'HELLO, CENTRAL!' EGO! (Updated Feb. 24, 2016)
Patrick H. Bellringer
Dear Patrick,
Very many thanks for your reply.
As a matter of fact, Italy is experiencing very hard times, with the number of poor people increasing dramatically, loss of jobs, tax increase and cuts in many domains, welfare, pensions, healthcare. But apparently, for the majority of people, these hardships are not enough to push them to react. They demonstrate on the streets if a football club is selling an important player, but for all the above, it is okay to remain silent and make even more sacrifices. Nevertheless, we know that things are always perfect as they are in every moment., and therefore all is perfect also now
For me it is not a problem, because I understood that we co-create our reality moment by moment, day by day, and that we are the sole co-creators of our abundance or our lack of it. The challenge is to uncover what is blocking the energy flow, and the reason behind that, is ALWAYS a FEAR. as in our 3D, we live in the “duality” ,thus, there are only two energies; Unconditional Love, or Fear!
Once we have uncovered our fears, we can transform them into desire, faith and believe, and co-create whatever we want. I believe I have personally done a good job on my fears and from now on, I should experience abundance, and also be able to help others to do the same.
Yes I mean “spiritual ego” and “spiritual pride” here in our 3D, and you have confirmed what I thought, that is I also believe that there is no spiritual ego and spiritual pride in our 3D.
Again many thanks for your reply. I send you and Anne a very big hug.
In Love and Light