By Patrick H. Bellringer
By Patrick H. Bellringer
There is a cure and a prevention for every disease present today on Planet Earth Shan. The darkside has kept this Truth well hidden for centuries, but today, a few brave Truthbringers are revealing the medical lies and presenting the cures and preventative means for many common diseases. One such Truthbringer is Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, who holds the Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in biology from the
1) The Cure For All Cancers
2) The Cure For All Diseases
3) The Cure For HIV And AIDS
4) The Cure For All Advanced Cancers
I present only a brief introduction to Dr. Clark’s work, and her two treatments for fluke disease.
The flatworm or fluke (Fasciolopsis buskii) has a natural life cycle of six stages. The adult stage is the only stage that “normally” lives in the human, and then only in the intestine. This fluke usually depends on a snail as a secondary host for part of its life cycle.
In the last 100 years the human diet and lifestyle has changed substantially, so that the solvents now present in the human diet or absorbed through the skin or lungs, etc. allow the fluke to develop the other five stages within the human body. It is now rare for a human not to provide the complete environment for all six stages of the life cycle of the fluke. The adult stage exists in the human intestine, and depending upon the solvents present in the human body, the secondary (snail) host is provided by any one of several human organs. The resultant breakdown by flukes of various human organs is the primary cause of various diseases 9-12-22prevalent in humans today. Such diseases include cancers, HIV, Hodgkin’s disease, M.S., Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. When any of the first five stages of the fluke life cycle (the adult fluke is stage six) are able to develop in a human, Dr. Clark refers to this problem as Fluke disease.
If the solvent propyl alcohol is present in the human body, the intestinal fluke is invited to use another organ as a secondary host. This organ then becomes cancerous. If the solvent benzene is present, the intestinal fluke uses the thymus gland as a secondary host, setting the stage for AIDS. If the solvent wood alcohol is present, the intestinal fluke uses the pancreas as a secondary host. This leads to the pancreatic dysfunction known as diabetes. If the solvents xylene/toluene are present, the human brain becomes the secondary host. The result of fluke disease in the brain produces deterioration of the nervous system and disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis (M.S.).
Fluke disease in the kidneys produces lupus or Hodgkin’s disease. If methylethyl ketone (MEK) or methyl butylketone (MBK) are the solvents present, the uterus becomes a secondary host and the likely result will be endometriosis. Fluke disease of the muscles causes dystrophies (muscular dystrophy). Other health problems such as HIV infection, Crohn’s disease and Kaposi’s are also caused by Fluke disease.
To rid the body of the fluke parasite is the first step in curing Fluke disease and all its life-threatening side-effects. Dr. Clark presents two methods of fluke removal from the human body.
The first method uses electrical current from a five to ten volt frequency generator. Simple instructions for the building and use of an inexpensive ($25-$50.) frequency generator are found in both of Dr. Clark’s books, The Cure for All Cancers and The Cure For All Diseases. One may also purchase a frequency generator (zapper) through the Internet at http://www.drhuldaclark.com or http://www.raydionics.com. Using this device for three-seven minute sessions separated by 20 minute intervals will kill nearly all parasites, bacteria, viruses, and mites, etc. found within the human body. Zapping three times a day for a week can often deplete these populations within the body to zero. Dr. Clark’s intent is to enable one to diagnose and treat oneself for any disease.
The second method of fluke removal from the body is also discussed in both books noted above. This method uses four herbs in a 7-14 day parasitic cleanse. The herbs are black walnut, cloves and wormwood, and psyllium for an intestinal sweep. These can be purchased at any herb or health food store. The following chart is included as a simple guide in using this parasite cleanse.
Using tincture rather than capsules.
By Patrick H. Bellringer
Take cleanse on an empty stomach, Mix in ½ to ¾ cup of water, apple juice, cider or other juice as desired. Take cleanse daily for two weeks and follow exactly according to the following chart.
