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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' EVIL ALIEN INVASION! (Updated Oct. 11, 2014)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From:  PW
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 12:48 AM
Subject: real alien invasion
I have been informed that aliens with bad intentions are planning to come here and conquer earth. a real alien invasion is coming. that the illuminati have been preparing for it ever since they had contact with negative aliens back in the early 40's all the way through the 60's.
They are along the Kuiper's belt . my question is this... how does the galactic federation feel about this. are they not going to allow these negative aliens to come here. or are they going to allow it.
what do you know about this situation. thanks Patrick.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PW
DATE:  Oct. 10, 2014
Dear PW:
    Thank you for your question.
    As depicted in many books and movies, etc., there are many theories and stories of evil aliens invading our earth and conquering governments and peoples for evil intent.  Such accounts create fear and curiosity and much profit for unscrupulous people, all based on ignorance and foolish thinking.
    Some few years ago Lucifer/Satan returned to the Light. He asked Creator God Aton of Light to be un-created..  This Aton did, and Satan's essence was returned to the Great Pool of Creation Light.  At that time Aton ordered all fourth dimensional evil beings off Shan and all their starships out of Shan's atmosphere, never to return.  That was done!  All evil beings here, now, are of 3D, and all their starships are of 3D making.  They are Satan's minions, trying to carry on his evil plans.
    Yes, there was a plan for an evil invasion of Shan by Satan's troops to totally conquer Shan's people, but that plan has been destroyed by the recent removal of Satan and the Serpent People from Shan, forever.  The Inter-Galactic Federation carried out Aton's orders for this to be done,and Creator God Aton's plan of returning Earth Shan to the Light is proceeding rapidly.
    Of course, Satan's minions, the Illuminati, the Khazarian-Zionist-Bolsheviks stand in opposition to Creator's Plan of Goodness for Shan, but,rest assured, there is no contest!  The Light is winning, as it ultimately does,and there shall be no evil alien invasion, ever, of planet Earth Shan.  She shall soon become a planet of Light, free of all evil .  We welcome the day!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  PW
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: real alien invasion
Well. I was thinking about this alien invasion. but then I am feeling like its not going to happen. based on my intuition.
Something is happening to planet earth that is causing a major change. but I cant put my finger on it. I just know the human race as a whole is changing and also will be a part of the galactic federation soon.
By the way there is so much fear here in America, I know this is off topic, but I experience a lot of hostility, anger, and fear, fear, fear from others. they treat me like an enemy. they treat everyone like an enemy here in America. but I cant do it myself. I cant treat others like this. its not in me. but thank god nonetheless things are changing for the better.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:   PW
DATE:  Oct. 11, 2014
Dear  PW:
    Yes, the people of the world are changing.  Hatonn says, "This is the time of choosing, and the people of evil intent are becoming more negative, and those of good intent are becoming more positive". You do not stand still in your spiritual growth.  You are either moving backward into the Darkness or forward into the Light.  This accounts for the anger and fear.
    Mother Earth will join the Inter-galactic Federation, but very few people shall go with her and graduate into the fifth dimension at this time.  So few have lived the Laws of God and Creation.
    People treat you like "the enemy" due to your positive aura.  The clashing of auras can actually make the negative person feel physical pain, when near you.  Light workers are usually quite alone in their sphere of Light and positive energy.  We keep the "Light on" for those, who are still seeking.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer