By Patrick H. Bellringer
For centuries religion and especially Christianity has instructed the people to adhere to a teaching found in the Bible, Matthew 7:1. I quote, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (RSV). This is supposedly a statement attributed to Esu Immanuel (Jesus) in his “Sermon on the Mount” to the people of his time some 2000 years ago. Good Christian people everywhere claim they sincerely believe this statement to be true and that they practice it daily in their lives. Yet, before they walk out the church door on Sunday morning, they are passing judgment upon the choir, the preacher’s sermon, their neighbors sitting in the next pew, or even upon their spouse for sleeping in church or their children for mis-behaving from boredom at the preacher’s ranting about not judging anyone.
Something does not seem right. Every waking moment we use judgment to put things into perspective, to examine and evaluate our world and the people around us. This is how we find our way. By natural instinct we are constantly judging or discerning everything that happens to us and everyone with whom we have contact. This is the technique by which we make proper choices and direct our life for our greatest good and the good of all. Is it possible that we have a wrong definition?
I went to the The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition for some answers. I found the following definition:
Judge---estimate, assess, evaluate, appraise.
Judgment—discernment, good sense, discretion.
Discern---perceive clearly with the mind or senses.
Discerning---having or showing good judgment or insight.
From these definitions it is shown that to judge or to discern mean essentially the same thing. How is it possible to go through life without judging or discerning anything? That would be most foolish. Is it possible that we have another problem, other than definitions, with this statement by Esu Immanuel? It is possible that he was mis-quoted or that there was an error in translation or in transcription? In Phoenix Journal #2, And They Called His Name Immanuel: I Am Sananda, p. 41, I found my answer. Twice in this short statement on judgment a word was added, that was not found in the Bible. Matthew 7:1 reads, “Judge not, lest you be judged”. In Esu Immanuel’s (Jesus) own words recorded in 1993 in Phoenix Journal #2 we read, “Judge not falsely, lest you be judged falsely”. At some point in time, perhaps hundreds of years ago, this statement was changed by leaving out the word “falsely”. By so doing the entire meaning of Esu’s teaching was changed to fool the people. We are to judge, but not falsely. We are to judge wisely and honorably. In Phoenix Journal #7, "The Rainbow Masters", Creator God Aton makes a similar statement on page 13. It says: "Judge you not, lest you be likewise judged. This does not mean that you shall not discern Godliness from Evil. It means that YOU shall not judge the soul of another for you have no means of so doing. If a man breaks the laws of man then his actions must be "judged" --not the soul."
Esu goes on to explain, “for with whatever judgment you judge, so will you be judged, and with whatever measure you measure, so will you be measured”. Reference is being made here to the Cosmic Law of Returns. If you judge falsely, that creates negative energy, and this negative energy will come back upon you in false judgments against you. You will reap what you sow. Therefore, we can say that to judge wisely and correctly is to create positive energy, which will be returned to us in wise and correct judgments in our favor.
If we are instructed to judge others, by what standard do we judge them? Esu Immanuel continues in his statement in Phoenix Journal #2 to answer that question. He says, “Therefore, judge according to the logic of the Laws of Nature, which are from The Creation, for they alone are true and accurate.”
This statement is then followed by an explanation of the logic of the Laws of Nature, which are from The Creation.
“What do you see but the splinter in your brother’s eye, and are you not aware of the sliver in thine own eye? You hypocrite, first, pull the sliver out from your own eye, and then see how you can pull the splinter out of your brother’s eye. First, learn the Laws of Nature and of The Creation, their logic, before you judge and want to see the mistakes of your fellow man. First, learn through the Laws of Nature and of The Creation your own mistakes, so that you can correct the mistakes of your fellow man”.
In Matthew 7:3 we read “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” Esu Immanuel used real life examples to make his point. Here he is using the example of having a piece of dirt or a speck of sawdust getting into your eye, making it impossible for you to physically see clearly. A splinter or a sliver or a log all refer to wood and are far larger than a speck of sawdust. If a speck of sawdust obstructs your vision, how much more would a sliver or a log.
In other words Esu is saying, how foolish it is to try and see the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye, when you have a log of wood in your own eye. You most certainly would not be able to see accurately. Now, we must translate this analogy into our understanding of Esu Immanuel’s teaching concerning judging others.
