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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHO IS THE ANTI-CHRIST? (Updated June 4, 2014)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: F
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 7:35 AMSubject: Check out The High Tech Antichrist | Pakalert Press
The High Tech Antichrist | Pakalert Press
HI Patrick,
I sent you an email pertaining to "who is the Antichrist with reference to an article I had read.  With that I had a question regarding who the real Antichrist might be.  I never did receive a response.
Here is another article which refers to a high-tech Antichrist.  Perhaps that is the answer.  What does Hatonn say the Antichrist is?  If I remember correctly, he spoke of the Antichrist in the Journals.  Is this article corret and does it "jive" with Hatonn's post?
Thank you for clarifying.
In Love and Light,
(Article:  "The High Tech Antichrist"


While prophesies of the anti-Christ abound, the form s/he will take remains a mystery. James Perloff speculates on the high tech miracles the Illuminati impostor might perform.
The High Tech Antichrist

In the Wizard of Oz - thought by many to be an Illuminati mind-control vehicle – the “great and powerful” wizard turned out, in the end, to be an old man pulling levers and speaking into a microphone.  Will the Antichrist, behind his bluff and bluster, turn out to be . . . a computer geek?“We have been leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favor of that king-despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world.” Protocol 3:15

As political events, controlled largely by the satanic Illuminati, move the world closer to an apocalypse, many Christians are increasingly heeding the Bible’s predictions about the Antichrist or “Beast” (known in Islam as “Dajjal”).

According to Revelation 13:7, he will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.”

Clearly, to GOVERN the WORLD requires a WORLD GOVERNMENT, so it is no surprise that the Illuminati have been behind the League of Nations, UN, World Bank, NATO, EU, NAFTA (and its projected “North American Union”), Kyoto Protocol, and other building blocks of an ultimate world government.

This would require not only political but economic consolidation; hence proposals for a world currency – a global “Euro.”

Revelation 13:16 says, “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.”

Are we not being set up for this by digital banking and the advent of implantable chips that would turn us into walking debit cards – very “convenient” until Big Brother decides to shut yours off.

Since the Illuminati have invested billions of their fiat dollars to develop technologies – economic, military, surveillance, etc. – that will enable them to maintain the Antichrist’s fiefdom, it is logical that they will also use technology to convince the world that he is God himself.


Protocol 15:20 says the people “will acknowledge the autocracy of our ruler with a devotion bordering on “apotheosis” [glorification as a god].”

The Bible (2 Thessalonians) says: “He will oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”

Revelation 13 says that “all that dwell on Earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life,” and that the people will be deceived by his “great wonders” and “miracles.”

Miracles are commonly perceived as evidence of God. Satan, though he operates in the supernatural realm, does not possess the powers of God whom he envies. Might high tech deceive people into thinking he does? Let’s explore some possibilities.


God is omniscient (all-knowing) and Satan is not, but David Livingstone has referred to “Google’s totalitarian plan to create a New World Order under a superconscious computer likened to God.”

Jesus’s fame as Messiah spread after he told the “woman at the well” about her life. She went about the city and said, “Come, see a man which told me all the things that ever I did: Is not this the Christ?” (John 4:29)

Jesus knew about the woman’s life divinely, but the Antichrist could counterfeit this ability thanks to Internet surveillance, which enables government agencies to copy your emails and other cyber-information.

Jesus calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee, after which his astounded disciples said: “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41).

Today many storms are artificially generated or intensified through HAARP electromagnetically. What you can turn on, you can turn off. Might the Antichrist stand before a city, and quell an oncoming tornado, “with a little HAARP from my friends”?

Mark 7:37 said of Jesus: “People were overwhelmed with amazement. ‘He has done everything well,’ they said. ‘He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.’”

In his research into Project Blue Beam, Serge Monast noted that the U.S. military had developed the technology to deliver audible sounds to the brain via microwaves – making it possible for even the deaf to hear.

Monast, of course, also spoke of satellite-projected holograms. There is no limit to the forms holograms could take.  A 3-D angel in the sky could easily be fabricated; indeed, many believe the “image of the beast,” which Revelation speaks of becoming an object of worship, will be a hologram. (This is not to deny that authentically demonic apparitions might accompany the reign of the Antichrist.)

Some of the Antichrist’s “miracles” could even be low-tech. He could, before a televised audience, raise the dead and make the lame walk using crisis actors, and “heal” a withered hand through Photoshop. I’m sure others can offer many additional suggestions on how “miracles” might be counterfeited.

And without doubt, the Illuminati possess technologies we don’t even know about.

In the Wizard of Oz - thought by many to be an Illuminati mind-control vehicle – the “great and powerful” wizard turned out, in the end, to be an old man pulling levers and speaking into a microphone.  Will the Antichrist, behind his bluff and bluster, turn out to be . . . a computer geek?

All jests aside, followers of God need to be vigilant and discerning. High-tech pseudo-miracles may be forthcoming, in an attempt to deceive us into spiritual destruction.


James Perloff  is author of several books; his latest is Truth Is a Lonely Warrior.

by James Perloff



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  F
DATE:  June 3, 2014
Dear F:
    Who is the Anti-Christ?  That question has been tossed around for centuries.  It is not "who" but "what" is the Anti-Christ that is explained in the Phoenix Journals.  People have been misled for eons as to "who" is or would be the most evil person, therefore, the Anti-Christ, with the understanding that someone would eventually emerge to be the world's leader of evil.
    That "person" or entity would be Satan on Shan, who has now left our planet and at his request was un-created by Creator God Aton of Light.  The Anti-Christ is not a person.  The Anti-Christ is the Spirit of Evil, the Anti-Christness, the Anti-Godness of Light, the Anti-Goodness Spirit that arises from Lucifer/Satan's willful rebellion again Creator God, Goodness and Truth in Heaven eons ago.  Lucifer/Satan brought that Spirit of Evil to Shan, and it has never left.
    The Spirit of Evil shall be conquered and removed from our planet by the Lightworkers, Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Forces of Light.  That shall be happening soon, as the Battle of Armageddon is won.  Armageddon is also spiritual, a decisive battle between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light for Shan, which is now raging in the ethers.
    The Battle of Armageddon is often revealed in the physical in the immense depth of evil we see in various events today.  The Battle is ever more intense as the Anti-Christ, the Spirit of Evil, increases to its climax.  You have no idea what the Forces of Light have done to protect human kind and especially those, who have chosen Goodness, against the Anti-Christ, the Spirit of Evil.
    Be thankful and be at peace, knowing that Goodness shall prevail.  We are in the "End Times".
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
P.S.  Regarding the article "The High Tech Anti-Christ", anything that is against the God of Light and His Laws is part of the Anti-Christ.  You may wish to refer to the four Journal series entitled, "Rise of Anti-Christ", Phoenix Journals #'s 227-230 for further information on this subject.
REF:  Phoenix Journal #227 "Rise of Anti-Christ Vol. 1" :
         Phoenix Journal #228  "Rise of Anti-Chris Vol. 2" :
         Phoenix Journal #229  "Rise of Anti-Christ Vol. 3":
         Phornix Journal #230  "Rise of Anti-Christ Vol. 4" :
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Check out The High Tech Antichrist | Pakalert Press
Thank you, Patrick for your very inspiring response and the references.  I remember reading something about the Antichrist  in  the journals, but could not remember the details. You did some great research.
 I wish Fourwinds had something set up such as Google search with reference to topics we could look up.
Light and Love,