'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHAT'S THE WAIT? (Updated Feb. 25, 2015)
Patrick H. Bellringer
Hi Patrick,
Back in Dec 2013 in his message God Hatonn had confirmed that the sorting out period is over
however we wait and give opportunity for souls to awake. Well with all the unthinkable atocrities
going on all over the world on good and innocent people and Mother Earth almost on the verge
dying, I don't see any logic in waiting for these stupid and idiotic souls who have still not
woken up, not because they can't but because they don't want to. In this case
they can definitely go to another 3d planet to continue their crap so that alleast the evolved
souls can go home along with Earthshan's ascension. By Waiting for these souls, Earthshan is
giving more time to the darkside, which is exactly what they want, to carry on with their world
domination plans. Innocent men and women are killed in Iraq, children burnt alive, female
children sold in the market, organs of killed civilians harvested and sold, while we patiently
wait for these idiots to wake up. Either one is with Light or with darkness, the choice was
already done, so whats the wait for. I would appreciate your insight on this.
Thank You,
#1 (Reply)
Greetings Patrick.
If the Lighted Realms are dealing with Ego problems, they are not near as " Lighted" as I had assumed. It is not
very comforting to think that we are little more than toys in a sand box, for some highly advanced Egomaniacs.
In love and Light.