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'HELLO CENTRAL!' ALCOHOL! (Updated May 6, 2016)
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 4:17 AM
Dear Patrick,
You know that in Italy we have very good red and white wines and we like very much drinking them.
However, in His above message, God Hatonn in warning about the danger of booze to our body and health
Does God Hatonn refers to what we call "super alcoholics" like whiskey or Gin or any other drinks that have around 40 or more alcohol level, or is He also including wine that has a lower alcohol limit, usually 12/14 degrees ?
Many thanks
In Love and Light
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: May 4, 2016
Dear AM;
Thank you for your question about alcohol. Many nations have a long-standing tradition of social drinking, and of drinking various low alcoholic wines, beers and spirits. The U.S. has also fallen into that pattern, plus having a very large population that uses hard liquors. It is said that 90% of the U.S. population uses alcohol in one form or another. The latest fad now is wine tasting and wine drinking by newcomers.
In His statement, "What about booze?", Hatonn has made it clear that even a small amount of alcohol is harmful to the human body in some way. A few drinks during nine months of pregnancy can cause a deformed and handicapped baby. That first drink by a teenager can lead to a life of alcoholism.
The liver sees alcohol in any form, as a toxin, which is very difficult to metabolize, and in doing so, liver cells are destroyed. Over time this process can destroy the liver or what is called cirrhosis of the liver. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all the cells of our body. That fact that alcohol in the blood stream causes the red blood cells to become sticky and stick together, forming clumps of red blood cells, is a major problem for the brain. The brain has some of the tiniest blood vessels in the body. These clumps of red cells block these tiny vessels in the brain, and the brain cells beyond the blockage often die from lack of oxygen. Continued use of alcohol causes a gradual loss of brain functioning, as well as damage to many other body organs, muscles and tissues.
Hatonn has said that just one drink of alcohol can open the crown chakra and allow evil spirits to enter. The evil spirit world love alcohol users for this reason. Evil spirits must utilize a physical body to carry out their evilness. Without this means they have no power. Their presence causes distorted thinking and actions, and the horrible things that happen when a person is in a drunken or intoxicated state.
I do have a bias in this discussion. My parents never used alcohol in any form. The same was true for my brothers and sisters. As a United Methodist clergyman, I took an oath to never use alcohol in any form. So, I have never been drunk or felt the "thrill" claimed to come from alcohol use. Over the years I have tasted various alcoholic beverages but that is all. I do not feel "better", than anyone else. It is a matter of choice, and I do not feel a need for alcohol, nor do I wish to harm myself with it.
Yes, Hatonn means alcoholic beverages in any amount of alcohol. Wine drinkers can become alcoholics. This is common with the social drinkers. Wine and beer drinkers can develop cirrhosis or dementia. It just takes longer! Alcohol is a poison in any amount, and the taste for it is acquired. One must learn to like it, and the bitter taste is compensated by the "buzz" or feeling one has after drinking it.
Evil presents itself in many ways to harm us and hinder our soul growth. Each of us must choose the path we take, and every path is unique.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 4:17 AM
Dear Patrick,
You know that in Italy we have very good red and white wines and we like very much drinking them.
However, in His above message, God Hatonn in warning about the danger of booze to our body and health
Does God Hatonn refers to what we call "super alcoholics" like whiskey or Gin or any other drinks that have around 40 or more alcohol level, or is He also including wine that has a lower alcohol limit, usually 12/14 degrees ?
Many thanks
In Love and Light
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: May 5, 2016
Dear AM:
Yes, Creator God Aton of Light created grapes. He, also, created strawberries and blueberries and raspberries and dandelions from which we can choose to ferment the sugars and starches into alcohol. The old argument, that Jesus used wine and created wine from water, so it's o.k. for us to use it, is nonsense.
Do you believe the Bible in every detail? Is this story even true? Was the so-called wine of his day the same as ours today? Did they even use the word wine two thousand years ago? The Bible says that after the Great Flood, Noah got off the Ark and promptly got "roaring drunk!" Do you believe that? Do you even believe the story of the Great Flood in all its detail? What is the Truth?
Esu Immanuel (Jesus) used a form of grape juice, a common beverage in that day, without the alcoholic content of the wines today. Esu Immanuel Sananda, Hatonn/Creator God Aton, and the Ascended Masters do not give contradictory information, ever. Truth is Truth. It is we, who have a problem understanding it.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#2 Reply
----- Original Message
From: AM
tTo: Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:30 PM
Dear Patrick,
your reply makes me reflect on how we have fallen for the tricks of the adversary that are contained in the not so holy Bible,
Again many thanks for enlightening me.
In Love and Light