To judge others truly, wisely and accurately we must understand the Laws of God and Creation ourselves and live by them. If we are a liar, how can we rightly judge another who has lied? You say to me, “How can we judge anyone, because we have all lied at some time?” Yes, we may have told a lie in a weak moment, but if we have made it right, forgiven ourselves and asked Creator God and those, whom we may have wronged for forgiveness, we have removed the log from our own eye and can now see clearly the speck or splinter in another’s eye. The old saying, “It takes a liar to know one” does carry merit.
If we are a thief, how can we rightly judge a thief? If we honor other gods than Creator God, how do we rightly judge those who honor other gods and not Creator God? If we do not honor our mother and father, how do we rightly judge those who fail to honor their mother and father? If we are a murderer, how do we rightly judge someone who has committed murder? If we are an adulterer, how do we rightly judge another who has committed adultery? If we envy what belongs to our neighbor, how do we wisely judge others who do the same? If we are not responsible and balanced in how we use our bodies in procreation of our species, how do we wisely judge pregnancy outside of marriage, the homosexual or the issue of abortion? Esu Immanuel’s point is, if we do not obey the Laws of God and Creation ourselves, how can we accurately judge another against those same laws?
Knowing that no one follows the Laws of God and Creation in perfection, we might conclude that no one should, therefore, judge another. For an answer I again turn to the Phoenix Journals and the commandments of Creator God as presented by Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda in Journal #27. As I have explained in earlier writings, we have been lied to about the Ten Commandments presented in the Bible. These Ten Commandments have been distorted in their presentation and another eight Commandments have been omitted from the Bible. All eighteen Commandments are clearly stated for us to read in Phoenix Journal # 27, Phoenix Operator-Owner Manuel.
I now quote Commandment Twelve from Journal #27 p. 43. “You must not judge others, but you must wisely judge all behaviors and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and Creation”. The explanation by Esu Immanuel which follows this Commandment is almost an exact quote of the four paragraphs from J #2, p. 41, which we have just considered above, “Judge not falsely, lest ye (you) be judged falsely.” To answer our question about judging another, we are commanded by Creator God to judge all behaviors and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Creator God and the Creation.
The first part of Commandment Twelve appears to be contradictory to what Esu said previously. It says, “You must not judge others”, but again an explanation by Esu is offered on p. 43.
“No one must ever judge another to be lesser or more than he, especially because the other one is of different color, race, creed or sex (or planet) than be you. But understand this carefully, you must wisely judge the behaviors and actions by anyone including self which you know are against life, meaning against or contrary to the laws which maintain the “balance” created by God within The Creation. And so you must honor all of your brothers and sisters as equal fragments of The One, but you must not accept, tolerate or “allow” behavior or actions to continue in your space, which you know break the laws of balance.”
Esu Immanuel concludes his discussion of Commandment Twelve with this ending statement (p. 44):
“But you must not think harshly of another and call him “stupid” or “not worthy”, because he is different in personality and behavior than you are and [you] understand. Each is equal in reflection of God, only different! Celebrate and honor the unique differences of others: they, as are you, are expressing The Father within them in a unique and glorious way. Remember, God allows ignorance of the Laws only to a point, and then He pushes out of the “temple” any of His fragments, who continue with their blatant disregard and honor for Life.”
It should be clear to us from these teachings by Esu Immanuel, that we are to wisely judge others for their actions and behaviors, but not to condemn them as human beings. In fact, recorded in Matthew 7:15-20 (RSV) is a specific teaching that Esu gave to his disciples concerning this same Commandment.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, you will know them by their fruits.”
Truly, my friends, we cannot live our lives in wisdom without judging those around us. When we choose our friends or a business partner or a doctor or hire an employee we carefully judge behaviors and actions. For most people it would be unthinkable to choose a marriage partner without using great analysis, discernment and judgment of the person’s actions and behaviors. In our daily association with people we automatically judge them as we feel their aura and respond to their actions. Those, who are unwise and fail to carefully judge others, choose the wrong friends, the wrong business partners, and even the wrong marriage partners. By so doing they chose unhappy relationships and an unhappy life.
Too long we have been People of the Lie! “Judge not, lest you be judged”, is a lie! By removing one word from the original statement by Esu Immanuel (Jesus), the Bible has presented a distortion of the Truth. By removing the word “falsely” from Esu’s statement the Darkside has reversed the meaning to one that is totally opposite of the original intent. Thus, many people have lived their lives falsely. Christians the world over have tiptoed around true confrontations with evil and have told everyone to not judge anyone. From this passive attitude has come the New Age thinking of “unconditional love”. We are to love everyone and everything they do because they are God’s creations. We are not to judge. Such nonsense!