Black Walnut
Cloves |
Wood |
Psyllium |
a.m. |
p.m. |
Bedtime |
a.m. |
p.m. |
Bedtime |
a.m. |
a.m. |
1 |
1 drop |
1 drop |
2 drops
½ tsp. |
½ tsp. |
½ tsp. |
½ tsp. |
1 tbls. |
2 drops |
3 drops |
3 drops |
1 tsp. |
1 tsp. |
1 tsp. |
1 tsp. |
1 tbls.. |
4 drops |
4 drops |
4 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. |
5 drops |
5 drops |
6 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
2 tsp. |
1 tbls. |
6 drops |
7 drops |
7 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
2½ tsp. |
1 tbls.
8 drops |
8 drops |
8 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. |
1 tbls. |
9 drops |
9 drops |
10 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. +
½ tsp.
1 tbls. |
10 drops |
11 drops |
11 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. +
1 tsp.
1 tbls. |
9 |
12 drops |
12 drops |
12 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp.
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. +
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. |
13 drops |
13 drops |
14 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. +
2 tsp. |
1 tbls. |
14 drops |
15 drops |
15 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1 tbls. +
2½ tsp. |
1 tbls. |
16 drops |
16 drops |
16 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
2 tbls. |
1 tbls. |
17 drops |
17 drops |
18 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
2 tbls. +
½ tsp. |
1 tbls. |
18 drops |
19 drops |
19 drops |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
1½ tsp. |
2 tbls. +
1 tsp. |
1 tbls. |
The following information maybe helpful in obtaining and preparing the four products needed for this parasite cleanse, if you prefer not to purchase these products in capsule form.
1. Black walnut tincture—2 ounce bottle with dropper can be purchased and used with no alteration ($20.00), a 2-ounce bottle of extra strength can be obtained from Dr. Clark’s store for $20.00, or one ounce of regular for $7.88.
2. Psyllium(ground psyllium seed husk or hull) –1 pound. Can be purchased and used without alteration ($10.00)
3. Cloves tincture -2 cups. Purchase 2 ounces of ground cloves ($2.00) and make the tincture (water solution) by boiling/steeping the 2 ounces of cloves in four cups of water for fifteen minutes. Drain off the liquid after cooling and settling for 24 hours.
4. Wormwood tincture –one cup. Purchase two ounce bottle of wormwood tincture ($20.00). Dilute with one and one-half cups of water. Wormwood tincture can be made cheaply by steeping one ounce of ground wormwood in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes. Drain off liquid after cooling and settling for 24 hours.
The removal of body parasites, harmful bacteria, viruses, mites, etc. from the body is not the total answer to good health. One must make a change in life-style by changing eating habits and other behaviors to reduce or even prevent re-infestation of these organisms. One must also take steps to assist the body to repair the organ damage already caused by these organisms.
Cancer victims today face a formidable foe, the American Medical Association (AMA) and their trained “professionals”. The cancer patient is subjected to “the knife” to remove the problem, to radiation and chemotherapy to zap and/or chemicalize the problem with the end result in most cases of poorer health, poverty, and often death. When people choose to allow doctors to treat the effects of cancer, diabetes, AIDS, etc. rather than the cause, there can be no return to good health. In Phoenix Journal #42 entitled Unholy Alliance, Hatonn refers to our modern day hospitals as “
May you awaken to your own potential of healing yourself. Learn to treat the sources of your problems rather than searching for a “cure” for their side effects. Using those things in creation that our Creator provided for you, combined with proven holistic health practices, may you create your own good health!
Parasite-Free Maintenance Program:Against Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses and FungiThe 14-day parasite cleanse program must be completed before going on a maintenance program. The black walnut and wormwood combination have killed more than 100 various types of parasites in all stages in all organs of your body, and then eggs have been destroyed by the cloves. These herbs are highly effective against most parasites but are much less effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi, that exist in your body or that are released from the bodies of dead parasites. These must be destroyed electrically by using a “zapper”.
