Patrick H. Bellringer
From: C.E.To: BellringerSent: Sunday, October 30, 2016 3:25 PMSubject: Russian CosmopheresGreetings Patrick and Anne, hope the two of you are well.
I have been reading a great deal on Russian Cosmospheres in CONTACT-pg. 17 states, “The Russian’s monitor all American missile bases, new and old, by means of their Cosmospheres.” It is evident to me that the Bolshevik rulers of the US are hell bent on carrying out their final plan of nuclear war against Russia however these numerous Cosmospheres that monitor all military bases have actually been preventing a world nuclear war.
It seems to me that Russia’s space technology is far superior to that of the US and yet there is a great deal of posturing on the part of the US military-hell bent on going to war with Russia. I hear and read so many people talking about if Hillary gets elected the US will go to war with Russia.
I think this is nonsense because first a foremost 1) God/Aton will not allow a nuclear war on this planet 2) Russia’s technology over the US military to neutralize nuclear weapons
Please correct me if I am way off in my analysis of this play but is all this chest beating or posturing just that; a child throwing a temper tantrum?
Is there more going on here that I am missing, like perhaps the US knows they can’t win but let’s continue with the charade to fool the masses anyway?
Lastly, are Cosmospheres a type of large spaceship or a type of space satellite; what do they look like? And do they monitor military bases all over the world?
Thank you kindly
Love and Light to all