Let us now move to another Phoenix Journal for clarification of “unconditional love”. Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, author of Volume I of the Pleiades Connection series, Return of the Phoenix” J 30 p. 6 states the following:
“To refresh our memories, let us define “Unconditional Love,” shall we? Unconditional Love is a total acceptance of all entities, whether they be positive or negative without blame, without judgment, without condemnation and without expectation.
Dear ones, it is one thing to “accept” the presence of these entities---it is quite another to continue to allow the actions of the entities to destroy others of God’s Creations, enslave and prostitute the nations as well as the peoples and planet herself. To allow these actions indicates sanction of the actions, and it is upon this misconception of the masses that the would-be-controllers through evil are able to accomplish their heinous deeds!”
By removing the word, “falsely”, from Esu Immanuel’s teaching of 2000 years ago the course of human history has been ever changed. By changing the statement, “Judge not falsely, lest you be judged falsely” to the modern version of “Judge not, lest you be judged”, has led to a passive Christianity and to a society without morals, corrupt governments and the New Age “unconditional love”. The passive and non-judgmental Christian Church has sold its very soul to the Devil. The attitude of never-take-a-stand on any issue was born from the “never judge anyone” lie. This is a comfortable position to take, for if you never judge another for their wrong doing, then you do not need to fear being held accountable for your own wrong doing.
The Christian Church’s last step in succumbing to the Darkside was its act of becoming a government church. By accepting the government’s (U.S.) 501.c3 non-profit corporation tax exempt status, the church placed itself squarely under government control. Though the preacher in the pulpit rarely took a stand against any evil in the market place or public sector because of his non-judgmental stance, now, as a government church, he had a “legitimate” reason for not speaking out against a corrupt society. The church’s money business is now protected from taxation, and one does not “bite the hand that feeds you”.
The New Age “unconditional love” movement of love everyone and everything with no restrictions was born from this same Christian no-judging stance. The Darkside has very successfully led millions of good people into their dark camp of passive acceptance of evil and away from the Laws of Creator God and The Creation. The Darkside has gone so far as to use the practice of judging others for their own benefit in the courts. During jury selection the attorneys often select those people for jury duty who best serve their purposes rather than for their ability to judge the Truth. By judging people and selecting those who would serve their evil intent, the attorneys have totally reversed the intent of Commandment Twelve.
Things have become so corrupt today that, if someone should have the nerve to stand up and point out the wrongs, he is shouted down by our corrupt politicians, corrupt church leaders, and even the mind-controlled Christians and lovey-dovey New Agers. The Laws of God and Creation count for very little.
My friends, I am here to tell you that the Laws of Creator God and of the Creation do count, and that they shall soon become the “Law of the Land”, as we move into our Golden Age on Planet Earth. Those who refuse to adhere to these Laws will not be allowed to participate in Creator God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Hatonn has said, “You must love your brother and love your enemy, but you must abhor, disdain and despise evil actions (J 30, p. 6)”.
To do so we must understand the Laws of God in Truth. Then we can recognize the lies and the errors that have been put upon us to lead us into darkness. Then it is that we may correct our ways and return to the Light and to right living. When we are able to love the evil man but despise his evil, we will be at the point of graduation into a higher dimension of balance and harmony.
Again, I quote Hatonn (J 30, p. 9). “We must confront the errors in Light of Truth in Love, forgiveness and understanding. Then the reversal shall come and again we can join in the Oneness in return into the wholeness of our Source. Aho!”
He who has ears to hear, may he hear, and eyes to see, may he see! You, who truly seek Truth shall surely find it! We are no longer People of the Lie but People of Truth, when we have learned to "judge wisely", when we judge the person's actions and words but do not condemn him, when we judge actions and words according to the Laws of God and Creation, but do not "judge the soul!” Aho!
[Note: Early printings of Phoenix Journal 22 was titled as "Pleiades Connection series Vol. 1" and Phoenix Journal 30 was "Matter Anti-Matter, whats the matter?". On our Fourwinds10 site, these numbered journals are reversed to assist in more logical flow of numbering."]
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