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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: AM
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Esu Immanuel
Dear Patrick;
in his book The Lost Gospel, the canadian Barrie Wilson claims that according to a document that was discovered, and dating back to 570 AD, Esu Immanuel married Mary Magdalene and had two sons; Manasseh and Ephraim.
Wilson also claims that one of the two sons, was present during the crucifixion of Esu Immanuel and when they discovered His empty tomb.
I havn't found any information in the P.J. about this and I woulkd like to ask you whether this info is true.

In Love and Light




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:   AM
DATE:  Nov. 14, 2014
Dear AM:
    To my knowledge Barrie Wilson's information is partly true.  Esu Immanuel married Mary Magdalene and they had two children, one a daughter, Sarah.  After the murder attempt on Esu,Mary Magdalene fled apparently to France with the children, and Esu Immanuel fled to Damascus with his mother, a brother, Judas Iscariot and others.
    Esu probably never saw Mary again.  After two years in Damascus Esu traveled north to the Caspian and Black Seas areas, and then East to India.  There he finally married a second time and had several children, and as recorded in Phoenix Journal #2, died at Syngar, Kashmir at the age of 107 years.
    Of course,this Truth blows the minds of the cult Christians and their story of a Divine sexless Jesus Christ.  Truly, Truth is stranger than their fiction.
    I know of no specific information about Esu's families in the Phoenix Journals.
In Love and Light,

Patrick H.  Bellringer

[email protected]



----- Original Message -----
From:  AM
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 9:11 AM

Dear Patrick;

The Ascended Masters and God Aton Himself, suggest to question everything, even the messages contained in the P.J., and use our discernment.

So I’m a bit puzzled about your reply concerning the marriage of Esu. You say that probably Mary fled to France, and Esu probably never saw Mary again.  After two years in Damascus Esu traveled north to the Caspian and Black Seas areas, and then East to India.  There he finally married a second time and had several children, and as recorded in Phoenix Journal #2, died at Syngar, Kashmir at the age of 107 years.

My question is; if Esu could move with the starships, why Mary had to flee to France, and Esu to Damascus? They could flee together! And even if they split in this way, way Esu didn’t try to join her in France later? And more astonishing to me, Esu married twice and had more children. Is that allowed  according to God’s laws?

Many thanks for enlightening me with reply.

In Love and Light



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  AM
DATE:  Nov. 17, 2014
Dear AM:
    To answer your question, let me ask you a question.  If Esu Immanuel had access to starship travel, why did he not call in a starship to pick him up in the Garden of Gethsemane or off the cross or out of his tomb?  Why walk to Damascus when you can fly?
    Esu Immanuel had agreed to reincarnate as a man in human form, as you and I have done, and to be bound by 3D density and all the restrictions of human living in this density.  This was necessary, as a Truthbringer, to teach us how to live under these same conditions, as we travel the Red Road of Truth.
    Yes, Esu was more advanced in his enlightenment than are most of us.  He knew better how to utilize his God Spirit within to heal the sick and feed the people and walk on water, but he could not escape his difficulties and run from his problems, if he were to complete his mission and be an example to us.
    We may think that Esu knew the whole plan of his life, when he was twelve years old, or thirty-three, but that is not true.  He had freewill, as do we, and his life developed based upon his choices.  His mission was to bring the Laws of God and Creation to the people of Shan starting in Judea, but how and where his mission unfolded was determined by circumstances and choices that he and others made.
    There are many unanswered questions about his private life.  There was great fear among his friends and family at his crucifixion,and Mary fled for her life and that of her children.  Did Esu know where she had gone?  Did she divorce him?  Did she think he was dead?  She was in hiding with no telephone, no Internet or even fast mail service!  Years past and neither Esu nor Mary probably never knew what happened to the other one.
    Life is about living and loving and companionship to share life's burdens and joys.  Phoenix Journal #2 tells us that many years later in India, Esu married again and had several children.  Yes, that is allowed!  Phoenix Journal #27 tells us that under certain circumstances divorce is allowed for our lessons and for our happiness to complete our mission. That is what Esu did!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 3:28 PM
Dear Patrick;
 "as usual" your response full of wisdom, is enlightening and answers my questions.
Again many thanks.
In Love and Light