and learn, Creator God watches our progress in our development and our achievement in our lessons in soul growth.  The prime goal of all Creation is for all Creation to return back to Source, to Creator Source in perfection according to the Laws of God and Creation.  Then Creation will have complete harmony and balance.  This is the meaning of the Law of Oneness.  To pray “for” Creator God Aton is to understand that we are all connected, that we are all participating in the journey back to wholeness, that we are all One!

It is high time that we unite our power of prayer to change our world for good.  Let us make a most powerful prayer for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan.

Through our God Spirit within and our Mighty I AM Presence, we petition Creator God for peace at this time on Earth Shan.  We request an immediate end to all war, violence, destruction and death forever on our planet.  We request that all darkness be removed now,

We request all of the “Hosts of Heaven” to pray with us to Creator God for peace now on our planet, Earth Shan.  We also request of Creator God that He would pray for peace now on our planet.  We ask that all our prayer power be now combined to restore balance to our planet for her transition to the fifth dimension.  We give permission to the “Hosts of Heaven” and to Creator God to assist us to make this so.  So be it!  It is done!  

What is happening on our planet is a once in a life-time; no, once in an earth-time; no, once in a universe experience to bring paradise to a planet.  The One World Order is pulling out all the “stops” to win, therefore, we must counter their attack with the greatest power we have---the prayers of Creator God.  Many people do not know that there are Masters who have the power to even move Creation around.  Let us ask them and all the Realms of Light for their help.    



Having won the “Battle for your Mind”, may you ever walk humbly, yet proudly in the power of your own God Spirit, the path of Truth, wisdom and peace.   Let us have peace, now!.  AHO!

-- The Bellringer Writings  are at --

-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper/Spectrum Newspaper Archive site is at -- and


  Patrick H. Bellringer

[email protected]