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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: WC
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2015 10:08 AM
Subject: Nesara

Dear Annie and Patrick,

Hope all is well with you and your family.

There is a home being built in the Smokey Mountains that is bullet proof, storm proof, etc.

Why doesn't St. Germain or someone help "we" the propole  get the funds that we are suppose

to get so we can protect ourself and our family and try to help others and teach people right

from wrong.  If GOD would put all the evil people in our so called government on a planet by

themself and let them fight it out and leave the good people on the earth to rebuild this

beautiful place it would solve a lot of problems.  If we had the funds we could build a house

like the one in the Smokey Mountains and teach others to do the same.  Will we ever get

the funds?   Thanks for all you do.





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  WC
DATE:  June 2, 2015
Dear WC:
    Thank you for your letter.  We are find and hope you are, also.
    Creator God does not do anything for us,but will help us,if we ask for help.  We live on a freewill planet.  We have made a mess of it, and it is up to us to clean it up, if we want things to be different.  It is not Creator God's responsibility to put the evil people somewhere else.  They are here for our lessons in soul growth.  When we learn our lessons, we shall remove them ourselves.
    There is no guarantee of safety in a bullet-proof, storm-proof house.  Our only safety is via the Forces of Light.  It is all about asking for Divine protection and believing that you have it.
    Will we ever get the funds?  I do not know!  We are told, we will.  Those, who need funds to complete their mission shall have them, when they need the, provided they ask and believe without reservation.  Are funds essential for our mission?  Are they essential to our soul growth?  Our journey is not about the money, but about our lessons and how well we learn them.  Failed lessons are always repeated until we learn them.  There are no exceptions!
    Create good things.  Expect good things.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
[email protected]