This electrical device, produced from the research of Dr. Hulda Clark, emits a very low intermittent frequency which has been proven to be lethal to bacteria, viruses and fungi. Exposure to this “zapping” for seven minutes causes them immediate death. A commercial zapper is programmed for three – seven-minute zapping sessions separated by twenty-minutes non-zapping intervals. Organisms killed during the first seven-minute zapping session will release the bacteria, viruses and fungi which reside within their dead bodies. If left unchecked these newly released organisms will multiply quickly and cause further health problems. Thus, the second seven-minute zapping session is used to destroy them. The third seven-minute zapping session is done to clean up any remaining organisms that may have been released. Please note that should you do only one seven-minute zapping session and then stop, the next day you may develop the common cold.
You may build your own zapper quite cheaply as per the instructions found in Dr. Clark’s book, The Cure For All Diseases, but I recommend that you purchase the “Zapper Deluxe” sale price of $149.95 from http://www.drhuldaclark.com (1-866-372-5275 toll free). This model is pre-programmed and is very easy to understand and use.
Zapping may cause tiredness and rashes which is due to the body’s work of removing dead organisms and their debris, and their released toxins. This is a major reason for drinking plenty (8 cups) of clean water each day. The body’s circulatory and waste removal systems are water systems and operate effectively only with adequate available water. Other beverages such as soft drinks, alcohol, coffee, tea and juices are no substitute for clean water. They usually serve to complicate the body’s cleansing and healing processes.
The electrical zapper is highly effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi, but much less effective against larger parasites. The electrical current of the zapper follows the walls of organs, tissues, and vessels. The current does not fully penetrate such things as abscesses, the eye balls, testes, kidney stones, gallstones, or contents of the stomach or intestines. Thus, harmful organisms in those areas may not be destroyed by zapping. When used together, the herbal parasite cleanse and the zapper are totally effective in destroying all harmful body organisms with no harmful side effects.
The zapper may be used during the 14-day herbal parasite cleanse program to destroy released bacteria, viruses and fungi, or it may be used after the parasite cleanse program has been completed. If this is the case, use the zapper daily with the three – seven-minute zapping sessions for a period of seven days. This will destroy nearly all bacteria, viruses and fungi present in the body.
For those who have had cancer, the 14-day parasite cleanse program should be followed every seventh day thereafter with the herbal maintenance program. For others this herbal maintenance should be done once every two weeks. After taking orally the maintenance herbal treatment on an empty stomach, wait thirty minutes and then use the zapper for three – seven-minute sessions to clean up any released organisms from the parasites that the herbal treatment may have killed. Remember that one does not remain free of harmful organisms for very long, because we are constantly being re-infected with harmful organisms from various sources such as food, air, water, animals and our own unsanitary living conditions and personal habits.
The maintenance program herbal dosage to be taken on an empty stomach every seventh day for cancer patients or every 14th day for non-cancer patients is as follows:
1. Black Walnut
1. Wormwood – Capsule (200-300 mg) – seven capsules,
or tincture of 7 teaspoons.
2. Cloves (size 0 or 00 capsule) – seven capsules, or tincture (4 ½
These may be taken all at once at one time in water or apple juice, etc., or separately and at different times throughout the day, all on an empty stomach.
Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark’s websites: http://www.drhuldaclark.com ; http://www.drclark.com
Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark’s books:
1. The Cure For All Cancers, ISBN 1-890035-00-9
2. The Cure For All Diseases, ISBN 1-890035-01-7
3. The Cure For HIV And AIDS, ISBN 1-890035-02-5
4. The Cure For Advanced Cancers, ISBN 1-890035-16-5
Can be obtained from:
New Century Press
(619)476-7400, (800) 519-2465
or from www.amazon.com
Phoenix Journal #42, Unholy
This is also located at the website, http://www.contactnews10.com
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