'HELLO, CENTRAL! THE REMNANT (Updated June 15, 2016)
Patrick H. Bellringer
Greeting Patrick and Anne-My question for you today concerns the topic of the Remnant making it through the Photon Belt. Please know that I have read every single Phoenix Journal and listened to hundreds of the “Meeting Tapes- Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn”
Throughout the Journals and the tapes Hatonn makes repeated reference to the “Remnant” that a portion of the “Remnant” must make it through the transition. Tape Tape: 9205011-1a Silent Wars Cue-48:10 states:“As you move through the Null time you will be moving into a time-gradually at first but then into a time of total light. That means you will not have night and day after a while, now that may seem impossible for you to comprehend but just yesterday morning-your point on your globe of Alaska, United States of America moved into a period of time of light. For eighty two days there would be no sunset-no night time. So hold these things in your mind as we move on because also moving into the lighted time of experience your whole frequency-your whole being will be expanded and lifted and lightened. It becomes a time when evil cannot flourish well-for you don’t have the dark time to hide and do these dastardly deeds so well.
But this too can be impacted and the plan is to prevent the Photon Belt arriving you moving into it as long as possible and to utilize that period of time to the best advantage of the adversary-and he is busy-he is absolutely as busy as he can get. And then the ideal thing is then to utilize the time at least to the year 2000 to structure things on earth so that when you move into this time of light he will have total control of you. That’s why the plan 2000 is so important-not politically, all of the politics involved are only spiraling around while things are getting in order to be in proper serviceable order according to their wishes for this planet before you move into there-to that period of time.
So in your book of Revelation when it talks about moving into a time where there is no night-that means you are coming into the higher frequencies of the higher energy forms and evil will not be allowed within.
Either in the transportation system once you are placed-or in your environment as you move higher into this frequency. That does not necessarily mean that the core central part of earth itself will not have darkness, because as the major final separation comes there will be a portion that will be left and it will fall into total void-that’s called hell in your language.
That means the absence of light-the absence of knowing and the absence of God. I’m not here to give you timing; I’m here to bring the word of truth. And to guide the remnant through-also to make sure that if soul energies are going to be damaged those souls and housing for those souls are removed to security. It is also to ensure the remnant the people of God are lifted off into security to make their evolution according to the higher plan. There always has to be a remnant because the earth itself will shift for cleansing.”
Tape: 920601-1b Cue 44:04
“we are bound by cosmic law to keep out of your business and those who brake those laws will pay most dearly-they have already done so. They forfeited their right to return to the universal skyways-they are bound now to your dyeing planet. Those who came in peace and a portion to the cosmic plan do their work and research their prior agreement with the entities involved. They do not harm-do not mutilate animals or humans and do wondrous good, only good for your species.
There is no way precious one that you can just drift up to some cloud of fluffy vapor and somehow just fly around with the master Christos. When the day of reckoning comes you will be picked up by space craft and you will be beamed through a high frequency light beam-that’s what Ascension is. That is if you qualify and you request it-that means you ask for it. And if you deny the existence of the fleet-how are you going to ask for it?...God went to prepare a place for you at the end of earth journey-and He did it. What have you done to prepare for Him?”…We are prepared to receive you of God who await His coming and do so in intent of justice in effort of living within the laws as given…”
Question: How can the adversary prevent the “Photon Belt” from arriving? Where are we presently with regards to the Photon Belt?
Also- I am left with an impression that a “Remnant” must make the Ascension process with body intact, But “Hello Central-Light Bodies” states,
“If you graduate, meaning you have passed your lessons and tests of 3D experience, you go in your Light Body to 5D, which is Heaven, to continue with your new lessons in your journey to perfection back to Creator Source.”
What am I missing here? Why must a Remnant make it through?
The Journals and Tapes frequently make reference to “God went to prepare a place for you at the end of earth journey-and He did it. What have you done to prepare for Him?”
Perhaps I am taking this statement too literally, but the non-physical placement after the Ascension process simply does resonate within me so I am trying to understand this.
Are there 5D planets with dense physical bodies like we have now?
Sorry this is so long-I would greatly appreciate if you could please shed some light on this topic for me.
Thank you kindly-Love and Light to you and Anne.