'HELLO, CENTRAL!' TIME! (Updated Feb. 11, 2015)
Patrick H. Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 9:51 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: The Most Amazing sight!
In love and light to the Bellringers,
I live in California, and each night I go out on my balcony to gaze at the stars. Tonight floored me. I told you previously in my area we have seen heavily chemtrail activity for quite some time, and now I see why. I am standing out on my balcony at approximately 9:25 or 9:23PM and low and behold I see a full moon rise. Now granted, you may ask, what is the big deal; it was the speed that the moo was moving it was fast. When I first saw it on the horizon it was probably a little over a slice(view from looking at the top and not side), so I went back and grabbed my binoculars and watched the moon rise in such a expedient faction, and the chemtrails blocked it out entirely. I would notice this in lately watching the skies and it tells me that linear time is most assuredly speeding up. My question is what is earth shan’s true calendar date? I know, depends on which calendar you reference it by, just a estimation on true date of some sort. Thanks again for you website, in love and light,