PHOENIX OPERATOR OWNER MANUAL PHOENIX JOURNAL 27-- -- LAW 10~~~You must not covet or envy that which belongs to your neighbor.
Jesus Sananda, Lord Michael, St. Germain
10. You must not covet or envy that
which belongs to your neighbor.
Let us first define the words “covet” and “envy”. Covet means: “To long for something belonging to another.” Covetous means: “Excessively desirous (of something); greedy.” Envy means: “1. A feeling of resentment or discontent over another’s superior attainments, endowments, or possessions.”
So the literal meaning of this law is that you must not, because of your own insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth, long to have something another has, such as money, a new car, a skill or talent. And then on top of longing for this “object” another has, you must not then resent the person who has attained that which YOU feel you desire, but have not created, exactly because of your insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth. (See Also “Recognizing The Anti-Christ Within”.)
What transpires when you become covetous and envious is that you become wrapped up in your greed and resentment, and you will not be taking “personal responsibility” for YOUR manifested illusion. You will continue to create the perceived “lack” and eventually you will be consumed by the effects of covetous and envious feelings, which most often result in the various manifestations of “SELF-punishment”, ie., anger, guilt, criticism, jealousy and depression.